Whether you have app or not, whether you have website or not, PWA is for everyone. With the blur idea of PWA, you would be wondering if PWA is an advanced capable website with the latest protocol, how it could benefit your business. Do you really need it?
Now as you already know the power of PWA apps, the question arises about the need of PWA for your business. Although PWA web app development is for everyone, still there is a question that you must ask your business:
Does your organization have website?

Having a website increases your chance of earning and gaining more profit. This may be bit surprising for you, that how an advanced website can bring your more gains. However, in fact it is true. With the current unrolling of web protocols for business, every website will turn into a PWA. Search engines favor a PWA because it represents the best web practices. Therefore, there are so many PWA development companies rising in market.
Is your business making points on ecommerce website or has an app?

If your business is working with the ecommerce website and generating more revenue. Alternatively, you are having app for your business. PWA is the essential tool for you. It lets your customer add your website to home screen just like an app. This increases the ease to reach and can make a significant revenue for your business.
A PWA does not mean to integrate a very possible feature to your website like enterprise mobility softwares. You website can work in PWA without the functionality of push notification, and other possible features. A bare minimum set of features also work well along with a service worker and manifest file
Still, many of the businesses wonder why they should make effort to convert the current website to a progressive web app. In the end, almost all websites need to work with the recommended PWA protocol. The underlying content management systems are providing an extensive support for the Progressive web apps. This is a plan for future, but for now, if your website is still making the earning for your business, it can really help you if you start planning to convert the website into a progressive web app. The custom software development company, which have converted their websites into powerful, have noticed an increase in conversion ratio, engagement, advertising, and sales. The popular picture-sharing website Pinterest recorded 60 percent more engagement and the revenue through advertisement increased by 44 percent. In comparison to the old website PWA, website development brings:
- 40 percent increase in the time spent over the website.
- 44 percent increase in the advertisement earning.
- 50 percent hike in click through.
- 60 percent more revenue.
Despite of the underlying benefits, many organizations are still hesitating from converting their websites. More or less because of the less knowledge of PWA. There is a lot of confusion about the PWAs, where these apps can be used, how they are put in front of native apps. The confusion raises the doubt and therefore slow adoption rate.
Let's clear some doubt and out focus over commonly rising questions:
Native apps and PWA web app development can coexist:

Often the stakeholders possess more knowledge of native apps. Once the business has native apps, they put very less focus over the PWA. This is because the main selling point of PWA is mainly marketed for enabling the native app functionality. It is very tempting to see the PWA in competition to the native apps. There are multiple resources over the internet that talks for the comparison.
The fact is, that PWA makes a lot of sense regardless of whether you have a native app or not. Instead of making the comparison, let's make focus over the user experience for the customer interacting through the web. A PWA makes more sense on its own merits:
- Helps to reach more customer
- Make your site secure.
- Generate revenue
- Give better User experience
- Notify users for the update
A quick review of the benefits of custom PWA development to native apps:
PWAs are developed quickly. You need not worry about the underlying platforms.
PWAs are easier to install. These offer one-click install without visiting the store. Alongside there is no update required, which is the best feature for enterprise mobility software.
Also, work with the low connection and can be downloaded.
These are easy to update, without having to deal with the app or play store. Even users are not given any pain for update; this is why PWAs are becoming the first choice for custom software development companies.
Easy launch. There is no review process required for the app. Users can download the apps as quickly as the apps are made.
PWAs for business owners:
PWAS are the applications, which work better than the usual web apps. It allows the user to download the app over their phone, which gives an impression of native app. Before PWAs, the only way was to build the web, native apps separately.
Maintain a single app:
Traditionally, the separate codebases are maintained for website, android, and iOS. For the same, developers need to write different business logics, because the sharing of the code is not possible. The current cross platforms such as Xamarin, React Native app development are the solution for the issue. Each platform has its own bugs, which also necessitate separate testing platforms. Overall, the time and resource for developing, maintaining, and testing the app is considerably greater.
PWA is cheaper than the native apps

The cost of an app is directly proportional to the hours of development. The development of PWA takes much less time than the development and publishing of the native app. When publishing the native apps, you need to buy the developer's license from the respective store. Then you need to digitally sign the app, set images and texts for app store. Once the app is submitted, you have to wait for the app to be reviewed.
In case of the initial version, PWAs can be launched in a few minutes. Also sharing the app to the customers is as easy as sharing a link.
Reach more customers:
It is not possible for all your customers to install the native app. The majority of the customers connect with the website. Even an average customer is unlikely to have the app installed. Moreover, the customers who have your native app can still connect you over the website.
Read the blog- Magento PWA is able to provide the opportunity for a new user experience
Providing a better experience on the website increases the chance of better engagement. Customers are more likely to buy the product and take your services. Despite of all the humongous talks about the native apps, the report says that the mobile web has 3 times more customers than web and rising 2 times faster than the mobile app market.
Despite of the fact that people usually like to spend more time on their favorite app than on the web. Still it takes a lot of effort to convince people for downloading an app. According to reports, over 50 percent of the smartphone users rarely download any app in a month. Having an app over the app store does not guarantee the downloads. It demands a lot of effort and the cost to make people download your app, until it is compulsive enterprise mobility software for employees. According to the marketing company, Liftoff, the average cost of making a user download your app costs $4.12, which rises upto $8.21 per install if a person needs to create an account.
Even once the app is downloaded, the next struggle starts with convincing them to continue using that app. According to the reports prepared by analyst Andrew Chen, an app loses its 77 percent of the daily active users within first three days of downloaded, 90 percent in 30 days, and 95 percent of users in 90 days.
On the other hand, the progressive web apps don't pose these challenges in front of custom PWA development companies. These are easy to search and made available immediately. Launching a PWA does not require you to go through the app store and wait for the review process. The installation of the app is fast and happens in the background. The downloading of the PWA is as simple as a click. You need to add to the home screen and the icon is installed over the screen, through which you can reach the latest version of the app.
Overall, the web is still a dominating communication medium and Progressive web apps lead to better engagement and better revenue.
A website is not only a communication medium but also a way to make a deal. If you are collecting the private information of your customers from the website, security is the biggest concern for custom software development companies. Even if your website is not using any private information, then still https is a prudent choice for developers. HTTPS protocol gives a secure experience. The high traffic over the website is the silent invitation for the snooping and breaching. The concerns are always there, where a secured connection ensures safety.
Earlier, the secure server was considered slow, confusing, and costlier, but now things have changed. The costly SSL/TSL certificates are now less expensive and can be integrated with the single click. In fact, HTTPS is not as slow as it seems. The websites working over HTTPS can move to HTTP/2, which is faster than the earlier version HTTP/2. For many hosting providers moving to HTTPS automatically converts to HTTP/2.
Google has put extra emphasis on the integration of HTTPS. Google Chrome browser warns the user while entering into the non-secure website. Other browsers are also looking to follow this suite and flag the unencrypted sites. For promoting the same, some information gathering features are now made restricted only to HTTPS. With the above carrot and stick approach, it makes sense to jump over the HTTPS protocol. It saves your website from showing the "unsecured" warning. One you attain new features from the browser, two of your website load more speedily, and three of your business will prepare for a progressive web app.
For Progressive web apps, this is a prerequisite for your website to be on HTPPS. If you want to reap rewards of PWA, you must ensure that your website must be on a secure platform.
More revenue:
There is a direct connection between the speed of website loading and people engagement time. According to the data, around 53 percent of mobile websites are abandoned if a webpage takes longer than 3 seconds do. For every 100 milliseconds of improval in page load time, there is upto one percent increment in revenue. The fast web experience makes a huge difference to bottom line. Unfortunately, the average website loading time for mobile websites is 19 secs, and here the progressive web app can help.
Read the blog- Why is Demand for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Growing?
PWA uses the service workers for providing an exceptional experience. Service workers let developers define what files the browser should store in the local cache file and under what circumstance the browser check for updates. Files stored in the cache files can be accessed quickly than the files retrieved from networks.
When the client requests a new page from PWA, most of the files are already stored on local devices. This makes the page load instantly because the browser needs to download only the incremental knowledge. The same protocol makes native apps work faster, where they need to retrieve only new data. The service worker allows the PWA to do things in a similar fashion.
Taking the real world example is more astounding. The famous dating app, tinder cuts the load time from 11.91 secs to 4.69 secs, which is 90 percent less than the native apps.
Network reliability:
Generally, the websites are built with an assumption that the user runs with the fast speed 5G connection. The reality is lot different. The mobile networks are always flaky. One moment you are on a fast LTE connection, on other your smartphone slogs with the slow 2G connection. This makes website less competent on the practical ground. With Progressive Web App, the work is almost solved. An app can work even when t is offline. In fact, the technology, which works behind the native apps for fast speed, is also responsible here for PWA performance.
Service workers allow determining, what needs to be stored in cache. Here a developer can decide what must be stored locally, which not only include the asset of app, but also the content. Therefore, that people can view pages even while they are offline. We can preach the shell of application, which downloads the whole application when someone visits the app. Then app can be viewed later.
User engagement:
Push notifications are the greatest medium to keep users engaged. These notifications prompt the users for returning to an app. The nuggets of information sharing now and then attract the attention of users. In addition, chat and social media integration can be integrated for developing the user engagement.
Wrap up:
Progressive web apps are a great medium to adopt functionality, just like a native app. The market analysis proves the PWA to be the game changer for the industry. The increase in sales, higher user engagement, faster loading time, and reach to the wider audience are the greatest benefits. PWA is gradually growing in the right direction and its best is yet to come which will be competitive stuff for react native app development.