Boost Start-up Success with On-demand Mobile Apps

Now we live in an on-demand world where virtually anything we desire can be delivered directly via mobile device anytime and any place. It can be hard to resist the convenience of ordering pizza instead of spending your evening cooking it yourself or using Uber as an alternative public transport - hence why on-demand applications have seen exponential growth since their emergence. This guide introduces on-demand services, their most prevalent forms, and why they have become integral to daily life. Furthermore, we'll shed some light on developing an on-demand application. Hence, you have all the details available if you plan to develop one.

Over time, on-demand services have become an increasing trend across various industries, such as transportation, food delivery, and automotive sales. Mobile app development firms are becoming more important every day, and now more electronic items than ever are accessible via the app; unfortunately, there aren't too many that give end users access to all services regardless of type. Android app development has allowed smartphone users to complete numerous non-routine tasks that were once part of their daily routines.

What Does an On-Demand Service Application Mean?

What Does an On-Demand Service Application Mean?

On-demand service apps provide customers with instantaneous connections between vendors and clients regardless of location. Even if it is unfamiliar, chances are high that you are using such an application regularly!

On-demand apps offer you all the services and entertainment platforms you could ever want or need without ever leaving your couch, from food delivery and large online marketplaces to entertainment platforms and booking platforms - and everything in between - without leaving. It is the ultimate convenient solution! Mobile applications provide numerous services, such as healthcare, consulting, and food delivery. As demand for these apps continues to skyrocket, more app developers have entered this lucrative marketplace. Modern smartphones have long been recognized for being user-friendly and easier to operate.

Users accustomed to web portals have increasingly switched to mobile applications for web browsing and services like food delivery, transportation, and Uber. There has been an explosion of businesses providing on-demand services such as food delivery, transport services, and Uber for their users. Uber's traditional business model offers many people an ideal transportation option; its user-friendly platform is intuitive.

Accuracy, speed, and quality are the four core values that underpin an on-demand economy and serve to encourage entrepreneurs. They play an indispensable part in motivating individuals. On-demand apps have emerged due to a booming on-demand economy. Amazon, Uber, and Netflix were the pioneers who first offered these services and signaled a change in consumer behaviors. Statistics demonstrate the tremendous growth and profitability in this industry, according to PwC research, with estimates projecting its total market value to reach $335 Billion by 2025.

On-demand Business Models for Startups

On-demand Business Models for Startups

Building trust among consumers is vital as part of an on-demand marketplace startup venture. Your services must reflect their interests and needs while remaining reliable and satisfying for long-term success. Apps should provide exactly what their users require to guarantee customer satisfaction, with round-the-clock support offered. Hence, users can access necessary data when needed, and integration is made simpler. Your platform should ensure a seamless customer journey from start to finish for maximum financial return and success. Incorporating enterprise mobility solutions easily into on-demand apps may add financial gain for financial viability.

Create an App for the on-demand Market

Create an App for the on-demand Market
  1. Register and authenticate
  2. Sign in or log in
  3. Search functions
  4. Real-time tracking of delivery - both time and geolocation
  5. Push notifications, Instant messaging.
  6. Payment calculator
  7. Payment integration techniques
  8. Ratings and reviews
  9. Customer support and helpdesk

Keep in mind that on-demand services tend to be both affordable and convenient; therefore, maintaining their credibility requires rigorous data checks and certification of service providers. Mobile app development firms must use this competitive edge gained from uniquely offering various on-demand apps to set themselves apart. Consider the most common business models.

Instant Delivery or Scheduled Delivery Model

Decide whether your real-time service or product should be instantaneous or delayed when offering it - "Book Now," "Book Later," etc. You can always expand upon whatever plan you initially take when starting up; even if using an on-demand model with instantaneous services, you could add scheduling later if possible.

Partner or on Delivery

Your next decision when developing your business model should involve whether to provide support with fleet support for partners or allow them to handle it themselves. When considering the food delivery business, there are two models. In one scenario, your riders could pick up and deliver food orders directly from various restaurants while depending on the delivery people of that restaurant to deliver orders directly.

Choice or Anonymity

This business model can be demonstrated using two examples. One app allows users to select specific service providers. In contrast, another app chooses between transport mode/class/driver combination options versus individual provider selections. Both examples should have demonstrated what each business offered - although there's no clear winner, each will depend on which services you plan to offer; choosing an experienced mobile application development firm should help provide feedback on the most suitable way of approaching such challenges.

Commoditization at Its Absolute Maximum

Commoditization in its absolute form is one of the key drivers behind any on-demand business's success. Commoditization refers to how many variables are associated with what you offer: for instance, Uber requires customers to select which vehicle type, while Airbnb gives them multiple rental details such as booking details, number of nights booked, location information, etc.


To successfully run an on-demand business, either consolidate existing smaller businesses into one larger one or reduce supply - consolidation is far simpler than reduction. For this to occur, you'll require both a platform and an on-demand model.

Pricing Structure

Pricing should also be an essential element in developing an on-demand business. When setting out pricing structures for your platform, decide whether you prefer one flat pricing structure or multiples which aligns best with its degree of commoditization and features planned to offer customers. Once familiar with all available business models and their distinctions from one another, choose the model which most fits with what features will be made available to customers.

The Benefits of On-demand Mobile App Development

The Benefits of On-demand Mobile App Development

On-demand app development connects services and product providers with large audiences of potential customers while at the same time keeping loyal ones. People use smartphones for many things - even ordering goods by pressing just one button! For this reason, some key mobile app features should be included in apps created specifically for on-demand startups to ensure superior user experiences.

Offering Convenience

On-demand convenience should refer to services and include app performance and its intuitive user interface with minimal clicks required speedy checkout processes, and simple logins/sign up.

Tracking in Real-Time

Noting the ability to track product statuses or orders real-time in real-time will ultimately increase customer loyalty over the long haul.

Pay With a Single Click

As the world moves toward cashlessness and loyal customers, implementing popular and simple payment solutions will play an essential role in expanding customer bases quickly. Innovators should prioritize developing an up-to-date app to facilitate rapid business expansion as they begin a startup venture. When hiring an app developer for this purpose, make sure their payment options can easily integrate.

Mobile App Design Basics

Mobile App Design Basics

Apps on-demand help product and service providers connect with larger customer bases while simultaneously creating loyal ones. Smartphones have multiple uses; therefore, mobile applications must include features to ensure users enjoy a positive experience when using these phones.

Providing Convenience

On-demand applications should offer customers convenience. Not only should this include their services but also app performance in general, an intuitive user interface, and reduced clicks as these features contribute directly to customers' convenience - key attributes of any on-demand app.

Real-Time Tracking

Keep track of customer progress, build loyalty, and increase satisfaction through frequent status updates on orders, products, or services.

Related:- 15 Service Industries That Drive The On-Demand Economy In 2022

Streamlined Payment

Building customer loyalty in an age without cash means using all available payment methods efficiently to attract new clients quickly.

The Most Popular On-Demand Services Apps

The Most Popular On-Demand Services Apps

Apps on demand are revolutionizing how businesses engage with customers. Look at some of the top on-demand apps that have simplified life even further!

Food Deliveries

Statista estimates that online food delivery has become a massive business; they predict its market will reach $1.45 trillion by 2027! On-demand delivery apps offer convenient solutions for those without time or desire to cook; you can order restaurant-quality meals right to their doors with just a few taps; all it requires is your smartphone and an appetite!

Suppose you want to develop an app for on-demand food delivery services such as GrubHub or DoorDash as inspiration. In that case, they offer great examples of an intuitive in-app experience with configurable search features and helpful recommendations.

Booking Services

Booking apps that allow on-demand booking are invaluable tools for booking any appointment imaginable with the doctor, an appointment at a restaurant, hotel rooms in Paris, or tickets. With their ease and efficiency of use, these applications make day-to-day planning effortless!

Airbnb is an outstanding booking app that can be utilized at the click of a button. More than simply an easy way to book accommodation anywhere worldwide and communicate directly with hosts from within its app, Airbnb also recommends properties offering unique activities - helping travelers experience new things while immersing themselves into local culture and traditions.


Uber is unquestionably the go-to app for on-demand transportation services, and apps like it are widely popular around the globe. On-demand transportation goes beyond taxis, with apps designed to help us locate the ideal mode, such as car-sharing services and rental options. They may even assist us with shuttle services!

Apps dedicated to transportation on demand stand out under several unique features: interactive map navigation, instant messaging, feedback system, and in-app payment systems. If you are considering developing one yourself, keep these tips in mind!

Retail And E-Commerce

No smartphone owner could have gone without experiencing delivery services at least once in their lifetime, with online retail apps such as Amazon and eBay providing customers access to an endless supply of goods in just a few clicks. According to Statista's analysis of Amazon iOS shopping app traffic flows in the US alone, a daily average user flow exceeds 20.8 million dollars daily!

On-demand retail has completely revolutionized our shopping experiences. No longer must you wait in long lines or browse endless shelves in search of what you want; now, all your essential groceries, clothes and furniture, electronics, and electronics can be delivered promptly right to your door!

Home Services

Home services have become more and more popular as time becomes a scarce resource. By tapping a few buttons on an app, home cleaning service professionals will come directly into your home, saving you from trying to fit this task into a hectic daily schedule. There are even apps dedicated to furniture assembly, repair, and moving services - something that seems unattainable otherwise!

On-Demand App Development: Solveit Case

On-Demand App Development: Solveit Case

SolveIt has extensive experience building on-demand applications. To illustrate, let's consider one real case study from one of our clients who needed someone who could create a mobile app based on an on-demand business model and connect customers and service providers through it.

From discovery through app release and support, our team of specialists guided clients from start to finish on custom mobile app development services. With decades of combined expertise, they implemented complex functionality designed to streamline searches for services such as technical assistance, cleaning & evacuation services, and cargo transporting.YMaster helps users and service providers connect by providing location-based search results of nearby specialists and service providers. Users can check the rates of contractors as well as arrival times. From there, they can choose their most trustworthy contractor based on ratings and reviews.

On-Demand App Development: Step-By-Step Procedure

On-Demand App Development: Step-By-Step Procedure

Let's focus on more complex matters: How does one develop such an app? Luckily, we've done it before, so we can share our experience. Below is what our plan looks like.

Step 1: Market Research

The success of mobile applications depends heavily upon meeting user expectations and meeting them perfectly, especially in an on-demand industry like on-demand services, where competition can be fierce. Don't neglect market research during project discovery!

Your goals for business should reflect what your ideal customers need from it and be within budget for the purchase. Setting clear business objectives allows you to understand which features should make up a product. Also, this analysis may give valuable insight into competitors' strategies while helping create superior products.

Step 2 - Identifying the Main Features

Prioritize resources so you can deliver an enjoyable user experience to ensure customer loyalty and retention.

On-demand applications vary largely in their functionality depending on which niche is chosen; however, all share certain common characteristics:

  • User profiles On-demand applications have two specific user requirements that require multiple customer and seller/provider profiles. Depending on the industry in which users engage, there may even be more types of profiles.
  • Chat in-app messaging feature offers businesses and their customers an efficient means of keeping in contact. Push notifications provide the ideal means of alerting customers of updates, special offers, and delivery details.
  • Search filters On-demand apps typically display an assortment of products or services for users to peruse, with search filters helping them quickly identify what they need based on criteria such as price, location, and personal preferences.
  • Calendar feature users can quickly view their upcoming appointments and check for free slots with ease using a calendar feature. In addition, managing multiple calendars becomes less of a chore by providing up-to-date information across devices in one source.
  • Integrating payment services on-demand into mobile apps is vital, enabling customers to select their preferred method while conducting transactions quickly and safely.
  • As part of providing exceptional services, developers need to listen and hear directly from customers regarding what services are provided to them. Developers can enhance the services provided by inviting people's honest input on how best to meet customer demands.

Step 3. Find a Reliable Provider

Finding an on-demand app developer that matches your project can be challenging; here are a few suggestions to simplify your search. Check their portfolio and assess whether similar projects were completed before. Don't be shy to seek recommendations from friends and coworkers who have used on-demand app development services and can recommend someone trustworthy who will get the job done properly. Make sure your developers possess valid certifications. Reading client reviews gives a good indication of their performance as development teams.

Step 4 - Develop an MVP

As MVP is the ideal way of building on-demand apps, your team should use an MVP development project as the gateway into this process and test their ideas effectively, saving time and money.

Bear in mind that even with careful planning, unexpected obstacles will arise. Focusing first on your most essential features will enable you to gather user feedback quickly and immediately make any needed modifications or alterations.

Step 5: Collect User Feedback

User feedback should go without saying. In-app surveys and personal interviews provide invaluable insight into how your target audience interacts with the app, making all types of feedback equally worthwhile! So take full advantage of every available method. By adopting this strategy, your decisions can be guided more by experience than assumptions. Plus, app features can be altered to improve performance while meeting customer demands - leading to happier clients.

Step 6 - Scale the App

Once you've collected user feedback and impressions, the next step in app development for on-demand services requires creativity. Take all customer suggestions seriously but add any unique touches that enhance user experience; keep an eye out for competitors watching you closely; think about ways to provide seamless experiences. As part of your architecture design, it is also crucial that you keep scalability in mind. Communicate this issue to your team to prevent unexpected hiccups.

The Saga of On-demand Application Development

The Saga of On-demand Application Development

Developing an app can be expensive and time-consuming; according to our calculations, fully developed complex apps typically cost $100K+ and take six months or longer for development. If your goal is testing ideas without making large investments or waiting too long to see results, try going the MVP route instead; development typically takes four months at $15k.

Planning an on-demand mobile app means considering its development cost carefully. However, an exact figure won't always be known due to variable factors determining its price tag. But don't feel discouraged! Building such applications doesn't take as much as one might imagine!

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Developing an On-demand Application

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Developing an On-demand Application
  1. App complexity planning: Your budget for on-demand application development depends heavily upon determining how many and which features will make up an application, with more complex apps likely costing more to develop than simple apps due to all their bells and whistles. Expect more costs should your requirements require more bells and whistles than simpler solutions.
  2. Additional integrations integrating third-party apps into your app - like payment systems, social networks, and maps - can increase its efficiency while decreasing development costs.
  3. Tech stack Cross-platform development should be an option if the need for developing two applications for both iOS and Android is less urgent, saving both time and money while rapidly reaching multiple markets simultaneously. It provides opportunities to reach users more efficiently.


Mobile applications have many different purposes for people today, from startups and companies selling products or services via apps to on-demand service and product providers who leverage mobile application development on an as-needed basis.

On-demand mobile applications are increasingly prevalent today. Uber and Airbnb have played key roles in popularizing this category of applications; through their innovative apps, such as on-demand apps. This article explores app development strategies and features that make on-demand applications innovative, intuitive, and robust. On-demand apps have quickly become very popular over the past several years. Everyone appreciates having access to everything they need at the tip of their fingers; not only that but often, prices can be lower than traditional methods! An effective mobile application requires strong concepts and competitive advantages in today's crowded industry.

Mobile applications have become an indispensable resource to people all across the world, helping them accomplish a variety of goals. As mobile app development for on-demand services has boomed due to popular apps like Uber and Airbnb, on-demand app development for startups has seen rapid expansion. Here are three things startups should remember before investing in an on-demand app development project for themselves: Soon, we will witness an increased demand for mobile apps developed on-demand by businesses and entrepreneurs, using our information as a basis to start your successful venture in this space. Several factors should be considered when creating an on-demand app for startup businesses to consider before developing an on-demand application.

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Uber and Airbnb's success is essential to app development across industries. Startups must carefully choose their business models. Startups may need an application developer with expertise in on-demand app development; on-demand businesses should strive to avoid pitfalls that threaten customer satisfaction first and foremost.