Optimizing Impact: Custom Software Product Cost Analysis

Usually, there are seven steps in the software development life cycle, and each step consumes some specific amount of time. The 7 phases of development are mentioned below:

  • Planning Stage- two to four weeks.
  • Feasibility or Requirements of Analysis Stage- two to four weeks.
  • Design and Prototyping Stage- two weeks.
  • Software Development Stage- three to eight months.
  • Implementation and Integration- two to four weeks.
  • Software Testing Stage- three to six weeks.
  • Operations and Maintenance Stage- three to six weeks.

Large-Scale Vs. Small-Scale Projects

Large-Scale Vs. Small-Scale Projects

Custom software projects can be categorized into two different groups: small-scale projects and large-scale projects. Large-Scale projects are usually associated with multinational enterprises that need integration of a high number of API programming, database migration, and integration of legacy business systems.

This can also include integrating custom CRM services, Business intelligence websites, CMS applications, accounting software, and many more. Another feature that needs to be highlighted is the role of stakeholders, which is an essential aspect in developing large and custom software suits. Sometimes, large-scale software projects may require alterations in the design at the dissection phase of the stakeholders, which results in more time for implementation.

On the other hand, small-scale projects usually require fewer APIs for programming, fewer modules, less QA testing, and integration with other systems. The reason behind this is the unique and simple nature of the small-scale project. As said, with large-scale products, the security and bug issues with the system integration are usually complex and typical. So, large-scale custom software products need a more excellent timeframe for successful execution.

Timeframes Depend on Project Scope

Timeframes Depend on Project Scope

As every project has a different nature and particular requirements, it isn't easy to calculate the exact time required for custom software development. These requirements may include security features, certain functionalities, external libraries, and APIs. How the existing product will be migrated or integrated with a newer version, such as the legacy, also plays a vital role in determining the time required for hiring a custom software developer.

If there are bugs or errors in the final product, the last delivery time is increased up to a week or a month. Other time-consuming activities may include database migration, business complexity, multiple platform support, etc. Hence, the app's scalability is responsible for usually determining whether the project can be completed in a shorter time or will require more time. Usually, software development is complex and time-consuming. But the project managers can follow the software development life cycle to design, develop, test, and deploy the product in the market with greater efficiency and quality.

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What is the Software Development Life Cycle?

What is the Software Development Life Cycle?

SDLC, or Software Development Life Cycle, is a process used to cost-effectively develop high-quality and complex projects. Both small-scale start-ups as well as multinational organizations. SDLC offers multiple ways for software development ranging from lean to waterfall to agile and so on.

With the Software Development Life Cycle, the developers can follow a step-by-step guide for developing seamless software, from research to deployment. Here is a complete guide to employing SDLC in your next project:

Time Required for Custom Software Product Development

Time Required for Custom Software Product Development

Here are the seven primary steps you need to follow to integrate SDLC into your next project. The brief breakdown is as follows:

  • Planning Stage
  • Feasibility or Requirements of Analysis Stage
  • Design and Prototyping Stage
  • Software Development Stage
  • Software Testing Stage
  • Implementation and Integration
  • Operations and Maintenance Stage

Now we will have a look at each stage in detail to understand it better:

The Planning Stage

Time: 2 to 4 weeks

Before beginning the planning stage, the best tip we can give you is to take the proper time and understand the Software Development Life Cycle.

The planning stage, also called the feasibility stage, is the same as what it sounds like. Here the developers will create a plan for the upcoming project. It helps the developers to know about the scope of the project idea and the existing issues that the software will be solving. By creating an outline of the development cycle, developers can easily catch the problems before they can affect the development process.

Deciding the budget and funding is also essential as it prevents the chances of getting over the budget. At most, the feasibility stage helps the developers to create milestones with various development stages, which is a critical factor if the product needs to be sent to the market within a specific deadline.

Analysis Stage

Time: 2 to 4 weeks

In this stage, all the details are needed for product development and for determining the ideas for creating the first prototypes of the project. The developers are required to:

  • Define any prototype system requirements
  • Evaluate alternatives to existing prototypes
  • Perform research and analysis to determine the needs of end-users

The developers must also create a product requirement specification or SRS document. This documentation contains everything, including software and hardware specifications and network requirements. This will eliminate the chances of getting over budget or resources.

Design Stage

Time: 2 weeks

The design stage is an essential indicator for the project development stage. Firstly, developers have to mark all the details of the project along with the required features and functionalities, such as:

  • User interfaces
  • System interfaces
  • Network and network requirements
  • Databases

The SRS document is converted into a logical design and structure that can be implemented later through several programming languages. Development, maintenance, and training plans are decided at this stage to move forward. Once this is completed, project managers design the document for reference through the subsequent phases of development.

Development Stage

Time: 3 to 8 weeks

During the development phase, the developers begin the actual development process by writing the code to create the design per the specified milestones and outlined specifications. The Static Applications Security Testing or SAST tools come to hand at this stage. The code is built as per the design specifications. The earlier outlining and planning phase helps make the development phase easy and straightforward. Developers use various tools for debugging, interpretation, and compilation and follow the coding guidelines mentioned by the organization.

C++, PHP, or other programming languages can be used for product development. As per the requirements and specifications of the project, the developers can choose the programming languages.

Testing Stage

Time: 2 to 4 weeks

The cycle doesn't end at the development phase. The product must be tested to ensure that it doesn't have any bugs or errors and that the user experience does not adversely affect the end-user devices. The developers rigorously test the product with a fine-tooth comb to track and fix the bugs or defects in the application.

Ensuring that the product meets the quality and prerequisites mentioned previously in the SRS documentation is essential. According to the tester's experience, the project's size or complexity, and the end user's requirements, the time required for testing may vary. Either it can be done in a short period or may require some days.

Implementation and Integration Stage

Time: 2 to 4 weeks

After the project is successfully tested, the application's overall design will come together. The developers combine multiple methods and modules through a primary source code. Passing the product through training environments can eliminate other errors or defects.

The training environment is integrated with the information system and then later installed. The product is theoretically ready for deployment and to be shared with the end users.

Maintenance Stage

Time: 3 to 6 weeks

The SDLC doesn't end after the software is deployed in the market. Developers must roll out regular updates to ensure that the software does not cause any issues or errors on the end user's devices after a few years of deployment. So the development team has to ensure the maintenance of the product even after its deployment. Moreover, the developers have to take the responsibility of implementing the changes the software demands after a few years of deployment.

This may include handling errors/bugs that were not tracked before the software was deployed in the market. Large-scale software usually requires more time for maintenance as compared to smaller software.

Read More: 14 Tips To Create a Good Custom Software 2023

Top Approaches for Custom Software Development

Top Approaches for Custom Software Development

A successful project requires regular maintenance to ensure flexibility. To develop the software with efficiency and flexibility, the users have options to choose the methodology that will work best with their software idea. Every process has its advantages and drawbacks for different reasons. Here is an overview of some of the most used methods that developers prefer for software development:

Agile Development Methodology

Most developers prefer agile development methodology to minimize the chances of bugs, going over budget, and changing requirements if the need for adding new functionality arises. Developers use agile methods with software that require regular iterations with mini-increment of new features. The agile development methodology has various development methods, such as feature-driven development (FDD), extreme programming (XP), crystal, and serum.


One significant benefit of using agile development methodology is that it enables the developers to release the product in iterations. The iterative release of the products helps the developers to track and fix the errors in the software at an early stage. Developers can also know the benefits of the software in an early stage with some incremental improvements.


As the agile custom software development services relies on real-time communication, new developers sometimes have to speed up the process if they need more documentation. They must stay to the time commitment they have to complete the desired feature at each iteration level of the development.

Agile and rapid development methodologies are almost similar and unsuitable for large organizations. Project managers, managers, and organizations are in the habit of using the waterfall method. They may need help with using agile methodology. So they can use a hybrid approach for better development.

DevOps Deployment Methodology

It is not only just a development methodology but a set of practices that supports the requirements and culture of the organization. DevOps development focuses on enhancing the collaboration between different teams of the project and various segments of the software development life cycle. These segments include quality assurance, development, and operations.


This methodology is focused on reducing the time to market launch with a lower failure rate, reducing bug fixing time, and maximizing profits and reliability. DevOps automates the continuous deployment process to achieve business goals, which streamlines the process with reliability. Organizations use DevOps methodology to reduce the time to market with enhanced customer experience, product quality, and employee productivity.


  • Some users don't like continuous updates in their operating systems.
  • Most organizations follow strict regulations for testing the project even before it is moved to the operation phase.
  • There are chances of undetected issues for different departments using different working environments.
  • Some functionalities require human interaction; this may slow down the delivery pipeline.

Waterfall Development Method

The waterfall software development model is considered one of the most traditional methods. In simple words, the waterfall model is a rigid liner method that follows a sequence for software development, including:

  • Requirements
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Verification
  • Maintenance

Before proceeding to the next phase, the developers must finish the preceding degree 100%. The developers can only travel in the forward direction, meaning there is no option for returning to modify the project.


With the linear methodology of the waterfall model, the developers can easily understand and manage the project. If the project has precise requirements and objectives, then the waterfall model is the best option. Developers and project managers with less knowledge and the team where composition changes frequently can benefit most from the waterfall development methodology.


This methodology is often slow and costly because it has a rigid development technique and tight controls. These drawbacks sometimes result in forcing the users to go with other alternatives.

Rapid Application Development

RAD is a narrow or reduced development process that enables developers to create highly-scalable applications with lower development costs. This model allows the developers to adjust quickly as per the changing requirements of the product. This ability is the reason for lower development costs.

In the rapid app development approach, there are four phases:

  • Requirements Planning.
  • User Design.
  • Construction.
  • Cutover

The design and construction are repeated until the user is assured that the product meets all the requirements.


This approach is mainly used with projects with a well-defined business objective and a clearly defined user group but without complexity. RAD works best for small and medium-scale projects that are time-sensitive.


RAD's approach requires an experienced and stable development team with in-depth knowledge of the application area. As client approval is needed at each construction phase, deep learning is essential. Hence, organizations need help to fulfill these requirements to benefit from RAD.

How Much Does Custom Software Development Cost?

How Much Does Custom Software Development Cost?

No two pieces of software are designed or developed equally; neither are the prices of every software the same. In short, the approximate cost of custom software development is around $40,000 to $250,000. However, this situation is not always the same if you have ideas about the features you want to include in your software.

The finalized development cost revolves around the software's size and complexity. So, the larger the software, the higher the price. However, the development cost is also altered by the number of features and pages included in the software application development. The homepage is classed as one screen, and every page you click from there is another.

Smaller applications can be created with around ten screens, whereas larger applications need over 40 screens. Formatting of the pages also affects the development cost of your project. Simple designs can be easily integrated into the software at a lesser price. In contrast, complex structures require some extra time and cost. So while creating the budget, you must know that fancy format will not only improve the usability of the software, but it will also bump your budget.

Other factors that affect the development cost include integrations of other technologies such as Stripe, PayPal, or other eWallet applications or payment gateways. The primary tip to reduce development costs is filtering out what you need from your software. Avoid adding extra features to improve the look of your product.

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The Key Takeaway

It is impossible to calculate the exact time required for development time before beginning the development process. To avail the best results, you have to do some preliminary work and identify everything regarding your software idea. Keep the communication process with the software development company to know the errors they face while developing. In the first phase of development, you can determine the satisfactory outcome of your project. Ensure that there are no hidden charges or unclear requirements before hiring a development firm.