Maximize Impact with Cost-Effective Cloud-Native Development!

Cloud native applications are not native to Cloud Optimization, but rather use components that can be used for its development and deployment. Cloud computing is used to deliver software applications using the "cloud native" method. It is not so much about "where" an application was developed, but more "how".

A native cloud application, then, is one that has been developed using cloud-based technology and hosted and managed entirely in the cloud. It has been developed, tested and deployed using cloud technologies.

Cloud Native Applications: Characteristics To Look For

Cloud Native Applications: Characteristics To Look For

Cloud-native applications will have all servers, databases and software in the cloud. On-premise is the opposite of cloud native - an app that's hosted in and operated at a business location.

The cloud-native approach is a way to build applications that are optimized for the cloud, or modernize them using application modernization. The key pillars are used to quickly build applications, with a focus on resiliency and best-in class solutions.

These applications have four distinct characteristics:

  • They emphasize flexibility and agility first, which leads to increased performance and security and an enhanced customer experience.
  • It is now possible to customize, apply new features and perform changes faster.
  • These systems are not monolithic, but rather modular, taking full advantage of multiple cloud infrastructures, and frameworks.
  • They are composed of discrete, reusable components, called microservices. These have been designed to be integrated into any type of cloud environment.

What Is Cloud Native Infrastructure?

What Is Cloud Native Infrastructure?

Infrastructure includes operating systems, configuration managers, data centers, and many other features that support the lifecycle of an application. Cloud-native infrastructure as a service is a key component of successful running cloud applications.

Cloud-native Infrastructure is therefore the combination of hardware and applications that run and support those apps which draw their power from the cloud, and exist only in the cloud. It also has some notable features:

  • Automation made easy with API-driven procedures.
  • Environments with auto-scaling, failover and automatic scaling built in.
  • Continuous deployment with CI/CD support.
  • Support infrastructure is a code with repeatable deployment patterns.

Why is it necessary? Even the most cloud-native of applications will fail if the correct practices are not in place. Cloud-native architecture is being implemented by enterprises to overcome this problem. Cloud technologies can be a great asset to an organization, but it must integrate them immediately into their business.

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Cloud Native Infrastructure: Building Blocks

Cloud Native Infrastructure: Building Blocks

Cloud-native applications must be built and operated in a progressive manner. It is also important to use cloud-native architectural principles in order to produce the highest quality products. There are now four main building blocks for cloud native architecture. They are:


It is true that it takes a close collaboration between the developers and the operational managers in order to provide high-quality apps for the customer. It creates an environment where software development, creation, building, testing and release are done frequently.


These are another way to create packaged applications. They contain libraries and application processes without the need of an operating system. It is true that fewer servers are needed to run several application instances, which results in significant cost savings. It also helps with better portability and faster deployment.


It is necessary to have an orchestrator after setting up containers. This will help them run apps continuously. The orchestrator tells the containers how to be run, fixed and what they need. Kubernetes also wins the race to support container orchestrators. It will eventually handle the majority of load-balancing between hosts, as well as removing and reinstating containers.


The last part of the app that makes it run more smoothly. It helps developers create cloud native apps faster. App development can be done by dividing developers into smaller groups. Each team is responsible for coding the app, without impacting other aspects of the project.

Next, we will need to look at the Migration to cloud.

What Is Cloud-Native?

What Is Cloud-Native?

Cloud-native apps are a challenging environment, but it is also simple. We will try to make it all clear by explaining how the various parts work together. The four architectural plans all contain multiple technologies to help developers create a cloud system that is constantly evolving. They are:

App Software Development Layer

The key is to define the Microservices role in a cloud-based platform. Deploy them and apply software patterns for a system that evolves continuously. We are discussing patterns, and the communication between applications.

Service Scaling (Knative)

Knative Autoscaling, also called Service Scaling or Knative autoscaling, is used by the applications to scale up in response to incoming commands. It means that resources are optimized even when the application is not being used. Cloud-native applications are fully utilized to the maximum.

Application Network (Service Mesh)

This is one of most common cloud-native architectural patterns that are widely used in microservices environments. Its presence allows for a more uniformed control of communication by enterprises, which increases the chances of better observation. DevOps uses it to guarantee high security, better policies for roll out, and less recovery from failure.

Domain-Driven Design

When developing apps for cloud-native technology, there's a certain principle to follow. Business users and developers are able to interact effectively, and can set up boundaries that will help segment business requirements into more manageable ones. DDD has a very important feature; it works in continuous integration mode.

Agile Integration

This software acts in a way as a mediator between DDD and Microservices. It is also at the forefront, which helps enterprises define app development in terms of different functionalities and their deployment. It also has three important responsibilities.

a. Core:

The microservices that use business logic and domain capabilities are included in this category.

b. Composite

This is a way to move an event in the right format from one location to another.

c. Control & Dispatch

This allows for greater insight in the business's control of the system. Next, we'll analyze what 'Native" means in Cloud-Native.

Native Means What In Cloud Native?

Native Means What In Cloud Native?

Native application is a type of software that's created by developers to be compatible with a specific device or platform. A native application is not only compatible with one operating system but also has the ability to make full use of software specific to that device. It also offers outstanding features such as GPS, mobile cloud applications that work across different systems.

Mobile web apps can be written for a particular device platform. Google Android and Apple iOS are the two major mobile operating systems. Native apps work the same way on any device or platform. An iOS app written in Objective-C can also be used to create Android native apps, whose code is written in Java.

Cloud Native Applications: 10 key attributes

Cloud Native Applications: 10 key attributes

These ten attributes are common to each of them:

  1. Applications are loosely coupled. The application's runtime allows services to find one another, but they are independent of each other. The elastic architecture and applications scale out efficiently and with high performance when you integrate them correctly.
  2. The applications can be deployed using a virtual infrastructure that is elastic, self-service and shared. The applications are able to align themselves with the infrastructure and adjust dynamically according to changing loads.
  3. The server or operating system is not dependent on them. They are not centered around a specific machine or OS. They operate at a high abstraction level. If a microservice requires specific capabilities, such as graphics processing units or solid state drives (SSDs), only a small subset of machines will be able to provide.
  4. Agile DevOps manages the lifecycle of each application separately. Developers can have several continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines working in tandem, deploying and managing cloud native applications.
  5. These services are packaged in lightweight containers that contain a number of independent, autonomous services. Containers can scale up and down quickly, unlike virtual machines. The use of infrastructure is optimized by shifting to containers.
  6. The best frameworks and languages are used to develop each application service. The applications use a variety of languages, frameworks and runtimes. You could, for example, build a streaming real-time service based upon WebSockets and Node.js. The API would be exposed in Python. This method of developing microservices allows you to choose the best language and framework depending on the task.
  7. Cloud native services are centered around lightweight APIs that allow interaction and collaboration. These APIs can be based on NATS, REST or Google's open-source Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) protocol. NATS has publish-subscribe functionality that allows for asynchronous communication in the application. The REST protocol is used by developers and programmers to expose APIs via HTTP. gRPC is used for its performance and to allow services to communicate.
  8. Applications are designed with clear distinctions between stateless services and stateful ones, since they exist separately. The pattern of persistent and durable services is different, ensuring greater availability and resilience.
  9. The infrastructure-as-code concept allows them to be more automated. Large and complex applications do require some level of automation.
  10. Finally, native cloud applications align with the governance models that have been defined by a set of fixed allocation policies. These policies include storage and CPU quotas, as well as network policies that allocate resources.

Cloud Native Apps Have Many Advantages

Cloud Native Apps Have Many Advantages

We will go over the benefits of a cloud native environment. Here are the benefits:

Faster Release

DevOps is essential as it's the only place where software can be transformed using automation. Cloud-native infrastructure is able to support this.

Read More: Why is Cloud Computing The Backbone For IoT?

Easy Management

Cloud-native is a great way to manage infrastructure with minimal effort. Thanks to serverless platforms like the Azure feature, you don't have to be concerned about networking configuration or allocation of storage.

Cost Reduction

Containers within native apps allow for the management of applications in a secure and independent manner. Kubernetes is also used to manage resources effectively in Cloud Optimization.

Reliable System

Kubernetes, microservices and other approaches like these help create a fault-tolerant system that is self-healing. It can be isolated and not affect entire applications even in the case of a failure.

Cloud-Native vs. Cloud-Based vs. Cloud-Agnostic

Cloud-Native vs. Cloud-Based vs. Cloud-Agnostic

The three words may sound similar, but they have different meanings:

  • A cloud app was originally built on-premises servers, but it has now been rebuilt to run in the cloud.
  • A Cloud-native Application is designed to be run in the cloud using cloud-based technology. However, it depends on features and tools specific to a particular cloud platform, such as AWS or Azure, so it can only work on this platform.
  • Cloud-agnostic applications do not depend on features specific to a cloud platform. They can be used on any platform and you are able to easily move them from one service to another. However, the cost of building cloud platform features is higher.

Cloud-native Development: The Key Pillars

Cloud-native Development: The Key Pillars

Four key principles or pillars are at the core of cloud-native app development:


The app relies on the use of micro-services, which are discrete and reusable modules or components that have one responsibility in the app. Each service is built around an individual business capability. Boundaries around each microservice improves the resilience of the app.

Continuous Delivery

The Continuous Delivery (CD) process is an approach to product development that places a high priority on automatic testing, bug fixing and deployment of new code in a real-world environment. This ensures a reliable, fast and efficient product.


Containerization, also known as software deployment, is the process of bundling all files and libraries that make up an application into a single package. This virtualization process allows them to run within isolated containers. Containerization is commonly done with Docker or Kubernetes.


DevOps is a term used to describe a close relationship between the development and operations team, as well as a set of tools, practices and culture that increase software development speed.


It is estimated that by 2025, 95% of all digital workloads are expected to be run on cloud native applications. Cloud-native eCommerce applications are common. They rely on microservices for search, payments, and customer chat, which can all be scaled or swapped as required.

Cloud-Native Development: Benefits

Cloud-Native Development: Benefits

1. Scalability Is Improved

Scaling up or scaling down is simple to adapt to changing requirements. Microservices allow for a solution that is cost-effective.

2. Reliability Is Increased

Microservices are the basis of cloud-native apps. They're independent from each other. The system is more reliable if one component goes down, or is updated. Modular organization also helps to improve performance.

3. Better Resource Utilization

It is possible to only scale what you need, thereby avoiding unnecessary infrastructure costs. The cloud platform's inherent microservices, as well as its tools and services can save time and money.

4. Time To Market Is Reduced

Cloud-native applications can be developed more quickly because they take advantage of the tools and services that are built-in to platforms, as well as third-party microservices.

5. Security Is Improved

Cloud-based security solutions offer a higher level of protection and are protected by public cloud providers. (AWS Azure Google Cloud) Each of these has large security teams and provides additional features, services, and security (e.g. localized storage, monitoring, and access). You must protect your apps, data and infrastructure.

Cloud Native Development: Challenges And Opportunities

Cloud Native Development: Challenges And Opportunities

1. Microservices: Complexity And Complexity

All the microservices work well together. This increased need for APIs and integrators with strong capabilities is a result of the increasing demand.

2. Microservices Integration

To ensure that microservices meet the business goals, they must be individually assessed and then tested. Testing can be difficult when there are more microservices.

3. Manage The State Within A Microservices Context

This is because managing the shared global state gets more difficult as applications become more complex, larger, and rely on independent components or run asynchronously. State management libraries are available to help. However, the best advice is not to use an international state in every situation. Instead, choose the tool that's right for you.

4. Microservices Testing And Validation

Integration tests and testing of each microservice are important for features that have many components to make sure everything runs as it should (and is secure) and to check that there are no unwanted side effects.

5. Lock-in

Microservices can help to counteract the vendor lock-in that comes with cloud-native software development.

Cloud Native Development

Cloud Native Development

Step 1: Assess Existing Systems

Many organizations re-architecture existing apps in order to make them Cloud native development. Instead of "lifting-and-shifting" (basically, cloud-enabling), organizations take the essence and build an app from the ground-up to be cloud native, breaking down existing monolithic apps into microservices components.

Step 2: Creating A Cloud Native Architecture

Architecture involves many choices: what cloud model (public, hybrid, or private), which cloud service provider to choose, which microservices are already available vs. those that need to be developed, as well as all supporting technologies, such containers, to be used. MACH architecture, and composable architectural models are two useful architecture models that can help.

Step 3: Disassemble Existing Systems

The key to a composable architectural design is modular technology. This allows for easy assembly and disassembly. When existing systems exist, "decomposing", is the breaking down of a monolithic into parts.

Step 4: Build Microservices

Microservices can also be created from scratch if they aren't available through third party integrations. They will serve as the foundation for any future iterations or products. Use containerization to package the application services.

Step 5: Integrating Microservices Into Cohesive System

After each microservice has been selected or created, an API will act as the connector - the communication link - for each component. An API management tool can help, and so can service Mesh - an infrastructure layer that is built into your app.

The continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery processes also ensure quicker build, deliver, and deploy cycles, as well as taking advantage of automated testing in order to guarantee the integrity of parts and systems. Seek experienced assistance if your team needs to be strong in the integration area.

Test And Validation

Cloud-native apps are a great example of this, as they have no dependencies and can be tested easily, using automation.

Cisin Is A Great Way To Help

Cloud-native apps are being adopted by organizations to increase flexibility, agility and collaboration between DevOps and other teams. As organizations move forward with their digital transformations, these applications and practices are essential.

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Cloud-native apps are growing in popularity. Cloud-native applications will be a great tool for building powerful and secure software, particularly in IT firms. Cloud-native apps are also fully automated and have high-tech features that urge a rapid technological transformation. The evolution of CNFC also helps to foster easy project management and creates a conducive environment for companies to adapt to changing approaches. Cloud-native apps are not without their own set of facts that users need to know.

The Cisin team understands that today's business problems are best solved by cloud technologies. Our full-scope service helps you build and design cloud-native applications that can provide you with efficiency, scalability and security as well as cost-savings and other benefits. Contact us to learn more.