Boost ROI with APM: Adopt Performance Monitoring!

An effective application performance monitor must provide administrators with access to tools that monitor infrastructure, user experience and dependencies among different applications - providing administrators with the information they need to detect, isolate and correct problems impacting an app's performance.

IT professionals can use the performance metrics generated by APM tools for one application or multiple running on one system to isolate potential causes for any issues they might be encountering. APM tools collect information such as client CPU usage, memory requirements, data throughput rates and bandwidth consumption rates in addition to collecting additional metrics like client CPU utilization rates.

What is APM For?

What is APM For?

Application availability and performance are paramount to businesses if they wish to continue uninterrupted operations and offer customers an optimal user experience. APM platforms enable organizations to track the app's performance against business results while quickly fixing and isolating errors before users experience them, decreasing average repair times in a turn and enhancing user satisfaction and overall business productivity.

APM tools measure virtually everything that affects an application's performance. Beginning with its hosting platform and mine data on process usage to memory requirements and disk read/write speeds, they even keep tabs on processor usage (the number of CPU operations performed per second).

Memory consumption will affect application performance if memory requirements become excessive. APM measures how much information is stored in short-term memory on processors. APM software tools monitor error rates or instances when an application encounters problems due to inaccessible memory resources; an error could occur because an application cannot access sufficient amounts. APM monitoring tools also monitor code execution to detect bottlenecks during memory-intensive processes like searching databases.

IT professionals may be deceived by automated load-balancing software that creates the illusion that everything is going as it should due to how its performance averages out across servers. Automation could cover up issues where some servers carry more weight than others; to counter this potential pitfall, IT pros can use APM software that tracks multiple servers concurrently and pinpoint any source of potential trouble spots.

Why is APM Important?

Why is APM Important?

Application performance monitoring offers enterprises many benefits, from improved organizational efficiency and brand reputation, to reduced long-term costs and enhanced collaboration and cooperation in application delivery, with front-end monitoring aiding in monitoring UX.

Back-end monitoring encompasses monitoring services and dependencies used by an application - for instance, a database. Infrastructure monitoring in any form helps ensure all software apps run seamlessly on infrastructure configured correctly - eliminating silos through APM is key for smooth application delivery.

Reliable and accessible applications can do wonders for an organization's brand and reputation. Users will not be pleased if they cannot access it or if it responds poorly, leading them to abandon it, resulting in lower usage, slower adoption of apps, and reduced revenues. It would be prudent for businesses that rely heavily on software applications or services like this one to check that everything is running as it should before using these applications in their business operations.

Cost and revenue go hand-in-hand; maintaining and troubleshooting applications costs money; fixing software or infrastructure issues that affect availability will cost even more, while monitoring can detect problems faster to allow quick correction, sometimes before their user even knows of an issue being present - APM costs may even offset by reduced time or money spent troubleshooting or experiencing unnecessary downtime for applications.

An Application Performance Monitor for cloud native, modern environments expands observability to include service response time and performance observability, which enables organizations to optimize user experiences at a modern computing scale. Intelligent observability enables these organizations to enhance the user experience at a modern computing scale.

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What Does APM Mean?

What Does APM Mean?

APM refers to the practice of monitoring software applications to track key performance metrics using monitoring software, telemetry and data. APM practitioners utilize APM to enhance user experiences, ensure system availability, reduce response times and maximize service quality. Monitoring mobile applications, business applications, and websites has long been used for performance purposes.

Today's digitally connected world carries more monitoring possibilities than just applications - monitoring can include services, processes and hosts as well as logs and networks as well as end users such as customers or employees logging in or accessing these tools - this session from Perform 2023 Conference "Improve Application Performance with AI-powered Exploratory Analytics" offers another perspective of application performance enhancement with AI.

What Does APM Stand For?

What Does APM Stand For?

APM is an acronym for Application Performance Monitor. APM is a term that has many meanings:

  • Monitoring of applications
  • Monitoring application performance.
  • App performance management.
  • Application performance
  • Performance Monitoring

Application performance management encompasses the development and management of an application strategy. These terms all refer to similar technologies and practices.

Why Do We Need APM?

Why Do We Need APM?

Digital teams use APM tools to identify and address variables affecting an app's performance, helping teams identify issues quickly so customers don't abandon apps due to poor experiences. These solutions also assist teams with solving customer support queries more quickly.

Customers rely on apps daily to manage finances, shop online stores, stream TV and movies online, access social media platforms like Facebook and stay in contact with friends. In today's age of remote working, these applications become even more vital; users become disgruntled if an application doesn't load enough or crashes quickly, leading to lost revenues or damage to brand equity; this frustration could cause businesses to incur money loss as a result of lost productivity or brand harm caused by failing applications within their organization.

Digital teams may struggle to pinpoint the source of performance issues. Possible culprits could range from database issues or errors in code writing, network or hosting issues, device conflicts and OS issues; even conflicts between applications themselves and operating systems or devices themselves could compromise its efficiency.

Business apps, mobile apps and websites may appear simple but, in actuality, are highly complex systems composed of millions of lines of code with interconnections to open-source and digital services running across containerized environments spanning multiple cloud providers.

What Does APM Do?

What Does APM Do?

APM is now a broad spectrum of technologies and uses. "Application Performance Monitoring is a monitoring suite comprising Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM), Application Discovery, Tracing and Diagnostics, as well as purpose-built Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations."

APM Core Solution

APM Core Solution

Application Performance Monitoring is a report that provides an overview of APM capabilities. The following capabilities are the benchmark for APM today:

  • Automated discovery and mapping: For applications and their infrastructure components to maintain awareness and real-time visibility of dynamic environments
  • End-to-end observability: It is a way of observing the complete HTTP/S transactional behavior of an application in order better to understand its impact on user experience and business outcomes.
  • Monitoring mobile and desktop applications: It is used to monitor the user experience on desktop and mobile browsers.
  • Analysis of root causes and impacts: For application performance issues and business outcomes to provide faster and more reliable incident response
  • Integrate and automate using service management tools, third-party resources and to keep up with an evolving infrastructure.
  • User journey and business KPI analysis: To improve user experience and transparency in how changes affect KPIs
  • Endpoint Monitoring: To understand the impact of mobile applications on endpoint devices and to identify problems with these devices
  • Monitoring Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): Maximizing the Productivity of Employees Using VDI

They are useful in many different areas. These are some of the more common capabilities:

  • API Monitoring: To understand the impact of third-party services on application performance
  • Application Architecture: Gain insights on how changes in application architecture impact user experience and performance.
  • Monitoring: It is a way to monitor the performance of an application and understand its impact.
  • Container Monitoring: Helps understand context and impact on individual containers
  • Monitoring of end-user experiences: Helps you to understand the impact that changes in applications have on your users

What is the Benefit of APM to You?

What is the Benefit of APM to You?

APM provides businesses with increased intelligence and visibility into application performance and its dependencies. This allows them to identify and fix performance problems before they affect real users. APM offers a growing list of business and technical benefits.

Benefits of Technical

APM tools and practices can provide a variety of benefits to business, operations, development, and application teams:

  • Application stability and availability are improved.
  • Performance incidents reduced.
  • Performance problems can be resolved faster.
  • Software releases that are faster and of higher quality.
  • Infrastructure utilization improved

Concrete Business Benefits

APM is a solution that can benefit both those in the boardroom and those who are on the front of DevOps. Benefits for business include:

  • Productivity gains for developers and operators.
  • Spending more time on innovations.
  • Better user experiences.
  • Increase revenue.
  • Costs of operation are reduced.
  • Conversion rates can be increased.

Benefits of Soft Business

Long-time users report APM has provided them with unexpected yet significant advantages. One such benefit is being able to collaborate more effectively; A good APM tool delivers new insights, reliable intelligence, and a greater sense of trust across teams within your company - helping applications, operations and development teams align more quickly when issues arise.

Teams can respond more rapidly with enhanced collaboration, eliminating tedious war room meetings. Leaders also experience higher employee job satisfaction rates which lead to better retention rates for staff.

Read More: Importance of Application Modernization Solutions

Why Cloud-Native Applications Make APM Challenging

Why Cloud-Native Applications Make APM Challenging

APM's advantages have long been recognized, yet cloud native applications make implementing it harder than before. Cloud native apps generate far more telemetry due to microservices that dynamically start/suspend in the background - this results in even more data being created than before. Microservices often last only briefly before disbanding again and creating their data, which makes identifying critical events within an application's infrastructure more challenging.

Cloud-native apps produce various forms of information; serverless systems generate different telemetry than databases or virtual machines do; however, companies must still centrally manage and normalize all this information quickly as data continues to accrue. Another issue lies with the speed of data generation.

Cloud native apps that consist of many microservices collect more data more rapidly, creating greater complexity when managing cloud native applications than with monolithic solutions. Due to these factors, APM in cloud native apps presents unique challenges.

APM Tools Vs APM Platforms

APM Tools Vs APM Platforms

What are APM Tools?

APM software typically targets specific aspects of performance for increased insight into problems and to identify particular issues. Still, many organizations find themselves using multiple APM solutions which don't always collaborate or give an overall perspective of their application environments.

What is an APM Platform?

APM platforms provide organizations with a consolidated, intelligent solution for monitoring all aspects of an application environment in real-time using AI and automation for context-aware and precise analyses of its ecosystem. APM allows organizations to constantly observe all layers to detect any system degradation or performance anomalies quickly.

Cloud-native applications generate vast quantities of data, leading to an explosion of tools and platforms for performance monitoring. Organizations looking for application performance monitoring (APM) software have two approaches available to them when choosing APM solutions: teams can opt to deploy point solutions manually or through deployment by default or design, or use an enterprise platform that offers comprehensive coverage of layers and scenarios within an app's environment - these platform solutions offer modern APM strategies which have advantages both locally and macro scale.

Point Solutions

Point solutions monitor specific components, providing benefits in specific use cases. Companies often rely on Grafana's metrics visualization in one dashboard. At the same time, Jaeger provides distributed traceability capabilities - both are highly tailored toward specific environments. Point solutions may also assist teams looking to solve specific issues related to Kubernetes environments while being cost-effective solutions.

Challenges of Point Solutions

Point solutions only give limited views, as it makes pinpointing performance issues harder. They only cover one application at once and may miss "cause-and-effect" issues such as microservice failure causing increased CPU consumption which in turn results in unnecessary finger-pointing, troubleshooting efforts, money and time lost.

These solutions may have limited scope and can create silos between teams that lead to disagreement over metrics or service level objectives, leading to inefficiency or even blame when teams use different tools or information sources.

The Advantages Of An APM Platform-Based Approach

Some industry analysts contend that APM is a legacy technology, dating back to monolithic software written before microservices and open-source technologies like Git. While this might be true for traditional APM solutions, many contemporary solutions provide capabilities comparable to these legacy ones.

Cyber Infrastructure Inc, designed for cloud native environments and using an automated and easy deployment model, can offer coverage across an entire stack. This includes point solutions. Utilizing "agentless data capture" (for applications that do not support agent deployment models) as well as APIs can expand coverage over a hybrid multi-cloud network.

Broad spectrum observability provides for an overall view across various environments, providing continuous discovery and monitoring as well as proactive anomaly detection prioritized according to business impact. AI and Continuous Automation are two essential features in modern APM platforms. Such platforms must have the capacity to analyze vast amounts of real-time data in real-time quickly, monitor for performance issues or degradation anomalies and offer precise answers in real-time.

The Many APM Forms

The Many APM Forms

APM comes in various forms, from infrastructure monitoring and network monitoring, through log analysis to container tracking via cloud or synthetically. Many companies utilize multiple monitoring tools concurrently when managing legacy apps using tools familiar to them - while this might seem easier initially, eventually, it can cause headaches that become costly to resolve over time. An APM with full-stack visibility offers one comprehensive monitoring solution.

Full-Stack Monitoring

Organizations increasingly recognize the necessity of adopting a comprehensive monitoring strategy as the only means of providing complete insight into issues, regardless of their source. Full stack monitoring offers this visibility - covering everything from application performance and infrastructure health monitoring - enabling organizations to easily see all components interdependently working and get faster answers for all their inquiries.

Requirement for Application Performance Monitoring Strategy

Requirement for Application Performance Monitoring Strategy

The following are some of the requirements for an APM strategy:

Monitor the End User Experience

Digital experience monitoring is the process of observing how a program behaves when viewed from a user's point of view. This monitoring looks for sluggishness or downtime as well as bugs and problems. The end-user experience is monitored actively with synthetic monitoring or passively with real-user tracking.

Dynamic Architecture Display

The Service Map is a map that shows the connections between all components of an application. APM tools can automatically detect these dependencies in real-time scenarios. They then interact with them and update them. Data presented in visual form simplifies the process of detecting problems.


The transaction profiling process, which is also called code-level profiling or performance profiling by some, analyzes each user's transactions and isolates those interactions that are causing performance issues. You can track the user from front to back using tracing. You'll then be able to pinpoint which line of code or database query is slowing the program down.

Transaction Tracing

Common performance issues include memory leaks, network delays, virtualization bottlenecks and more. Infrastructure monitoring has become necessary to maintain performance.

IT Operations Analytics

IT Operations Analytics involves evaluating data to identify usage patterns, trends and performance problems so you can better prepare yourself for situations that are similar before they get claustrophobic.

Benefits of an Advanced APM Platform

Benefits of an Advanced APM Platform

Cyber Infrastructure Inc.'s software intelligence platform offers all-in-one advanced observability to support APM for business, operation, and application use cases. AI-assisted teams can automate their operations, deliver software quicker, and achieve better business results. Cyber Infrastructure Inc.'s AI engine, provides real-time answers to complicated questions.

Cloud Observability

Cyber Infrastructure Inc. 's APM solution offers complete observability for cloud environments at any scale or context - featuring metrics for performance, logs & traces, user behavior & experience data, as well as entity relationships; it even incorporates open-source standards like OpenTelemetry into the mix.

Continuous Automation

Organizations operating cloud native environments cannot manually manage, configure, script and source their data - they must instead automate all these tasks to ensure proper performance. Cyber Infrastructure Inc automates deployment, configuration and discovery while optimizing performance - Cyber Infrastructure's continuous and automatic observer-analyzer-answer provider-prioritizer doesn't even need teaching; it knows everything it needs to.

Assistance for AI

AI-assisted teams are empowered by AI because of its productivity and efficiency benefits to companies. Provides real-time answers that support proactive performance improvement and problem resolution for performance issues at your workplace. Customers report increased effectiveness and power among teams that help resolve performance issues quickly for an organization.

Collaboration Between Teams

Cyber Infrastructure Inc. was designed for large-scale enterprise deployments. Thanks to its easy navigation and unlimited user base, businesses can break down silos quickly with this unified platform and advanced analytics solution providing one source of truth across biz, operations, app, and development teams. As a result, teams can deliver better results faster with minimal friction.

Business Analytics And User Experience

Experience and outcomes are vital, whether delivering mobile applications to end-users or IoT devices to customers - or behind-the-scenes web apps. With Cyber Infrastructure Inc's Platform's API and edge devices, teams can link user experiences directly with KPIs and business outcomes such as revenue or conversion rates; companies can deliver more efficient digital business results across their entire channel portfolio using real-time insights into KPIs as well as answers at hand for more efficient digital business performance results.

APM Deliver A Superior User Experience

APM Deliver A Superior User Experience

Customer expectations of reliable and satisfying user experiences continue to increase, necessitating organizations to have an effective application performance monitor that gives greater insights into any underlying problems that might be occurring.

Advanced performance monitoring solutions that offer full-stack monitoring and improved root cause analysis provide organizations with increased insight into performance issues. Such an APM solution equips digital teams with all of the capabilities required to address priority issues effectively while offering exceptional user experiences.

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Visit Cyber Infrastructure Inc.'s Software Intelligence Platform demonstration today and see how Cyber Infrastructure can provide exceptional user experiences through APM services. Watch as Cyber Infrastructure monitors mainframes, clouds and mobile applications at once with its APM solution.