Unlocking the Potential of Serverless Computing

This model does not utilize the term "serverless", as cloud providers operate servers as customer support platforms. However, should you purchase this technology, no servers need to be invested or maintained as you build or deploy web apps and manage backend servers for website projects.

Some experts may utilize function as a service (FaaS) since serverless computing still involves servers.

Serverless computing is becoming an increasingly prevalent trend in whatever it's known. According to a 2019 survey conducted on this concept, forty per cent of survey participants worked at companies that utilized serverless architecture; among the benefits cited most commonly for using it was cost.

Let's examine serverless computing to assess its benefits for yourself and determine whether or not it could fit into your plan of attack.

What is Serverless Computing?

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless web and app developers can focus on designing their front-end features without being concerned with backend systems.

Front-end refers to those parts of a website or app which visitors use and remember most easily; here, graphics, texts and visual elements are designed.

Backend components are those that users don't see but need for an optimal experience on websites. Examples of such backend pieces can include:

  • Data Files: Inventory lists, store locations information, blog post lists and other lists all need a space in the backend to reside.
  • Processor: Doing anything requires some power; most data processing occurs behind the scenes.
  • Security: Users needing access to certain parts or pieces must log in. However, their login page and function could appear front and center on this platform.

Backend functions in serverless architectures are discrete pieces of code which sit idle until needed by users. As soon as a code trigger is made by someone using their serverless computing provider, space will be allocated automatically, allowing a seamless transition.

According to experts from 2014, developers load application code into an environment for serverless computing and wait until an event triggers it to run it on cloud servers; when that event has concluded, serverless vendors take control and run code without further action from developers - leaving dormant code within.

Serverless computing refers to these events as functions; for example, websites could feature features allowing visitors to upload photos that will then be resized or reformatted - the process would start running as soon as an image has been submitted by its author and uploaded.

Scaling with serverless computing is possible thanks to cloud computing's capacity to run continuously or intermittently, providing additional space or processing power as required by websites, apps or other services that experience heavy traffic volumes. As users move away from these services, the available space and fees decrease accordingly if traffic numbers decrease.

Experts agree that accurate serverless apps feature four characteristics as indicators.

  1. Price Varies: Vendors only charge you for what you consume.
  2. Self-maintaining: Clients do not need to maintain the server themselves.
  3. Scalable: They scale seamlessly without needing assistance from client programming teams.
  4. Reliable: These products are built for high availability, fault tolerance and reliability.

Now that we understand all the uses for serverless architecture, let us explore further its nine benefits in your project.

1. It is simple to deploy serverless

1. It is simple to deploy serverless

Serverless may be ideal for your application if it involves rapid launch. Deploy your app in hours or days instead of weeks, as infrastructure concerns don't need to be considered: focus solely on code production; everything will be released instantly! No provisioning and scaling issues required either!

2. Cheap

2. Cheap

Serverless computing can help reduce expenses as it removes responsibility for server and database administration from you. Not only is serverless cheaper but it requires less computing power and manpower as its infrastructure will take care of everything needed; no new server creation required! You're freed up from managing infrastructure needs to focus solely on writing code for it instead. However, costs may still vary based on use case requirements.

3. There's More Time for UX

3. There's More Time for UX

Customers do not care much about your infrastructure; you won't be able to show all of the code written for the backend when communicating to customers; rather they care more about user experience and interface than it. Why not focus your resources towards things which make customers happy?

4. Better scalability

4. Better scalability

Consider whether or not your server can support such an increased workload, with serverless architecture making adaptation easier; making changes as your app grows will be straightforward if successful, while not needing infrastructure is another benefit that comes into play here.

5. Latency is improved

5. Latency is improved

Access points tend to be global in serverless architectures, making it easier to support users around the globe and scale your app without negatively affecting its performance. Imagine hosting your app on an actual physical server on the West Coast: users from the East Coast would need to send long distance requests in order to use your application; in a serverless system however, users only have to contact its nearest node (possibly located elsewhere on that coast), making cold starts an inconvenience but potentially short lived process (when development takes longer).

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6. Hosting and Computing "Greener"

6. Hosting and Computing "Greener"

Data centers must run 24/7 in companies hosting them. Imagine all of those massive data centers taking up physical material as well as energy usage costs when running 24-7, but with serverless architecture you can purchase servers on demand to reduce this expenditure of resources for keeping companies online.

7. Flexible Workplaces

7. Flexible Workplaces

Serverless is an easier and faster way to implement applications than traditional methods, providing greater agility for innovation. As soon as results emerge, start planning another project immediately - be it microservice or feature development; serverless architecture offers no restrictions which make restructure more manageable; with zero constraints to block you!

8. Happier Customers

8. Happier Customers

No matter the business, serverless architecture could lead to happier clients. Companies could take advantage of creating servers quickly and providing features in response to client feedback quickly - no one likes waiting a year just for small fixes! With serverless you don't need infrastructure so can focus on improving user experiences by quickly releasing logic or features that enhance them.

9. It is Efficient to Use Serverless.

9. It is Efficient to Use Serverless.

Serverless architecture charges per request rather than keeping servers running continuously - you only pay when they are actually needed and waste is minimized; scaling no longer becomes an issue and devops is no longer required to keep everything up and running smoothly.

10. This is just freaking awesome

10. This is just freaking awesome

Let's be honest; writing "9 Benefits of Serverless" didn't sit comfortably with me. My 10th and final point would be: why we love Serverless technology so much AND those who use it!

History of Serverless Computing

History of Serverless Computing

Virtual Machines form the cornerstone of serverless computing. Up until recently, these VMs were used for app deployment by packaging them up into their own VM and sending to clients - however their heavyweight nature meant less could fit on one physical server and developers spent considerable time creating and maintaining these heavy VMs along with applying OS patches and updates.

Containerization was an impressive development that helped solve one of VMs' primary shortcomings - packaging OSes into each instance - making development much simpler as they now only need to focus on developing apps rather than infrastructure worries. Unfortunately though, running and creating containers was still required from developers themselves - although less so.

The serverless computing paradigm has greatly advanced development processes. Developers no longer need to worry about which infrastructure their code will run on; thanks to serverless computing's rapid development and deployment rate. This trend allows an industry that once seemed impossible to achieve incredible development speed with rapid development cycles and deployment timelines.

How does Serverless Computing Work?

How does Serverless Computing Work?

With serverless cloud computing models, service providers allocate the resources required for running an app at the user's request and charge accordingly; when resources are no longer needed for that app, their provider simply spins them up again when finished and shuts them back down when finished.

Serverless computing allows developers to develop applications that seamlessly scale according to demand without incurring extra resource or capacity costs. Serverless computing also frees developers up from infrastructure obligations so they can focus on business logic for running applications instead.

Read More: Cloud Computing Benefits And Challenges - Detail Guide

What is the difference between Serverless Computing and other technologies?

What is the difference between Serverless Computing and other technologies?

Your reading likely includes cloud-based server solutions designed to manage websites or applications on demand, with some products that appear similar to serverless computing solutions.

Serverless computing is an emerging cloud service with similar characteristics to traditional cloud services, including:

  • BaaS: Backend As a Service allows developers to off-source backend administration functions.
  • PaaS: Platform-as-a-Service (or PaaS), allows you to create and deploy cloud products.
  • IaaS: Infrastructure-as-a-service (or IaaS), allows you to perform almost all tasks relating to a web site or application within a cloud environment.

Serverless computing stands out by offering automated scaling. Whereas traditionally when adding more space is required you would require conversations with both BaaS or PaaS providers; in serverless computing this conversation doesn't happen automatically!

As serverless computing grows in popularity, its capabilities are expanding as well. Some companies are testing distributed networks with nodes located far from a central data center in order to offer users more responsive experiences while decreasing latency; though other cloud-based services might take a different route.

BaaS and FaaS: Types of serverless computing

BaaS and FaaS: Types of serverless computing

Serverless computing refers to applications which use cloud-based services from third parties to manage server-side code; or apps where this logic is managed directly by third parties themselves - known as Backend-as-a-service (BaaS) and frontend-as-a-service (FaaS), respectively.

BaaS is a service that oversees every element of code production, typically running continuously on shared infrastructure with multiple apps sharing similar backend services. Examples of vendors that provide BaaS Infrastructure services are Parse Kinvey Appcelerator Firebase StackMob.

FaaS is a serverless platform which executes code created by developers. Serverless platforms sometimes refer to FaaS applications as serverless apps that consist of several functions linked by either the platform itself or third-party networks in backend mode.

FaaS is activated by events. Event-driven code runs when needed and then shuts off when completed; provider handles everything else; customers pay according to functionality provided, rather than hardware usage; think pay-as-you-go code execution!

Serverless code execution, managed entirely by cloud service providers, eliminates the need for developers to create and deploy applications on servers, freeing them up to focus on writing code that responds specifically to input while remaining independent of overall applications.

Economy of execution costs is greatly enhanced since only time spent running code will incur charges; you are only paying for time consumed in doing so and no idle time charges apply; thus enabling more precise charges than with traditional server management systems and provisioning/maintenance methods. Businesses can save time, effort, money by eliminating these administrative tasks altogether.

FaaS has an additional benefit in that users don't have to wait on HTTP calls or API requests as code runs only when necessary.

Read More: Cloud Computing: Why It Matters to Your Business: Six Essential Points

Serverless Examples

Serverless Examples

Amazon Web Services' (AWS) AWS Lambda FaaS service allows developers to execute code without managing or provisioning servers; AWS bills for compute power in 100 millisecond increments so developers are free to focus solely on code creation and triggers.

Blueberry uses AWS Lambda to build serverless apps for customers looking for flexible yet cost-effective systems.

AWS Fargate and Amazon Aurora Serverless offer serverless alternatives. Lambda continues to be the go-to solution.

Microsoft Azure Functions and Google Cloud Functions offer other serverless offerings besides AWS.

Serverless computing infrastructures are cheaper than virtual machines and containers even if their pricing structure is similar. Plus, it's easier management reduces developer time with no need for provisioning, configuring or managing infrastructure; once work has been finished it is removed from service thus eliminating additional costs associated with containers that remain idle after usage is finished.

As more large organizations adopt serverless computing, its popularity appears to only continue its rapid ascent. It offers several distinct advantages compared with traditional IT: customers only require to build business logic once, improved usage could save costs significantly and pricing options vary according to granularity while competition among providers should help drive down prices further.

Blueberry has extensive experience using AWS Lambda as a service to build serverless applications for many of our clients, taking full advantage of this popularized AWS Lambda offering for serverless computing development and deployment. Get in touch with us now to explore its capabilities!

The advantages and disadvantages of serverless computing

The advantages and disadvantages of serverless computing

Serverless Computing: Benefits

Serverless Computing: Benefits

Developers and business owners can benefit from serverless computing in several ways, including

Reduction in Infrastructure Management: Serverless Computing reduces infrastructure management by the developer.

Lower Costs: By charging only the users for what they use instead of the amount they provide, serverless computing reduces costs. Businesses can save a lot of money by using this method.

Scalability Improved: The serverless computing model allows for applications to automatically scale based on the demand. This can enhance the user's experience, and decrease the risks of downtime during high traffic periods.

Accelerate Time to Market: The serverless computing model can help developers accelerate their time to market, by allowing them to concentrate on the logic behind the applications rather than worrying about the infrastructure required to support the application.

Serverless Computing: Its Drawbacks

Serverless Computing: Its Drawbacks

Serverless Computing has its advantages, but also some disadvantages.

Data Shipping Architecture: Serverless computing uses the Data Shipping Architecture, which disregards the distributed computing colocation concept. In serverless computing, colocation is impossible because the schedule of the computation and the location of the data cannot be controlled. Data is transferred over networks, resulting in a lower performance of the application.

There is No State: As there is no idea of a state in serverless computing, everything that needs to be shared among several functions must be saved in or read from shared storage.This leads to an increased number of database queries, which results in significant performance penalties. The simple memory operations are converted to database access.

Execution Time Limit: At the moment, serverless functions are not able to be executed arbitrarily. This isn't a problem that has to do with serverless computing but it does limit the types of use cases which can be implemented on this architecture.

Who is the best candidate to use serverless architectures?

Who is the best candidate to use serverless architectures?

Serverless computing can benefit developers who are looking to reduce their time-to-market and create lightweight applications that have the flexibility of being updated or expanded.

The serverless architecture will lower costs when it comes to applications with inconsistent traffic, such as those that alternate between periods of high and low usage. It may not be cost-effective to purchase a server, or even a group of servers, that is always running, and available at all times, for applications like these. Serverless systems will be able to respond immediately when required and incur no costs while at rest.

Developers will want at least a partly serverless architecture if they want to relocate some or all of their apps closer to the end user in order to minimize latency. This is because it requires moving certain processes away from the original server.

When should developers use a serverless architectural approach?

When should developers use a serverless architectural approach?

In some circumstances, having dedicated servers-whether they are self-managed or offered as a managed service-is more economical and advantageous for the system. In some cases, a more traditional configuration may be required for large applications that have a predictable, constant workload.

It may also be difficult or impossible to move legacy applications onto a different infrastructure.

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How does Cisin help Developers Build Serverless Architectures?

Cisin Workers allows developers to deploy JavaScript at the Cisin edge network. It is possible to execute application code as close as possible to the user, minimizing latency.