ServiceNow: Elevate Employee Experience 10X

Employer organization software solutions such as ServiceNow give companies a competitive edge in an increasingly tight labor market. Still, you should familiarize yourself with what constitutes employee experience, its significance, and the advantages of our unified employee experience platform. Read up here on these concepts to make informed decisions regarding employee experience in your workplace.

What Is Employee Experience?

What Is Employee Experience?

Employee Experience refers to how employees perceive every interaction with their employer at every touchpoint - planned or unplanned - throughout their employment journey. Major touchpoints during each stage in an employee's employment journey might include:

  • First day at the new job
  • Promotion to a new position
  • Ending/starting a new project
  • Taking parental leave

Why Is The Employee Experience Meaningful?

Why Is The Employee Experience Meaningful?

Employees' work expectations are changing; making money is no longer enough; instead, they seek meaning and purpose in their jobs; engagement and motivation from employers are desired, while personal development must always remain an objective goal of employment. Workers have rapidly transformed into consumers of the increasingly digital and hybrid workplace environment.

Before COVID-19's outbreak, firms invested in Employee Experience (EX) to recruit talent and increase productivity. Corona suddenly altered our working methods significantly and created new and challenging business issues; organizations realized they required an Employee Experience plan to address this new environment.

Four Reasons To Invest In Digital Employee Experience

Four Reasons To Invest In Digital Employee Experience

Research increasingly points towards employee experience having a profoundly positive effect on many aspects of corporate performance. While customer experience used to be at the core of success for companies, employee experience is now taking center stage as businesses recognize how essential it is to prioritize employees over customers.

Boost Employee Retention

Your employees' happiness in their workplace can lead to significant cost savings and reduced turnover costs - yet it could also negatively impact culture. Replacing an employee can cost the equivalent of their annual salary plus 50 days' labor (resume reviews, interviews, onboarding procedures, and training). So, a positive workplace culture helps reduce disruption and aid employee retention. Therefore, keeping track of staff retention rates and monitoring employee departure reasons, months they leave, work levels, etc, will be paramount in improving and increasing staff retention rates. A vital tool in doing so can be exit surveys to gather accurate data used as part of this process.

Increase Workforce Productivity And Innovation

Numerous studies have proven that low productivity stems from ineffective employee involvement. Employee engagement is the cornerstone of business success, and cultivating an environment where employees can perform at their maximum capacity is the cornerstone of employee retention. Employee engagement can flourish in any environment by providing appropriate technologies, developing positive company cultures, and creating environments that accommodate various working styles.

Attract Better Talent

Attracting talent is of the utmost importance to most firms. A shortage of skilled workers across many industries worldwide means workers may have their pick about where to work; organizations are fighting harder than ever to entice top talent; employee experience often decides the winner in this battle.

Provide A Better Customer Experience

Customers can easily discern whether your employees are happy and invested in their jobs rather than responding mediocrely and using minimal effort for each client interaction. Workers who take pride in what they are doing will go the extra mile for clients - giving back in return - just like an investment should.

Read more: Why Integrate? Maximize Efficiency and Save Thousands with ServiceNow Integrations!

Three Trends That Will Shape The Future Of Employee Experience

Three Trends That Will Shape The Future Of Employee Experience

Work has evolved drastically over time. Thanks to technology and digitalization, workplace environments have also changed considerably, not just where and how we work but also the skill sets required in an ever more dynamic office setting.

Business executives must find innovative ServiceNow solutions to support the workplaces and workforces of tomorrow as the globalized world of work continues to change.

COVID-19 has undoubtedly impacted work in the future, opening doors for exploration in ways not previously experienced while hastening shifts that were already in motion. Furthermore, some patterns, such as remote work, have seen drastic changes brought on by this legislation.

1. Steadily Changing Workforce

Managing The Multigenerational Workforce - Until recently, baby boomer generations were the standard setters regarding workplace culture, drawing from their collective experiences across generations. Today's workplace environment features five generations working side by side for the first time; understanding their distinct requirements and expectations, as well as shifting generational divides, poses unique challenges; this opportunity gives businesses a chance to tailor employee experiences by digital natives while reaping mutual success through creative service delivery strategies that work.

Millennials Revolutionize Work Culture - As more millennials enter the workforce, employee experience becomes more vital. Their pursuit of meaning influences whether or not they stay with an organization; therefore, employee experience motivates them to reach daily goals and pursue advancement in professional careers. Therefore, companies should endeavor to foster an atmosphere that respects employees' needs and aspirations.

Work-Life Consumerization - Workers have become accustomed to experiencing tailored experiences in their daily lives, from Netflix and Coolblue recommendations, Eat Takeaway delivery speeds, and Google Maps navigational ease - to personalized customer experiences such as Netflix or Coolblue being tailored specifically to them at work. In an environment that offers all employees equal experiences over their career journeys, personalized customer experiences may abruptly end at work; to maintain personalized offerings on these front facilities, HR IT departments will need to expand and enhance offerings further to continue meeting this expectation.

2. Flexibility In Where And How We Work

Heading towards a hybrid workplace - At present, more businesses are creating hybrid workplaces in which staffers frequently switch between offices designed as common areas and working from home for some months. This approach recognizes employees' need for flexibility. In contrast, certain businesses need flexibility, which necessitates creating more complex schedules during the work week - it will alter work efficiency, employee engagement with the Organization, And How Space Usage Changes As A Result Of This Arrangement.

Remote Working Is Here To Stay - Historically, workers have driven trends toward dispersed teams since many employers were resistant to remote work. It has been shown that even once things return to normal after several months of remote teams adjusting and learning how to operate efficiently in this new manner, this trend toward distributed workforces may continue. For effective distributed workforce operation to occur successfully, all members need access to one central physical workspace where communication, engagement, and cooperation between all operational systems occur seamlessly.

New Agile Ways Of Working And Employment Models - Since 2010, freelancers, remote employees, and specialist consultants have experienced exponential growth due to flexible work arrangements and evolving job models that make these positions available quickly.

Dynamic teams of task-oriented talents are becoming more widespread than relying on generalist employees stationed permanently at one central office to increase efficiency. Such teams operate under far less hierarchical and centralized structures than typical employment situations - workers may work from home regularly, permanently, or occasionally; their offices might even span multiple miles and time zones, or perhaps they live close but attend meetings there nonetheless - however real-time connectivity between all members as well as corporate resources/tools utilized is paramount in these modern work arrangements.

3. Adopting New Technology And Simplifying Work

From Service Delivery To Integrated Ex - Utilizing technology that significantly enhances employee experience with ServiceNow has never been more essential, playing a vital part in work environments and workplace culture. While organizations attempt to figure out how their staff uses applications and convince them of their utility, new ones continue to join their portfolio of applications.

Work has become more complicated for workers since the proliferation of new technologies has proliferated, evidenced by their increasing dependence on numerous systems daily. At the same time, digital workplace tools fail to impact output significantly.

Ideal EX environments offer easily accessible information, seamlessly connect users with appropriate departments and systems, and offer staff the assistance needed. Unfortunately, none of these problems can be effectively addressed using one platform, prompting the creation of so-called EX platforms (Experience Experience platforms). These protect workers from complex backend systems while offering staff relevant assistance; their roots lie within case management and employee portal industries, respectively - now giving employees one point of contact for various using ServiceNow for services EX platforms like this one.

Next-Level Automation - Innovative technology presents opportunities to elevate service delivery further. Artificial intelligence may take over monotonous or repetitive jobs across your company by automating processes and eliminating errors; workers can then devote their energy and focus on solving problems while doing more imaginative or stimulating work. Big data sets may also be analyzed using AI-augmented systems that provide accurate yet valuable insights, encouraging employee wellness programs and developing more creative decision-making within your organization due to increased self-assurance across its workforce.

Role Of It - Operations and infrastructure support of digital workplaces will increasingly aim to enhance employee digital dexterity. Workers will use peer-to-peer IT help, crowdsource solutions from IT communities, and even low/no code application creation techniques for personal applications. IT providers should employ design thinking in service development, closely considering employee demands before developing services accordingly; best practices would enable workers to use employee-centric catalogs or platforms as navigation mechanisms for IT services.

Define Your (Servicenow) Employee Experience In 5 Steps

Define Your (Servicenow) Employee Experience In 5 Steps

Finding out what your Employee Experience (EX) should consist of to meet the needs of your team, task, and organization is the first step on any EX journey. One effective method is creating your Employee Value Proposition (EVP).

Imagine what experience is desirable according to your EVP and assess its current state and any shortcomings, then use Agile design methods to drive employee experience value chain development efforts and determine where best to concentrate design efforts.

  1. Envision Your Ideal Employee Experience - Prioritize, harmonize EX with your company plan, and create an actionable route map to success.
  2. Use An Agile Design Approach When Building Experiences - Think big but act small; set yourself up for continuous development.
  3. Enable Integrated Employee Experiences - Create an inclusive EX platform (similar to ServiceNow).
  4. Measure For Actionable Insights - Listen carefully to what your staff members have to say to promote ongoing development.
  5. Join Forces And Get Your Business Services To Act Together - Form an alliance for cross-functional EX.

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An advanced EX platform and cross-functional cooperation are indispensable components to creating a journey to connect people, functions, and systems to facilitate innovation, increase corporate agility, and drive productivity. ServiceNow Employee Experience Platform offers knowledge management, process management, case management, and middleware integration - offering workers one-stop shops for managing work-related duties, HR needs, and job changes. ServiceNow provides employees with an environment designed to facilitate high performance by being workflow-based, intelligent, context-sensitive, and available from any employee device. By connecting disparate systems and service delivery methods in one environment that encourages maximum human performance.