Maximize Business Potential with Salesforce SOAP API

Digitalization makes competition and sustainability critical, so maintaining it requires improving efficiency and the customer experience while staying ahead of competitors. Every business system operates alone, so integrating your designs to increase their speed and scalability to stay ahead is imperative if you wish to see lasting growth. Salesforce API facilitates connections among devices, applications, systems and data.

Just What Is An API?

Just What Is An API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface and refers to a group of tools which enable software applications to exchange information and interact. APIs determine how applications interact, access certain data sets or take certain actions.

Apps such as hotel finder apps allow users to locate nearby hotels easily through APIs by visiting various hotel listings websites on the backend and pinpointing where you are to name hotels near you using APIs that answer app queries.

All this data will then be collated by your app for viewing by you and presented back as useful options for selection. API stands for Application Programming Interface and acts as an intermediary, collecting information from one location and forwarding it to another site.

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Salesforce API: What is it?

Salesforce API: What is it?

Salesforce API (Application Programming Interface) is a cloud-based CRM platform. Developers can utilize Salesforce functionality in other business apps for seamless workflows and automated processes.

Salesforce API offers many useful functions, including creating, editing, retrieving and deleting records and performing custom logic. In addition, integration between Salesforce data and other systems, such as ERP or CRM platforms, is possible via this API.

Architectures For Salesforce API Integration

Architectures For Salesforce API Integration

Architecture for Point-to-Point Integration

One-to-one integrations, also referred to as Point-toPoint Integration Architectures, are among the easiest and most common Salesforce API architecture solutions. Two systems directly linked via one API interface comprise this framework which can easily be executed but becomes complicated as more integrations are added to salesforce. Although simple in execution and management initially, point-to-Point Integration Architecture can quickly become complex over time due to adding multiple integrations onto Salesforce.

Integration Architecture For Middleware

Middleware integration architectures can help users manage complex Salesforce API integration scenarios more easily. Middleware acts as a software layer between systems, facilitating communication. Utilizing one allows complex integration scenarios - especially those involving several integration scenarios that must involve Salesforce integrating with multiple systems simultaneously.

Architecture For Hub And Spoke Integration

Salesforce API widely adopted hub-and-spoke integration to bridge any existing gaps with traditional point-to-point integration. This architecture involves connecting all systems through spokes into a central hub which acts as a MOM (Message Oriented Middleware), capable of performing any translation, transformation or routing decisions for information between systems.

Cloud Architecture

Salesforce API Integration enables businesses to fully utilize salesforce media cloud architecture when using specific business apps, systems or tools. The interface is flexible yet straightforward for management purposes - ideal for CRM integration, Sales Apps Integration, or Marketing Automation setup. You can manage the whole integration from one central location.

Integration Of Enterprise Service Bus

This Architecture Provides A Modified Hub-And-Spoke Configuration. An Integration Engine Connects Various Software Systems And Applications; When Routing, Data Transformation, Orchestration Or Security Capabilities Are Needed, Developers Often Opt For Salesforce API Integration Using Esb Architecture As Its Adapters Allow Flexible Plug/Unplug, Allowing Scalable Growth.

Features Of The Interaction With The Salesforce API

Features Of The Interaction With The Salesforce API

Salesforce API Integration enables businesses to automate processes and integrate Salesforce with various systems and gain insight into data collected through Salesforce API Integration. Here are its primary capabilities:

Data Management

The Salesforce API Integration enables businesses to manage data across various systems accurately and consistently without disrupting current operations. Companies using Salesforce integration can retrieve, edit and delete Salesforce records and records stored elsewhere - thus maintaining data consistency across systems. Additionally, data synchronization across systems enables seamless business continuity.

Automated Workflow

Businesses using Salesforce API integration services to streamline processes across multiple systems can automate processes and workflows to decrease manual work and increase efficiency, automate data transfer between systems and streamline operations based on changes made in Salesforce. Incorporating Salesforce into this strategy also facilitates data transfers between systems for greater data security and faster response to changes made via Salesforce API integration.

Customized Development

Salesforce API integration enables businesses to develop custom solutions and applications using Salesforce functionality and data. At the same time, skilled developers can utilize Salesforce's API integrations to build custom integrations or even develop workflows and processes, creating workflows or processes or custom user interfaces for these solutions.

Analysis and Reporting

Salesforce API Integration gives salesforce companies an in-depth view of all the data across their systems and offers them a holistic view of their company. Businesses can leverage Salesforce API Integration services to build dashboards and custom reports combining data across systems and analyze trends to gain more insight into customer interaction and operations.

Flexible and Scalable

Businesses can utilize Salesforce API integration to quickly build an adaptable integration platform, accommodating their ever-evolving business needs and adapting integrations accordingly. Integrate systems and apps quickly through Salesforce API integration while scaling integration capabilities and business growth - or customize the platform according to unique preferences!

APIs For Salesforce API Integration Are Accessible.

APIs For Salesforce API Integration Are Accessible.

Salesforce provides multiple APIs that seamlessly transport data between systems. Each API serves a specific function. REST and SOAP frameworks are the two primary methodologies of Salesforce API Integration; every other API, including its own, are built around these two methodologies.

What are SOAP and Rest APIs?

What are SOAP and Rest APIs?


SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is an API standard in modern APIs to facilitate application communications. SOAP's powerful messaging protocol makes it ideal for creating or updating records as well as retrieving search results - Salesforce SOAP API is one popular example that developers rely on because it is easy and manageable; its versatility also enables metadata manipulation, workflow automation and workflow automation capabilities; SOAP is compatible with formats including XML, JSON and other structures while HTTP WSDL creates requests to initiate communication sessions between API components.


  • Custom Integration
  • Custom Workflow Automation
  • Customized UI
  • Metadata for Customized Websites
  • Data Migration


REST stands for Representational-State Transfer API and provides an easier, lighter approach than SOAP regarding integration and development. Support for JSON, XML and JSON data formats makes REST an attractive salesforce backup solution for mobile application integration as it uses HTTP methods to access Salesforce Data directly.


  • Mobile App Integration
  • Web Application Integration
  • Third-Party Integrator
  • Analytical Integration
  • App Development Customized

What Is A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)?

What Is A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)?

Simple Object Access Protocol, commonly called SOAP, provides specifications of messages for exchanging information between applications and systems. A SOAP-based API may be designed more formally and structured than other application programming interfaces (API). Consider SOAP like postal service; its proven reliability provides trusted messaging between enterprise systems & apps, while more established SOAP methods may take longer than newer architectural styles like REST.

Origins Of SOAP APIs

Origins Of SOAP APIs

SOAP was developed during the late '90s as an internet standard to assist businesses with data transfers between networks. While SOAP uses HTTP as its main transport protocol, its architectural patterns do not align as closely to HTTP as those seen with REST; SOAP may use other protocols instead and is generally more structured than REST as far as providing more details regarding messages' content and encoder. Instead, when designing APIs with SOAP, focus more on messages than resources.

SOAP is a protocol that uses XML to format the messages sent by API clients. It has four dimensions:

  • Envelope: Defines the structure of the Message.
  • Coding: Rules to express the data type.
  • Requests: Structure of each SOAP API requests
  • Response: Structure of each SOAP response.

Read More: Enhancing Collaboration and Project Management with Salesforce and Jira Integration

API Security For SOAP

API Security For SOAP

SOAP examples, like those for retrieving stock quotes or weather, have no authentication process in place; At the same time, this serves as a useful proof-of-concept; robust SOAP APIs authenticate and authorize API calls to restrict them only to authorized parties and ensure businesses processes can only be accessed by them.

SOAP APIs can be secured using various techniques. Many SOAP APIs use HTTP as their protocol of choice, so mixed authentication and authorization schemes may also work effectively. HTTP Basic Auth can act as an easy authentication solution helpful when used over SSL/TLS; it does not come equipped with built-in authorization or role features and thus only offers point-to-point protection rather than end-to-end security, which may be required in some situations.

WS-Security, an SOAP Extension which adds various security features to SOAP APIs. Specifically, this SOAP extension specifies how to sign, encrypt, and XML Encryption messages and supports several security token formats, including SAML Kerberos X509 & X509. WS-Security, one of the most widely adopted SOAP extensions, provides end-to-end protection, sender authorization, and numerous web service features vital to enterprises.

Employ SOAP APIs

Employ SOAP APIs

SOAP employs XML as a communication protocol that facilitates structured data exchange in distributed environments and permits business applications from diverse operating systems or programming languages to work in synergy.



SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol or SOAP) provides a secure method of building APIs by encoding data as XML documents. REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs offer greater flexibility by supporting data transfers between multiple formats, including XML, HTML, plain text, JSON etc. SOAP and REST have advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered before selecting either option for API development projects.

SOAP APIs: Benefits And Use

SOAP APIs: Benefits And Use

Despite strict implementation guidelines, SOAP has earned itself a reputation as an extensible API implementation protocol. Like other API delivery methods, SOAP uses HTTP as its transport mechanism - but also supports simple mail transport protocol, transmission control protocol, and user data protocol in sending messages for added flexibility when moving content and data around.

SOAP APIs offer some additional advantages over REST APIs.

  • SOAP stands apart from REST in being completely independent regarding language, platform, transport and other considerations; however, HTTP requires it.
  • With its enhanced security features, such as encryption of sensitive data in online banking systems and financial services.
  • SOAP provides an effective means of communicating between points in a distributed environment.
  • Furthermore, SOAP includes built-in features to handle errors more quickly, making it simpler to pinpoint why requests fail in case anything goes wrong.

SOAP API Advantages

SOAP API Advantages

There may be times when REST may be better than SOAP; however, certain disadvantages may be involved.

  • SOAP does not support caching of API calls.
  • The SOAP protocol is more complex than REST, adversely impacting performance.
  • Furthermore, SOAP offers considerably less adaptability than REST; it often runs at slower speeds.

Use Cases For SOAP API.

Use Cases For SOAP API.

SOAP APIs have numerous uses across different applications.

  • Banking transfers: Bank transfers require communication among various banks and branches, possibly necessitating multiple web service calls; this case study also holds immense security significance.
  • Book flights. As with bank transfers, you need to use different services to gain information regarding flight availability and costs on the web.
  • Billing Services: People involved with telecom operations must frequently interact with multiple systems to generate billing information that includes sensitive data.
  • Navigation Companies: Shipping companies and transport firms rely on information from various sources to select the most cost-efficient routes.
  • City Management: SOAP APIs are employed in city management processes to facilitate seamless city operation, from sewer management systems and traffic lights management to waste and recycling management and more. All aspects must remain predictable for successful city running.

Example of SOAP API

Example of SOAP API

Consider this instance. ISBN validation using a straightforward URL is provided through a SOAP API.


The following structured XML snippet is passed to this ISBN service via the HTTP body using a POST HTTP. This is a structured request that the server will process and then return a result:


The following XML is returned to confirm that the ISBN entered was valid.


The ISBN Validation Service uses a standard SOAP envelope for sending structured requests with structured messages in response. This results in responses with traditional formats, which make using and understanding it simpler for developers.

SOAP APIs go beyond verifying ISBNs in books; they can also make any content, algorithm or data accessible to systems and applications. SOAP offers an efficient means of automating communication among various daily operations by automatically transmitting business messages in an automated fashion.

Expand, Integrate, And Personalize Your Salesforce Offerings.

Expand, Integrate, And Personalize Your Salesforce Offerings.

Lightning Platform allows users to tailor and integrate Salesforce organizations across languages or platforms.

  • Configure Salesforce. Build custom fields, links, custom objects and page layouts tailored specifically to meet the business requirements of your firm, along with customized record types, tabs, controls, object controls or buttons to meet them.
  • Integrate your organization's ERP or finance system with Salesforce. Utilize real-time information about sales, customer support data in your company portals while populating important business systems with real-time insights.
  • Your company-specific data services and business logic requirements will be considered to customize this system to reflect your organization's needs.

Salesforce Developers has more information on Lightning Platform and its developer resources.

Supported Versions And Necessary Permissions

Supported Versions And Necessary Permissions

Your Salesforce organization must run either Enterprise Edition, Performance Edition Unlimited Edition or Developer Edition to use SOAP API. Contact their account representative about upgrading if you are an existing Salesforce client who would like to upgrade.

We suggest testing all changes or solutions you are creating or testing within a separate environment such as Developer Edition, Sandbox or Scratch org.

Developer Edition provides access to Enterprise Edition advanced features but may be restricted based on your number of users in an organization and storage capacity. Register for free Developer Edition today. Sandboxes are copies of an organization you have created into different environments for customizing and testing purposes - they serve as staging environments that make customizing easier and testing more thorough. For more details, refer to Sandboxes; scratch orgs provide fully configurable source-driven deployment environments that simulate different Salesforce versions with additional features; please see this documentation page for further details.

API Enabled Permission must be enabled for each edition supported, while many developer edition Org profiles already include it by default. Salesforce Integration User Licenses provide system-to-system users access while restricting them to API-only operations; please see Grant Integration Users Only API Access for further details.

Standards Compliance

Standards Compliance

SOAP API implements the following specification:

Standard Name Website Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 Web Service Description Language (WSDL) 1.1 WS-I Basic Profile 1.1

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Develop Platforms

Develop Platforms

Visual Studio.NET 2005 is not required to use SOAP API. This document contains Java (.NET) and C# examples. Java examples based on WSC 20 (WSC). JDK 6 is used for the Java Platform Standard Edition Development Kit 6.

Please Note:

SOAP implementation varies significantly; some development platforms may not implement SOAP similarly and block access to certain features or APIs. Visual Studio 2003 is strongly advised for .NET developers.

Policy For SOAP API Support

Policy For SOAP API Support

Salesforce strongly suggests using the most up-to-date Lightning Platform WSDL file format available to your organization when developing client apps on it. Navigating through Setup's API Quick Find, select API Quick Find and finally, API Selector will take you straight there. When new releases become available, use Quick Start steps to update it when appropriate;

  • The WSDL is ready for use (see step 2: Create or obtain the Web Service WSDL).
  • It will be imported into your development environment. (See Step 3 - Importing the WSDL file format into Your development platform)

Backward compatibility

Salesforce works to ensure that the Lightning Platform is backwards compatible.

Two components are included in each new Salesforce release:

  • New release of the platform software on Salesforce Systems
  • SOAP API has been updated to version 1.1.

Winter 2007 included SOAP version 9.0, while Summer 2007 brought us SOAP version 10.0.

Support is maintained for all SOAP versions across platform releases, ensuring backward compatibility between SOAP API versions - meaning any applications created for one SOAP API version will still function if used later in its new configuration.

Salesforce cannot guarantee applications written for one SOAP API will work with future ones; changes to method signatures or data representation may occur as we enhance SOAP API. We aim to maintain SOAP consistency between versions with as few changes as needed for applications to run properly on all versions.

An application written using SOAP version 9.0 for Winter 2007 and released during Summer 2007 should continue working fine with SOAP version 9.0 in Summer 2007 and future releases. However, it may need modification for compatibility with SOAP API Version 10 without changes.

How To Choose A WSDL

How To Choose A WSDL

Many tools, technologies and standards have been designed to support SOAP and Web Services as their use has increased. One such standard is WSDL: an XML format that describes web services in detail that details which operations are available, and which input/output fields they expect in response.

Though not exclusive to SOAP APIs, many SOAP APIs utilize both WSDL and XML Schema as part of an internet service that enables users to exchange messages using predefined field types and procedures. Machines can read a WSDL, so a SOAP server could identify which calls are available and what data might complete them and then present that to users as necessary.

WSDLs can also produce human-readable documentation of SOAP APIs, with developers using method names and input to discover exactly what's necessary to use a SOAP API. Programming languages or environments tailored to developers may consume WSDLs to inform programmers of available methods and syntaxes.

WSDL and SOAP are general technologies meant for various uses; often, both methods will coexist within an application.

Downloading WSDL files gives access to two Lightning Platform web services:

  • Lightning Platform Enterprise WSDL. This API is intended for enterprise users creating client applications. This file provides your development environment with information on your schema, fields and data types within your org - providing a greater Lightning Platform web service integration process into development environments such as Visual Studio. WSDL changes as objects or areas are added/renamed/deleted from Salesforce configuration in your org; for enterprise WSDL downloads, please specify which versions of managed packages to include (selection is made during download); when creating one, take note of:
    • Your WSDL should be generated regularly to access any newly introduced objects or custom fields that have been altered, added, renamed or removed.
    • Your generated WSDL contains all domains and objects available within your organization and those included for specific versions of installed packages. To use added fields or objects with API salesforce integration services, an enterprise WSDL for that package with their latest versions should also be created in addition to creating individual package-level enterprise WSDLs for respective fields/objects that have been added at later dates must also be made in addition to an API Integration enterprise WSDL being generated for it.
  • Lightning Platform WSDL -- This API is intended for Salesforce Partners who develop client applications used by multiple Salesforce orgs. Partner WSDL represents Salesforce's object model so that all organizations may utilize it.

History And Future Of SOAP

History And Future Of SOAP

In 2000, the initial SOAP specifications were made public. A version known as XML RPC, released in 1998, featured an abbreviated feature set and allowed remote procedure calls using XML data transmission using HTTP exclusively. In contrast, SOAP itself can use any protocol available.

Three years passed until SOAP finally reached its recommendation stage and quickly established itself as the standard approach to web services. Before its arrival on the scene, there needed to be an effective standard-based way of creating data exchange interfaces between programmable systems. SOAP enabled enterprises and helped lead directly to public API development from salesforce consulting companies in usa.

A doctoral thesis detailing REST APIs had also been published at that time. Over most of this decade, however, SOAP proved more popular due to its acceptance as an industry standard and usage outside academia alone.

SOAP remains a popular web services standard, and many systems depend on it, while organizations increasingly turn to REST APIs in new projects for microservice development. They often prefer agile development approaches offered by modern technologies that facilitate flexible application development processes.

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SOAP is an economical but robust option for building APIs, yet it can still be costly. Due to the inherent rigidity of SOAP's envelope encodings and request/response structures (along with its flexibility for protocols like HTTP, TCP and UDP), creating and managing enterprise APIs with it requires greater time, patience, expertise and money than with its peers such as RESTful APIs or even JSON/RPC services.Run these flows to transfer data between Salesforce AWS services or other supported applications.

SOAP does make it harder to modify and evolve APIs. Still, new developers need time to get acquainted with SOAP before joining projects using iterations/evolution APIs. However, its flexibility still makes it worthwhile in critical integrations/backbone apps as it serves them like national postal services! However, its envelope encoding structure requests/response structures (combined with its useability with protocols like HTTP and TCP UDP) make SOAP an efficient means of creating and managing APIs at an enterprise scale.