5 Android App Mistakes: How Much Could They Cost You?

What Are Android Apps?

What Are Android Apps?

Android applications (also referred to as applications or "apps") are software packages developed specifically to run on the Android OS and designed specifically for smartphones or tablets running the OS.

Google Play (also referred to as Android App idea Store) and other websites specializing in Android applications provide an expansive selection of applications available on these mobile operating systems.

Applications have multiple purposes. You could, for example, use them to access Gmail through an app dedicated to it and run social media apps in addition to providing other features that may come in handy for you.

Android developers need to design apps with creativity in mind in order to remain at the top of the application development industry. Furthermore, it is key for them to fully comprehend user needs and desires when developing applications for Android OS devices.

Developers today aim to speed up development by making mistakes, but in order to prevent such mishaps and facilitate quicker growth, certain guidelines must be observed by developers.

Rewriting Existing Code

Developers often make the mistake of creating Android applications without taking user experience into account when developing them. Android applications have long been revered for their standard features like network calls, database access and social logins - it would not be wise to change or adapt pre written codes in order to accommodate for these features, which have already been tested many times over.

Bitmap Files Are Being Incorrectly Utilized

Smartphone users love images and content on their devices. An image can evoke so much emotion with just one glance! Images take up large amounts of memory while being slow to load; developers use bitmaps as an efficient solution to reduce these memory and latencies usage issues; however, lack of understanding about bitmaps may result in mobile applications which do not run optimally - therefore measuring space before scaling images accordingly to suit circumstances is of utmost importance for efficient mobile application usage.

Minsdkversion 13 Is Not Recommended

MinSdkVersion, 14 of the Android Software Development Toolkit, should always be chosen by developers for optimal development, rather than older versions, because older devices and phones make maintaining code harder, slowing development down significantly and leading to poor user experiences. In order to provide this superior user experience, developers should make sure new devices are adopted by users as often as possible.

Listing Unemployed People

Developers have traditionally relied upon hierarchies of views for designing layouts; Android now allows designs to be displayed as XML documents instead. When drawing your content onto the screen, measure its dimensions accurately and position its elements appropriately; note, however, parsing an XML document takes longer, using up more resources, therefore, should be optimized as soon as possible.

List View offers developers an effective tool for streamlining hierarchy and expediting development processes. It helps accelerate development processes.

Do Not Leave Users Waiting

Data processing, transmission and reception all take time; users shouldn't be expected to wait long periods while processes become delayed or lagged in their completion; doing so leaves them with an unpleasant user experience.

Network or data issues can have a devastating impact on any process. Modern users expect applications to respond instantly without incurring network lag, thus prompting developers to address these concerns first and foremost.

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Benefits of Android App Development Services

Benefits of Android App Development Services

Entrepreneurs must use creativity in their businesses in order to capture more clients. Revenue generation should always be the aim of every enterprise; Android offers entrepreneurs an ideal means of developing apps that are cost-effective, scalable and easy to use.

Android applications have played an enormous role in today's digital revolution and across most industries. Although iOS remains popular, there are several reasons why Android stands as the superior business platform.

Profitable Investment With Low Expenses and Increased Yield

Android SDKs provide developers with invaluable resources. These SDKs allow development teams to utilize material design within interactive apps for minimal user costs and high user engagement; however, developers/development teams are subject to paying an annual registration fee in exchange for application distribution rights on smartphones - making development cheaper while increasing engagement rates; enterprises also benefit from creating more engaging mobile experiences through these SDKs.

Rapid Deployment

Android applications designed for business have an extremely fast development cycle - often lasting only minutes - giving companies an advantage by helping them launch their idea faster than competitors. Android is one of the greatest benefits available today with regard to Time-to-Market efficiency.

Target Multiple Platforms

Java is an efficient method for porting an app from one operating system to the next, making it simple for businesses to target multiple platforms simultaneously - Android is especially popular among many organizations.

Discover the fundamentals of porting iOS apps to Android platforms, which allows companies to maximize time and resources spent by targeting different groups.

Google has officially recognized Kotlin as an alternative programming language to Java for creating Android Apps (or as a Java alternative). Kotlin Multi Platform provides powerful functionality that powers apps across iOS and Android operating systems; leading technology firms, including Pivotal, Atlassian and Pinterest, also utilize Kotlin when developing applications using Kotlin on Android phones and devices.

Scalability and Versatility of the System

Android Studio has expanded the OS' flexibility and adaptability significantly. It integrates smoothly across devices ranging from tablets, smartphones, wearables and Android TVs. Furthermore, apps designed with this OS offer compatibility with new technologies like IoT and VR compatibility, making Android applications one of the key advantages. Finally, its versatility also enables developers to design mobile app development companies for multiple purposes once installed onto mobile phones or other platforms.

Enhance Security

Android P is equipped with new security features designed to guard you against malware and viruses - providing exceptional safety and reliability of applications on this mobile platform.


Android developers with numerous customization options that have propelled its popularity among developers and app users alike. Furthermore, this OS also facilitates creating applications that seamlessly integrate multimedia and data management tools of existing business processes into Android apps for seamless customer experiences that adapt quickly as customer demands shift over time. Businesses using these flexible methods of customer engagement can reach wider markets.

Android offers businesses many advantages for business use, including features to help expand into markets faster.

What is the Difference Between iOS and Android App Development?

What is the Difference Between iOS and Android App Development?

Google's Android is often pitted against Apple's iOS from a consumer's point of view in terms of market shares, device performance, popularity, ease-of-use, friendliness and longevity.

There are various factors to keep in mind when selecting an app development platform.

Operating Systems

Both operating systems share similar architecture, offering similar user experiences; however, there can be distinct distinctions in how apps of each kind are developed, maintained, marketed and sold - which ultimately determines who uses each app and why.

We will examine the differences in developing apps on each platform. Each entails its own development method and maintenance needs, so please come prepared.

Here is a concise breakdown of the benefits and drawbacks of developing apps for different platforms.


Your team's development budget will become of primary concern as you invest a substantial sum into its growth over time.

Android applications tend to be more costly to create and maintain due to custom code usage requirements and complex language structures; on the other hand, iOS applications typically require fewer resources in terms of development and execution.

Apple and Google Developer Accounts are another cost factor separating iOS app development from Android development. Apple charges 99 dollars annually for an iOS developer's account, while Google accounts only cost 25 dollars annually; developers building iOS apps exclusively on Macs incur additional development expenses, while Android applications can be built across different platforms as opposed to being exclusive to Macs only.

Google and Apple charge businesses selling digital products or services an extra 15% on annual revenues up to one million US dollars as an administrative fee.


Publishing apps to Google Play Store is generally easier than publishing them to Apple App Store due to Apple's more stringent approval standards for iOS apps than Google's more relaxed guidelines for Apps Store submissions and its review, tooling and signing capabilities being often much greater.

Apple App Store requires error-free apps, increasing your odds that they'll be approved without bugs. Meanwhile, Google Play offers a less stringent approval process, so your app may launch faster without as many delays - although bugs could still exist.

Programming Languages

In order to successfully develop apps across different operating systems, different programming languages will need to be employed when writing applications.

Programming languages used to build iOS native apps tend to be simpler for novice developers to comprehend than their Android equivalents, which makes creating iOS native apps a more desirable undertaking for beginning programmers.

Swift is Apple's proprietary programming language used in iOS apps. Android apps typically employ other more complex languages like Java or Kotlin for their development.

Developer Resources

Developers considering cross-platform app development as their third option typically opt for this route using frameworks such as Flutter or React Native to build apps across platforms.

Google and Apple offer various resources for app developers who aim to develop and launch successful apps.

Android development tools have long been considered easier to set up and use than Apple ones, with Google providing popular development tools such as Jetpack. For mobile developers looking for their next big thing, they also provide their Android SDK Development Kit that integrates directly with Android Studio.

Google provides programming resources for programmers of all skill levels - from novice layouts for novices to complex designs for experts.

Apple provides developers with access to an API, SwiftUI Design Tools and Storyboards within Xcode that help them design the UI of their app. However, their resources may be less extensive than those offered by Google due to iOS being simpler.

Open and Closed Source Code

iOS provides proprietary or closed-source code which cannot be seen or accessed by members of the public, unlike Android's "open-source code." This kind of proprietary code cannot be modified publicly.

Android allows developers access to the source code of its mobile operating system and modifies or alters large portions at will, giving programmers flexibility to make substantial modifications based on their goals and customize code as per desired changes. Android provides developers with more freedom than Apple when customizing apps based on goals - giving developers the greater ability to personalize or tailor features based on needs rather than goals alone.

Android's open-source operating system benefits device manufacturers more than app developers. App developers cannot make changes to Android, while device manufacturers can make significant modifications; some, such as Samsung, OnePlus and Xiaomi, even significantly modify Android, which causes fragmentation issues for app developers.

Read More: List of Most Engaging Android App Development Trends


Developers coding iOS devices need to address "fragmentation," or differences among devices when programming for them, in order to streamline the coding process and provide consistent experiences across devices in terms of colors and options. This ensures an easier development experience overall.

Android applications must be carefully constructed and tested due to all of the various devices developers must build for, each having different screen sizes, speeds, resolutions and resolution settings. Furthermore, manufacturers' ability to alter Android code could influence background processes like notifications on these devices.

Testing and optimizing an Android app to meet various resolutions and screen sizes can take time and increase shipping time, as it increases shipping delays. Due to all these reasons, developing and changing UI/responsive designs for an Android application is more complex and expensive to develop than developing iOS applications. Profit from flexibility and creativity to enjoy life with peace.

Android OS provides developers with more creative freedom when writing code for apps. Its open system infrastructure enables more choices about app appearance and functionality compared to Apple's iOS applications which feature uniform user interfaces that cannot be modified by developers.

Demographics and Market Share

Understanding your audience demographics and distribution is paramount when selecting which operating systems to employ.

Android is currently the global market leader with 71.6 percent market share versus 27.73 for iOS, meaning more people around the globe use Android than ever use iOS products - particularly in emerging markets such as Latin America, Africa and Asia where these affordable and accessible smartphones have become much more widely adopted over time. Conversely, most iOS users reside mainly in Europe, North America and Japan, whereas gender studies reveal women use Apple products more than men do.

Apple also leads in terms of total purchases: iPhone users spend and earn more than Android users; iPhone owners average an annual salary of 53,000 while their counterparts only average 37,000. iPhone owners also typically devote an estimated average monthly tech expenditure budget of $101, while only 51% spend their budget for technology products each month on tech items from these two platforms, respectively.

Engagement Opportunities and Support

Engaging your customers effectively is another defining characteristic. Your interaction with users can impact the growth and experience of your app, in particular, whether users consent to receive push notifications is one key difference between engagement experiences on different platforms.

Apple introduced Live Activities as interactive push notifications this past year on iOS, providing real-time information delivery from apps directly onto users' lock screens. Apple made significant enhancements to user experiences within apps through this major overhaul - users will now benefit from real-time updates visible through their lock screens.

Staying current with OS updates to effectively reach out to your users requires staying on top of operating system upgrades - or an automated solution such as marketing automation can manage them for you.

Ten Challenges Facing Android App Development by 2023

Ten Challenges Facing Android App Development by 2023

Here is a list of some of the more prominent ones related to app development for Android OS devices by 2023.

Fragmented Software

You may experience an Android Incompatibility message while upgrading to the latest version of your mobile app, revealing fragmented software as one challenge faced during the development of Android applications. This presents Android developers with enormous difficulty when creating mobile applications with fragmented code bases.

Google releases and upgrades many Android applications annually with new features. Unfortunately, their current Android versions lag behind in popularity and compatibility among devices; Android 6.0 Marshmallow currently enjoys a greater market share than either Nougat or Oreo versions.

Developers must ensure their Android applications for mobile devices are compatible with both current and previous versions of Android's OS when designing apps, although taking full advantage of both may prove challenging.

Many gadgets are compatible with different operating systems, making it hard for developers to keep up with all of the ever-evolving software updates and changes. Most Android developers employ modern programming versions which will ultimately benefit our users - an issue that we repeatedly discuss here at ASDI.

Device Fragmentation

Device fragmentation presents another unique challenge to Android app developers; each Android phone model comes equipped with its own screen resolution and ecosystem features that must all be considered when designing apps that will run seamlessly across them all.

Android stands apart from other mobile operating systems in its openness; Google allows device manufacturers to customize and enhance Android according to device manufacturers' specific hardware needs and specs. Different Android phones may feature unique hardware specs.

Android allows manufacturers to design smartphones specifically tailored for specific users' needs, meaning two versions published by different companies could have distinct hardware elements, including buttons, keyboards, displays types and resolutions, storage capabilities or storage capacities.

Testing Fragmentation

A seamless application will improve app performance and increase brand recognition, so before any mobile app developer can hit the market, it must undergo thorough testing; Android apps especially should undergo several levels of tests as their compatibility improves over time.

Each device requires unique methods of testing; testers need to employ them accordingly. App developers need to design an app before testing can commence; even with automated solutions in place, the testing methodology still depends on which app it's being done on.

Developers must also test a device's computability and code efficiency; you should have experience testing and debugging software.

User Interface Design Rules

To increase user retention, improving an application's User Interface design is vitally important to user retention. Doing this improves both appearance and function in one web page application - when working with top Android app developers, you will find additional benefits; good user interfaces not only reflect your brand, but they have more of an effect impression upon customers as a whole.

Professionals increasingly recognize the advantages of OS customization and are beginning to consider whether to follow industry norms when customizing UIs.

Experts who rely on custom user interface designs won't gain access to as many features and must meet specific criteria in their app development process and efforts. Apps featuring well-designed interfaces work on an array of devices, and selecting an excellent app development company requires careful research.

Google still has not published design standards or guidelines for mobile applications that use user interface (UI) development.

Programming Languages

Developers can utilize any number of programming languages when building mobile applications for Android OS platforms; Java and Kotlin are among those commonly employed for this task.

Kotlin may not have as long of an experience base as Java, yet it still requires more code lines to produce error-free applications quickly, and error-free mobile development is one of the biggest obstacles when developing mobile applications. This challenge often hinders developers when working on developing these projects.

Java is an older programming language; Kotlin, on the other hand, is more modern. Java requires ample storage and code storage space and development, thus making it suitable for rapid app development agencies on both native and cross-platform applications - for instance, Android itself was written using this technology, giving app developers access to its libraries.

Integrating APIs from Third Parties

Android developers encounter, yet another hurdle during app development when using third-party APIs can reduce development time and costs significantly while improving app compatibility.

App development can be made simpler when using APIs to streamline work that supports corporate goals. By taking advantage of an API's authentication and functionality capabilities, applications will have greater freedom for development.

Integrating additional APIs can be a complex endeavor for Android developers. They must create APIs that work across all versions, making the user-centric app creation process an intimidating one for these experts.

Developers face the difficult challenge of maintaining compatibility across devices and APIs when developing apps with API issues.

Safety Issues

Apps should provide users with an experience they feel safe using, which developers are striving hard to meet here. Android provides manufacturers with an open-source OS platform that they can alter according to their individual needs.

Android, however, is frequently targeted for cyber attacks due to its popularity and open nature. There remains the threat that malware could enter programs without authorization and lead users to another URL without their knowledge; hence developers should make every effort possible to create safe apps, as it's often the hardest task of all.

Android's large market share makes it particularly susceptible to security attacks, and Google regularly releases updates and patches to address vulnerabilities in its core OS. Modifications made by manufacturers also cause security problems that need addressing immediately.

Issues Surrounding Patents And Copyright

Android developers face another major difficulty: Google does not impose stringent quality assurance guidelines when uploading apps into its Play Store, leading to issues regarding patents for developers who try their apps there. This lack of standards has presented various difficulties.

Some developers may need to rebuild and adapt their apps in the near future to avoid issues with patents. Google Play Store contains many mobile applications with similar functions or concepts that share similar patents.

Developers sometimes add features to Android apps without understanding all of their infringement and patent laws, leading them to incur legal liabilities due to copyright or patent law issues. On occasion, several app developers were sued under copyright or patent legislation for adding features.

Batteries and Storage Capacity

Users of smartphones often worry that mobile apps could decrease battery life on their devices, thus leading to reduced customer loyalty and possibly customer attrition. Your app must not reduce battery life or exceed storage space limitations of the device itself to avoid losing customers through overheating or excessive consumption of battery resources. If this becomes an issue with users, then customers could leave you in favor of another.

Apps that perform efficiently without draining energy or storage resources are considered successful. If an app consumes too much power and overheats, its usage should be curbed. Nobody wants an app that causes pain; instead, developers should design Android applications that use less energy while providing users with enjoyable user experiences.

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A mobile app company faces many decisions and mistakes to navigate during its growth and success, yet by avoiding common missteps, it can find itself in its own niche market.