Let's see what is new in the world of Android smartphones in 2023. Some recent policy changes are promising.
Interstitial Advertising is Prohibited

It's a huge one. Full-screen ads or interstitials are those irritating pop-ups that take up your entire mobile screen while using apps and playing games. The Coalition for Better Ads has inspired a new change prohibiting unexpected interstitial advertisements. Android desperately needs this after Google ignored the fact that many games and apps abuse advertising platforms by flooding everyone with ads that take up your entire screen when you're not expecting it.
Ads appearing at the start of content or interfering with navigation in the middle will be banned.
This has been an issue on Android for a very long time. While we are hesitant that Google's new rules will be enforced to an acceptable standard (considering that it's taken 10 years to consider banning this type of advertising), it appears that the world will finally move in the right direction. Consumers will soon be safe from the evil tricks used by developers who are abusive, at least when it comes to disruptive full-screen advertisements. This change should have a positive impact on many apps and mobile games.
The Impersonator is no more

Apps that are similar to popular icons or names are available. Still, they are slightly different in order not to be sued. It's a common strategy that has become almost synonymous with online stores like Steam or The Play Store. Google will finally do something against these fakes, which are designed to trick people into installing their cheap apps by accident. Shortly, developers, apps, titles, and branding won't be allowed to imitate entities with which they are not affiliated.
This policy should impact all mobile apps and games since the Play Store has become a dumping ground for blatant imitations. The next step is to enforce the policy uniformly. A drive to eliminate imitators can also affect legitimate content, as seen with YouTube, Google's alternative service. We can only hope that Google's bots can handle the job.
Stop giving Bogus Health Advice

A new policy, which also takes effect August 31, prohibits health advice not in line with the medical consensus. COVID was the driving force behind this new policy, which aims to eliminate any health advice that does not adhere to current medical standards. Some of the COVID false remedies were ridiculous and dangerous in certain cases. We hope this new policy will include pseudoscientific topics like crystal healing, astrology, and apps.
Easy Cancellation of Subscriptions

Google has a quick fix for subscriptions. All apps that offer them will have to provide a clean way to cancel from within the app. Google has a solution for this problem. All apps offering subscriptions must offer an easy way to cancel within their app.
Google's Play Store Settings, Payments & Subscriptions section has offered a simple way to cancel your subscriptions. Google took a while to implement unsubscribe features within apps. Still, at least we all can take solace in the fact that after September 30, every game and app will have to offer a simple and quick way to cancel subscriptions directly through the app.
VPNs do not Collect or Manipulate Data

Beginning November 1, VPN apps that want to establish a secure device-level tunnel to a distant server, a key function of a VPN, will need to adhere to new rules that prohibit data tapping (how did this not exist before? The new policies also prohibit redirects, manipulation, and data taking. It's also worrying that Google's new policies state that VPNs cannot manipulate ads or affect app monetization. This sounds like Google wants to go after adblockers who use VPNs to remove advertisements from web pages and apps.
We'll need to wait until the end of November to find out how Google will implement this policy, but it sounds more like a move to benefit Google AdSense and its ads than to help consumers. The no-tracking may be nice, but it is not enforceable because nobody can tell if VPNs are logging server data. This new policy will ban many ad blockers who use VPNs for ad hiding.
It looks like Google will continue to insist on blocking ad blockers in Android so that it will start a new round of the whack-a-mole game this November.
No Longer Can Third Parties Receive User-Sensitive Data

We're also shocked that this change wasn't already a policy. After November 1, what Google calls stalker won't be permitted on Android. Apps that collect sensitive information cannot send it to third parties without the consent of their users. This means they must ask for your permission before sending this information.
Apps that offer surveillance but are spying applications for hidden cameras would be included. There are no hidden camera apps in the Play Store. The new policy seems to be laying the groundwork for the future by catching the few remaining "surveillance apps" after November.
Children Deserve more Protection

It's an instant change that has already been implemented. Any app that distributes content promoting child abuse or exploitation will be removed from the Play Store. This excellent move will prevent any app from being used to groom or traffic children. It's not new for digital media to prey on children. Still, real threats to the safety of individuals cannot be tolerated by a Google-licensed platform.
Apps that can be installed remotely using filters

This update allows you to browse multiple app libraries and install them from your Android device. It's useful for those with multiple Play Store-compatible devices or who want to see what can be downloaded on future purchases. This update allows for more experimentation and is especially useful for compatible smartwatches or smart TVs. It can also increase the exposure of some Android apps in your car.
Play Games has expanded its range

Play Games is a service that was good from the start. It allowed users to compare their game progress and get achievements. They could also compete in leaderboards. Its scope has expanded to include even more games. Play Games is a mobile game that gives users more control. You can play games without downloading them, filter games by genre, save your progress, and even have the option of recording footage. The platform's features are similar to emulators. However, it is enhanced for mobile games.
Download and install faster with improved reliability

Google wants to improve the speed of downloads and installations. This update is great for both users and developers. For many, the speed at which they can get to an app matters. This particular tool is problematic because it depends on factors Google does not control. These include your data speed and internet connection, the device settings, or the application size. Google isn't doing much to help, even though these factors directly correlate to download speed and installation stability. It can only fix the annoying sounds on its side. Both consumers and developers will still welcome a slight upgrade.
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Data Sensitivity Rules are Tightened

These data sensitivity rules, part of Google's FLAG_SECURE statement, make it more difficult to mishandle private information by closing certain system loopholes. The FLAG_SECURE statement prevents sensitive data from being taken in screenshots or shared without following the Play Store terms of service. This declaration can be found on store pages for apps that deal with banking, legal agreements, medical data, etc. Google's protection of our data against fraudsters is a good thing.The cost of developing a mobile app has risen due to all of these testing and analyses.
The policy impacts both existing developers and new ones

The modifications in the review procedure for Android applications in the Google Play store have resulted in significant changes for both new and current developers.
However, it is still reasonably doable for established developers, who are mostly Android app development companies. As current developers, they already have other applications in the store that are working smoothly, therefore confidence is already generated in them because their prior apps include no dangerous factors and have trusted public ratings.
Your innovation drives our shared success, but it also comes with responsibility. Together, these Developer Program Policies and the Developer Distribution Agreement ensure we deliver innovative, trusted apps from around the globe to more than a billion users through Google Play. Please explore the policies listed below.
Restricted Content
Google Play is used by people from around the globe to download apps and play games. Ask yourself before submitting your app if it is suitable for Google Play and complies with local laws.
Child Abuse
Google Play will remove apps that don't prohibit creating, uploading, or distributing content that promotes child exploitation and abuse. All child abuse material is included. Click Report Abuse to report any content that you find on Google products. Don't hesitate to contact your local agency if you discover content on other websites.
Apps that endanger the safety of children are not allowed. We prohibit the use of any app that promotes predatory behavior toward children.
- Interaction is inappropriately directed at a child, such as groping and caressing.
- Child grooming is interacting with a minor online to initiate sexual activity, whether online or off, and exchange sexual images.
- Sexualization of minors (for instance, images that encourage, depict, or promote the sexual abuse or exploitation of children or portray children in a way that may lead to sexual exploitation).
- Sextortion is the threat or blackmail of a minor using intimate pictures.
- Child trafficking (for instance, the advertising of or solicitation of a child in order to exploit them sexually for commercial purposes).
Suppose we learn of any content that contains child abuse material. In that case, we will act appropriately, including reporting it to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Don't hesitate to contact local police and a child protection organization listed below if you suspect a child has been abused, exploited, or trafficked.
Apps that are aimed at children but have adult themes, such as but not only:
- Apps that are excessively violent, gory, or bloody.
- Apps that encourage or depict harmful and hazardous activities.
Apps that portray for entertainment plastic surgery, weight loss, or other cosmetic changes to the physical appearance of a person are also not allowed.
Unsuitable Content
We have created standards that define and prevent content that may be harmful to our users.
Profanity and Sexual Content
Apps that promote or contain sexual or offensive content, such as pornography or other services or content intended for sexual pleasure, are not allowed. Apps or content on apps that promote or encourage a sexual act for payment are not allowed. Apps that promote or contain content associated with sexually predatory behaviors or those which distribute sexually explicit content are not allowed. Nudity-containing content is allowed as long as it is used for educational, documentary, or scientific purposes and not to be gratuitous.
Users in one region may have access to an app containing content violating this policy, while users from other regions will not.
Examples of Common Violations:
- The depiction of sexual nudity or sexually suggestive pose in which the subject's clothing is minimal, blurred, or nude.
- Sexually suggestive poses, sexually depicted body parts, sexually animated or illustrated sex act illustrations, animations, and drawings.
- The content that is sexually explicit or functionally sexual, such as sex aids, sexual themes, and illegal sexual themes.
- The content of the app or store listings that are lewd, profane, slurs, or explicit include adult/sexual words, profanity, and explicit texts.
- The content that encourages or depicts animal cruelty.
- Sugar dating is an app that encourages sex entertainment or escort service.
- Apps that degrade people and objectify them, such as apps that claim they can see through clothes or undress people. This is true even when the app has been labeled as an entertainment or prank app.
- If you see content or behaviors that are sexually explicit or threatening, report it.
Read the blog- Google has released a new Android standard for enterprise mobility management (EMM) providers
Hate speech
Apps that incite violence or hatred towards individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability (including age), nationality, veteran's status, sexuality, gender, identity or gender expression, caste, or immigration status are not allowed.
Certain countries may block apps that contain EDSA content (Educational, Documentary, Scientific, and Artistic) that is related to Nazis, according to local laws.
Here are some examples of violations that occur frequently:
- Speech or content implying a protected group is inferior, inhuman, or deserving of hatred.
- Apps containing hateful insults, stereotypical ideas, or theories that a group protected by law has negative traits (e.g., malicious, corrupted, evil, etc.) Or, explicitly or implicitly, the app claims that the protected group poses a danger.
- Speech or content that encourages others to think people are to be denigrated or treated unfairly because they belong to a protected class.
- The content promotes symbols of hatred, such as symbols, flags, emblems, or paraphernalia, and behaviors associated with hate groups.
Apps that promote or depict gratuitous violence or engage in potentially dangerous behaviors are prohibited. In general, apps that show fictional violence within the context of games, like cartoons, fishing, or hunting, are allowed.
Examples of Common Violations:
- Describe or show graphic violence or threats of a violent attack on any animal or person.
- Apps that promote suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, or other actions that may lead to serious injury or even death.
The content of terrorists
Google Play does not allow terrorist groups to use apps for recruitment or other purposes.
Apps that contain content promoting terrorism or celebrating terrorist attacks are not allowed. Please provide EDSA context when posting any content related to terrorism, whether for educational, documentary, or scientific purposes.
Organizations and movements that are dangerous
Google Play does not allow any movement or organization that has engaged, planned, or taken responsibility for violent acts against civilians, to create apps for any reason, including recruiting.
Apps glorifying violence, planning, preparing, or encouraging violence against civilians are prohibited. Your app must include such content to fulfill an EDSA-related purpose.
Special Events
Apps that are either insensitive or capitalize on a sensitive situation with a significant social, cultural, or political impact, like civil emergencies, disasters, health crises, conflict, death, or any other tragedy, will not be allowed. Content related to a specific event is generally permitted if it has EDSA value (Educational, Documentary, Scientific, and Artistic) or aims to raise user awareness or alert them to the event.
Examples of Common Violations:
- A lack of empathy for the deaths of real people or groups of persons due to natural causes, suicides, drug overdoses, etc.
- Negating the existence of an important, tragic, and well-documented event.
- It is not a good idea to appear to benefit from an event with a high emotional value, but the victims can't see it.
- Article on Apps in Contravention of Requirements for coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19).
Bullying, Harassment
Apps that promote or contain threats, bullying, or harassment are prohibited.
You can find examples of violations in:
- Bullying of victims in international or religious conflict
- Content intended to exploit other people, such as extortion or blackmail.
- Public humiliation through posting content.
- Harassing the victims or their families and friends after a tragedy.
Dangerous Products
Apps that promote the purchase of firearms or ammunition are not allowed.
- Accessories that simulate automatic firing or allow a gun to be converted to automatic mode are restricted. (e.g., bump stocks, auto sears, conversion kits, etc.). Also, magazines and belts with over 30 cartridges or rounds may not be used.
Apps that give instructions on how to make explosives, guns, ammunition, and restricted accessories for firearms or weapons are not allowed. Instructions on how to make a gun fire automatically or simulate automatic firing are included.
Apps that promote the sale of cannabis or marijuana-related products are not allowed, irrespective of their legality.
Here are some common examples of violations:
- Users can order marijuana via an app shopping cart.
- Helping customers arrange for marijuana delivery or pickup.
- Facilitating the sale of products containing THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol), including products such as CBD oils containing THC.
Smoking and alcohol
Apps that promote the use or illegal sale of alcohol, tobacco, or e-cigarettes are not allowed.
Here are some examples of violations that occur frequently:
- Illegally promoting the sale or use of tobacco or alcohol to minors.
- Insinuating smoking tobacco will improve your social, sexual, or professional standing, intellectual, athletic, or even intellectual-related status.
- The positive portrayal of binge drinking, excessive or competitive drinking, and the like.
Financial Services
Apps that are harmful or deceptive will not be allowed.
Financial products and services include personalized advice and those related to managing or investing money, including cryptocurrencies.
You must adhere to state and local laws for all regions and countries that you target if your app promotes or contains financial services and products. For example, local laws may require specific disclosures.
Binary Options
Apps that allow users to trade binary options are not allowed.
Apps that mine crypto on mobile devices are not allowed. Apps that allow remote mining are allowed.
Personal Loans
Personal loans are non-recurring money lending from an individual or organization to a consumer. They are not used for financing the purchase of fixed assets or education. Consumers of personal loans need to know about features, costs, payment schedules, risks, and benefits to make an informed decision about taking out a loan.
- Examples: personal loans, payday loans, peer-to-peer loans, title loans
- Examples not included are mortgages, auto loans, and revolving credit lines (such as personal and credit cards).
The app must disclose this information as part of the metadata.
- The maximum and minimum period of repayment
- APR (Annual Percentage Maximum) is a rate that includes the interest rate, fees, and costs over 365 days.
- The total loan cost, which includes the principal plus all fees applicable.
- Privacy policies that disclose the collection, access, use, and sharing of sensitive and personal user data.
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What is all this talk about policy?
Google does not make any statements regarding its services, and it is nice to know the company makes an effort to inform us before any new policies are implemented. The policies may sound good on paper, but the real test will come when implemented.
It may seem that Google wants to catch up with Apple's pro-consumer policies and data collection, which could be true. Google's insistence on using bots to make changes instead of human feedback will never be able to match Apple's. Google is known to be a stubborn company.
It's not impossible that Google could be in the wrong. We may be being overly pessimistic. All the promises made by the company in its recent policy update are an encouraging step forward. They may be an effort to redeem themselves. No one would be happier than we are. So, while we're still skeptical about the positive outcome of all these changes, we hope to continue seeing more policies in 2023 that protect and look after those who need it most. It's a good idea to resolve for the new year. If you have any concerns, we cisin a web development company will help you.