How To Create An App Like Snapchat

Abhishek Founder & CFO
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Developing an app such as Snapchat is a great idea that lets the creator use all the list of features of social and instant messengers. Being one of the most used photo and video-sharing applications, Snapchat provides exceptional functionality like disappearing messages, reality filters, and stories. Snapchat, an app for sharing photos and videos, had 422 million daily active users (DAU) globally as of the first quarter of 2024, up from 414 million DAU in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Number of Daily Active Snapchat Users

In this article, we are going to put you through the most important steps that will help you build an app like Snapchat, ranging from conceptualization to app design to functionality.

Brief Overview of Snapchat and Its Features

Starting its operations in 2011, Snapchat has remained the most popular social media site, with more than 500 million active users monthly in early 2023. Most of its users are young people, which is 75% of the total platform users, and most of them are under 34 years old. Snapchat is known for its key features, such as Snapchat is known for its unique story features, such as:

  • Disappearing Messages: Messages in a snap are acaulescent, which means they self-destruct once they have been opened; this makes the systems highly personal and have a sense of urgency.
  • Stories: One can post photos and videos that can last for only 24 hours, making it easy to interact with friends and followers.
  • Lenses and Filters: Through various categories like augmented filters and fun effects, users have the ability to have fun and interact creatively with photos and videos.
  • Snap Map: One of the features is where you can share your location and also get a glance at your friends’ status, which is very real-time as far as social life is concerned.
  • Discovery Section: Consumers are able to browse content created by media outlets and other people, allowing them to always stay up to date.

These aspects have transformed the ways through which individuals interact with each other, making Snapchat a perfect example of change in the social sites, inspiring many to create an app like Snapchat.

Importance of Social Media Apps in Today's Digital Landscape

Importance of Social Media Apps in Today's Digital Landscape

There has been a rapid increase in the use of social media, and in 2023, there will be over 4.s 7 billion social media users across the globe. They clearly show that social media apps have become an inseparable part of people’s everyday use and the functioning of enterprises. They serve various purposes, such as:

  • Connecting People: Social media apps allow users to maintain relationships, share moments, and discover new friends beyond geographic barriers.
  • Business Marketing: Companies utilize these platforms for advertising, customer engagement, and brand awareness, making social media an essential tool for business growth.
  • Content Sharing: Social media enables users to share content effortlessly, which influences trends and promotes creativity across multiple sectors.
  • Real-Time Communication: These applications facilitate instant communication, allowing users to connect and collaborate in real-time.

For aspiring developers, how to develop an app like Snapchat offers the potential to meet growing demand and reshape user experiences. With the right concept, features, and execution, how to create an app like SnapChat can be a rewarding venture.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create An App Like Snapchat

Step-by-Step Guide to Create An App Like Snapchat

Step 1: Conduct Market Research

Understanding this market helps in the journey of how to develop an app like Snapchat that stands out. With SNAPCHAT's large user base, the stakes are high, making it vital to know how to create an app like Snapchat that resonates with users.

1.1 Analyze Existing Apps

To begin with, the researcher should explore the special features and operations of Snapchat. Some of the important features to pay attention to include but are not limited to message options, filters as well as stories. Identify what makes Snapchat popular among users:

  • Strengths: From the feedback, what appears to attract users? What are the following features? Is it due to the use of the user interface, the attractive filters, or perhaps the use of Snaps, which are self-deleting?
  • Weaknesses: Search for gaps into which Snapchat can be forced to fit. Is there the question of whether it has features it is missing wherein users complained? To learn more about these shortcomings, collect user reviews/ ratings.

When you map these elements, you derive how your app can best fit in a market that has a myriad of similar products.

1.2 Understand Your Target Audience

The next step you have to take is to decide on who your target audience or your niche market is. Knowing who your user is will dictate how your application will look and how it will work.

  • Define Demographics: Find out who is interested in the technology, what they do, and what they like to do. Is it young teenagers seeking fashionable fun filters or young adults seeking companions for the evening?
  • Conduct Surveys and Gather Feedback: Use the available means, such as the online sample surveys, to feel your demographic. You should ask them what they enjoy most on Snapchat, what they hate, or what makes them dissatisfied when using Snapchat or other media applications. This information is critical when it comes to marketing the app being developed or the modification of an existing app to suit the needs of its users.

There is a very good rationale for carrying out extensive market analysis, which prepares your development process for how to make a Snapchat clone, making decisions that would be tailored to the users as well as a market that your app has left unserved by existing apps.

Step 2: Define Your App's Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

When you build an app like Snapchat, a precise USP is a necessity in the appraisal of the application. From the data gathered, more than 70 percent of the apps do not hit the markets and fail to make a distinct niche. The most significant disadvantage is closely associated with this: a lack of clarity about the competitive advantage you offer can help you steer clear of this problem.

2.1 Identify Unique Features

Begin with the formation of ideas that would guarantee your application to become unique and special. Try to imagine what might help to improve the experience or to fulfill users’ needs in the context of existing social networks.

  • Augmented Reality (AR): The incorporation of such technology brings interesting aspects to remove the fatigue of studying. For instance, custom filters that change the look of users or the environment can entice a user who is in for playfulness and uniqueness.
  • Interactive Elements: These would include features such as games, quizzes, or any other challenge that can engage the users. These can keep the users stuck to the app for more time they can spend within the app.
  • Privacy Features: When consumers begin to understand the concept of shadowing online, having extra layers of privacy features, such as anti-secret chats or customizable options that determine who can see your messages, will be attractive to users.

Learn from the current applications to have a clue about what your app is missing. This not only differentiates your app from competitors, but it also solves the specific needs of the users.

2.2 Craft a Value Proposition

After knowing the unique selling points, you should define what your app really offers to customers. This is a brief description of the benefits that the user cuts out when joining your application rather than other comparable applications.

  • Emphasize Convenience: Point out that your app makes communication or sharing faster or easier than it is done in the equivalent competitor apps.
  • Showcase Unique Experiences: Explain how the users can have different experiences through your app: through filters, through stories, or through the ability to create a community.

Do not make your value proposition difficult for users to comprehend. This will assist potential users in understanding why it is necessary to choose your app, which will lead to downloads and use.

The major messages articulated in a strong USP, and the establishment of a powerful value proposition, create a good foundation upon which the success of the app in the competitive environment of social media can be based. How to build an app like Snapchat that effectively communicates these core messages is crucial.

Looking to Build Your Own Website Like Snapchat?

Step 3: Create a Comprehensive App Plan

Before diving into development, it’s essential to have a well-structured plan in place. According to recent market research, the social media app industry is projected to reach $232 billion by 2028, emphasizing the importance of planning to capture users' attention and stand out as you create an app like Snapchat.

3.1 Outline App Features

Your app's features need to cater to user preferences while providing a seamless experience. Here are key functionalities to consider:

  • Messaging: Instant messaging is crucial for any social media app. Include options for text, voice notes, and video calls to enhance communication.
  • Stories: Implement a Stories feature that allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. This is a popular format that encourages frequent engagement.
  • Filters: Unique filters can differentiate your app. Create customizable filters that users can apply to their images and videos to add a personal touch.
  • Video Features: Short video content is trending across social media. Incorporate options for editing, adding music, and filters to videos to attract users who enjoy creativity.

These features should not only align with user expectations but also offer something new to keep them engaged with your app.

3.2 Develop User Journey Maps

User journey maps are a critical tool for visualizing how users will interact with your app. This process involves mapping out each stage of the user's experience, from first opening the app to regularly engaging with it.

  • Onboarding: Start with an intuitive onboarding process that guides users through the app's features. Balance simplicity with thoroughness to ensure users feel comfortable navigating.
  • Interaction Points: Identify key interaction points throughout the app, such as sending messages, posting Stories, and applying filters. Outline each step so that you can optimize the user interface accordingly.
  • Feedback Loops: Consider implementing feedback mechanisms, like surveys and ratings, at various touchpoints. This encourages users to voice their opinions and helps you understand areas for improvement.

By outlining app features and developing user journey maps, you create a solid framework for your app. This clarity not only guides the development process but also ensures that the final product resonates with users, boosting engagement and retention. Proper planning sets the stage for a successful app launch, paving the way for your app to thrive in a competitive landscape. This approach is essential when you aim to build an app like Snapchat.

Step 4: Design the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

When developing an application, proposing flashy, catchy, and easily navigable screens or areas is paramount. Namely, 94% of the first impressions can be attributed to design, which means that it’s crucial to have a great app structure when you focus on how to develop an app like Snapchat.

4.1 Wireframing

Begin with low-fidelity sketching, where it is possible to lay out the app’s screens and interface. A wireframe also helps to plan the layout of the screens of an app, which means the location of a certain element on the screen at the final stage. This step is very important since it ensures you determine the direction of information flow and users’ interaction with the app. Among such tools, Balsamiq and Sketch should be mentioned as creating low-fidelity models that do not have to look very professional but will emphasize the functionality of the website.

4.2 Visual Design

Instead, select the right color scheme and icons that are appropriate to your brand. The color scheme should reflect your audience and, at the same, enrich usability. Because it is important to have consistency everywhere, icons and other elements should be aligned. This assists in creating solid credentialing for the brand and offers clients an unbroken experience all through the application. Both Adobe XD and Figma allow for the creation of a stylish interface design and keep it consistent with the brand’s concept.

4.3 Prototype Testing

After you have come up with the design of your app, you need to develop a prototype to get a feel for how the app will work. Pre-development phase simulates real interaction and makes it possible to carry out usability testing on the prototypes. Surveys and usability tests should be conducted to identify the problem areas so that the process of improvement can be followed. Be ready to move in circles around this feedback because snapchat users are indispensable when it comes to enhancing the experience.

To a large extent, the students should appreciate the notions of UI and UX and the following key elements of design, which can help them create an app like Snapchat. It will create a better user experience and increase their interest and loyalty tWant More Information About Our Services? Talk to Our Consultants!o your application and the business model involved.

Also Read: Snapchat 2.0: What's the Cost and Impact of Developing a Social Networking App?

Step 5: Choose the Right Technology Stack

Choosing the right technology is very important when you want to create an app like Snapchat. Statista cites that there are over 3 billion smartphone users globally as of 2023. This is an important factor as it shows that mobile applications are a strategic area of investment. The right pick of the tech stack would lead to better app performance and scalability while at the same time bearing a good user interface/experience. When you aim to develop an app like Snapchat, the technology choices you make can significantly impact the app's success.

5.1 Select Programming Languages

The most important decision in web development is the right selection of front-end development and back-end programming languages. As for the front end, one can use languages such as JavaScript and frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. It makes it possible for the application to have adaptive user interfaces, which are essential for an application with a high emphasis on the reception and display of images.

On the back end, it’s languages such as Python or Node. Js are highly efficient. They provide sturdy structures for creating APIs for features like messaging aspects or features involving image sharing. Two more languages are reasonably easy and heavily supported, and they are used as the framework for Ruby on Rails.

5.2 Decide on Platforms

With regards to app platforms, you will decide if you want to target and develop for Android, iOS, or both. Each platform has its own development time environment: It is, for instance, common to use Java or Kotlin in Android but Swift in iOS development.

In case you desire to spread your app to all platforms, it will be advised to go for cross-platform development frameworks such as React Native or Xamarin. With these tools, you can write a single code and run it for the two systems, which, therefore, would cut the costs of development and also give users a uniform interface.

5.3 Database Choices

Social application and management of data or data storage are important in any application, especially if the application is involved in handling multimedia user-generated content, as in the case of Snapchat. Some of the commonly used databases are Firebase for real-time data updates and NoSQL databases for storing and managing huge amounts of unstructured data, such as MongoDB. In cases where relational data is required, MySQL or PostgreSQL can be used for user accounts and interactions.

Choosing the right technology stack requires careful consideration of the app's goals, target audience, and required features. A well-planned stack will lay a solid foundation for your app's success and help it stand out in a competitive market. Knowing how to develop an app like Snapchat involves understanding the technology needs and challenges specific to such a platform.

Step 6: Develop the App

6.1 Assemble a Development Team

According to industry statistics, over 50% of mobile apps fail due to a lack of market research and knowledge in development. To mitigate this risk, assembling a competent development team is vital. Your editorial team should include expertise on how to create an app like Snapchat.

  • Developers: Skilled in mobile app development company, familiar with the chosen technology stack, and capable of coding the app’s front-end and back-end functionalities.
  • Designers: Creative individuals who can build a user-friendly interface and ensure that the visual elements align with your brand identity.
  • Testers: Experts who will rigorously test the app for bugs and usability issues, ensuring a smooth user experience once the app is launched.

Having a balanced team with these competencies will enhance the quality of your app and improve its chances of success in a competitive market.

6.2 Agile Development Process

The mobile app development landscape is dynamic, and user preferences can evolve quickly. Utilizing the Agile development methodology allows you to remain responsive to changes. This iterative process involves:

  • Regularly updating features based on user feedback.
  • Conducting sprints to focus on developing specific functionalities within short, defined periods.
  • Collaborating closely with all team members to adapt to new requirements or challenges as they arise.

By adopting Agile practices, you can increase flexibility, accelerate development cycles, and ultimately create a product that better satisfies user needs.

6.3 Implement Features

A successful app like Snapchat relies heavily on engaging features. Focus on the following key functionalities:

  • Messaging: Create real-time messaging capabilities that allow users to send texts, images, and videos. Implement read receipts and typing indicators to enhance interaction.
  • Multimedia Sharing: Develop a seamless experience for users to capture and share photos or videos. Incorporate editing tools and filters to enrich the content before sharing.
  • Notifications: Keep users engaged through push notifications that alert them about new messages, updates, and friend activities. Ensure that these notifications are customizable to enhance user experience without being intrusive.

Prioritizing these core features will provide insights on how to make a Snapchat clone that meets user expectations and stands out in the crowded app marketplace.

Looking to Build Your Own Website Like Snapchat?

Step 7: Testing and Quality Assurance

In the fast-paced world of mobile applications, ensuring quality is paramount. According to a report by Statista, nearly 90% of users are likely to abandon an app due to poor performance or bugs. Therefore, a rigorous testing and quality assurance process is essential for the success of your how to build an app like Snapchat.

7.1 Conduct Different Types of Testing

Testing your app should be comprehensive and include several types of assessments:

  • Functional Testing: Verify that every feature works as intended. This includes messaging capabilities, multimedia sharing, and notifications. Ensure that all functionalities meet the initial specifications outlined during the careful planning stage.
  • Usability Testing: Assess how easy and intuitive your app is for users. Gather feedback on the user interface and overall experience. Identify any points of confusion and make improvements to enhance user satisfaction.
  • Performance Testing: Measure how well your app performs under various conditions, such as different network speeds and high traffic loads. It’s vital that your app remains responsive and quick, especially when handling real-time communication.
  • Security Testing: Protecting user data is crucial. Conduct rigorous security assessments to identify vulnerabilities. Implement encryption and secure login protocols to build user trust and comply with data protection regulations.

7.2 Beta Testing

After completing your initial rounds of Testing, it’s time to release a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a select group of users. Beta testing is a valuable step where you can gather real-world feedback. Choose a diverse user group that reflects your target audience to get varied insights.

During this phase, pay attention to user behaviors, pain points, and suggestions for improvement. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments before your official launch. This process not only enhances the quality of your app but also helps you establish a loyal user base who feels involved in your development process when you develop an app like Snapchat.

By prioritizing thorough Testing and leveraging feedback from beta users, you can mitigate risks and launch a polished product that resonates with your audience right from the start.

Step 8: Launch Your App

The launch phase is crucial for setting the stage for your app's success. According to recent industry statistics, over 2.87 million apps are currently available on Google Play, while the Apple App Store boasts around 1.96 million apps. With such intense competition, having a solid launch plan is essential when figuring out how to make a Snapchat clone.

8.1 Prepare for Launch

Before launching, develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. Begin by identifying your target audience. Understand their needs and preferences so you can tailor your messaging accordingly. Utilize social media platforms, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to create buzz around your app. Consider building a pre-launch landing page to collect emails and generate interest.

Key tactics to consider include:

  • Press Releases: Write and distribute a press release to tech blogs and local media to announce your launch date.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Engage users through targeted ads and organic posts on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
  • App Launch Events: Host virtual or in-person events to demonstrate your app’s features and capabilities.

A well-planned marketing strategy not only generates excitement but also ensures your app reaches its intended audience right from the start.

8.2 App Store Submission

Once your marketing strategy is in place, it’s time to submit your app to the Google Play and Apple App Store. Each platform has specific guidelines that must be followed to ensure your app gets approved.

Google Play Store Submission Guidelines:

  1. Create a Developer Account: Register for a Google Play Developer account.
  2. Prepare App Assets: This includes your app icon, feature graphic, screenshots, and promotional videos. Make sure these assets reflect your app's branding.
  3. Complete the Store Listing: Fill in the app description, categories, and keywords efficiently to improve discoverability.
  4. Upload the App: Make sure the APK is optimized and free from errors.

Apple App Store Submission Guidelines:

  1. Enroll as an Apple Developer: Sign up for the Apple Developer Program.
  2. Prepare App Store Information: Similar to Google, prepare your app’s name, description, screenshots, and keywords.
  3. Adhere to Review Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines to avoid common pitfalls.
  4. Submit for Review: Upload your app via App Store Connect and wait for feedback from Apple.

Ensure that you double-check everything before submission to avoid delays. A smooth launch day can lead to better visibility and higher download rates, ultimately setting the foundation for sustained success.

By strategically preparing for your app launch and adhering to submission guidelines, you can optimize your app's performance and increase its chances of success in the crowded app marketplace when you create an app like Snapchat.

Read More: How To Create An App Like Instagram

Step 9: Post-Launch Activities

After launching your app, the work doesn't stop. In fact, the post-launch phase is crucial for long-term success. According to a survey by Localytics, 77% of users uninstall apps within the first three days, making user engagement vital right from the start. Here’s how to build an app like Snapchat and keep it thriving. Snapchat made $4.6 billion in revenue from advertising in 2022. By 2027, this amount is anticipated to increase even further, to $8.34 billion USD.

Advertising Revenue Generated by Snapchat Worldwide from 2017 to 2027

9.1 Gather User Feedback

User feedback is an invaluable resource. It provides insights into what works, what doesn’t, and what features users want most. Implement the following monetization strategies to gather meaningful feedback:

  • In-App Surveys: Use short surveys within the app to ask users about their experience. Keep questions concise and focused on key aspects of your app.
  • Email Campaigns: Reach out to users via email after they’ve used your app for a while. Asking for feedback at this stage can yield rich insights.
  • Review Channels: Encourage users to leave reviews on app stores and social media. Make it easy for them by providing direct links.

Analyzing this feedback will help you understand user behavior and preferences — essential for making informed decisions about future updates.

9.2 Regular Updates and Maintenance

Keeping your app up to date is vital for retaining users. A study by App Annie found that apps with frequent updates see 80% higher engagement rates compared to those that don’t. Here’s how to manage updates effectively:

  • Plan Feature Updates: Regularly introduce new features based on user requests. This not only improves the app but also keeps users interested.
  • Bug Fixes: Monitor performance and fix bugs promptly. Addressing issues quickly can prevent negative reviews and enhance user experience.
  • Performance Optimization: Regularly analyze app performance metrics. Ensure your app runs smoothly across various devices and operating systems.

A consistent update schedule will demonstrate your commitment to providing a quality product and fostering user trust and loyalty.

By focusing on gathering feedback and committing to regular maintenance, your app can adapt to user needs and stand out in a competitive landscape. This approach is essential for sustaining growth and engagement over time, especially when learning how to create an app like Snapchat.

Step 10: Marketing Your App

As it was mentioned, marketing plays a significant role in the successful outcome of your application. As found on App Annie, to the extent that marketing makes the app acquire 30% more users than other apps that don’t. Given the fact that people are developing more and more applications for the app marketplace, it is crucial to utilize the SEO and SEM methods on how to develop an app like Snapchat.

10.1 Digital Marketing Strategies

Implementing a strong digital marketing plan is key to reaching your target audience. Here are effective strategies to consider:

  • Social Media Marketing: Always use hashtags and work on Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter to develop an interesting post and a community for your application. To continue using the app and keep a constant engagement with the users, post teasers and progress updates, and repost content from the users to fan out the app.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Partner with influencers that relate to the customers you wish to target or appeal to. Their followers rely on their recommendations, and therefore, it makes them a perfect channel to get to potential users.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Make your App Landing page and the content of your app friendly to search engines. Engaging keywords relevant to the app makes it easy to be seen, hence attracting organic traffic. You should come up with blog post articles that will help the readers, but in the process of reading the articles, the readers should feel like they are being encouraged to download your app.

Effective use of digital marketing techniques ensures product visibility, persuades download, and creates a sense of fraternity among users.

10.2 User Retention Strategies

It is worth so much to retain users as it is to acquire them. Different research works indicate that the probability of making a new user is five times more expensive than that of holding on to an existing one. Here are effective tactics to keep users engaged:

  • Loyalty Programs: They should incorporate incentives that can be offered to the frequent users of the web link. These could be discounts, special features, or any other content that can only be accessed from the platform. They make users continue coming back to your app and using it on a regular basis.
  • Push Notifications: In the case of responding to the problem, its solution is to use push notifications selectively to not only remind users of the app’s presence but also to give them details about the inclusion of new options or new versions of the app. Do not overdo it; all publicity is not necessarily good publicity; keep the message relevant and useful.
  • User Engagement Tactics: Therefore, create events or challenges by integrating a particular poll into an application your users can interact with. App84 illustrates that it is effective in attracting or re-engaging users with some kind of added fun on the site.

By focusing on effective marketing and user retention strategies, your app can achieve lasting success in a competitive market. Understanding your audience and staying connected with them will increase loyalty and drive growth. This approach is essential when considering how to make a Snapchat clone.

The Cost of Making An App Like Snapchat

The Cost of Making An App Like Snapchat

Building an app like Snapchat involves several cost factors that vary depending on various elements, such as features, design, and development team location. Below is a breakdown of the key costs associated with developing a Snapchat-like app.

1. Development Costs

  • Initial Planning and Design: $5,000 - $20,000
    • Wireframing and Prototyping: $3,000 - $10,000
    • UI/UX Design: $2,000 - $10,000
  • App Development: $50,000 - $200,000
    • iOS and Android Platforms: $30,000 - $100,000
    • Backend Development (Server, API): $20,000 - $60,000
  • Features and Functionality: $30,000 - $120,000
    • Core Features:
      • Messaging: $10,000 - $30,000
      • Image/Video Sharing: $15,000 - $40,000
      • Filters and Lenses: $20,000 - $50,000
  • Security and Compliance: $5,000 - $15,000
    • Data Encryption: $2,000 - $5,000
    • User Privacy Compliance: $3,000 - $10,000

2. Additional Costs

  • Testing and Quality Assurance: $10,000 - $30,000
    • Manual Testing: $5,000 - $15,000
    • Automated Testing: $5,000 - $15,000
  • Maintenance and Updates: $10,000 - $30,000 per year
    • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements: $5,000 - $15,000
    • Feature Updates: $5,000 - $15,000
  • Marketing and Promotion: $20,000 - $50,000
    • Launch Campaigns: $10,000 - $25,000
    • Ongoing Marketing: $10,000 - $25,000

3. Optional Costs

  • Legal Fees: $2,000 - $10,000
    • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy: $1,000 - $5,000
    • Trademark and IP Protection: $1,000 - $5,000
  • App Store Fees: $300 - $1,000 annually
    • Apple App Store: $100 per year
    • Google Play Store: $200 one-time fee

Total Estimated Cost

  • Minimum: $100,000
  • Maximum: $500,000

Looking to Build Your Own Website Like Snapchat?


In conclusion, building an app like Snapchat requires a thorough understanding of user preferences, innovative features, and robust technology. From conducting market research and designing an engaging user interface to developing secure backend systems and implementing effective marketing strategies, each step is crucial for your app’s success.

Understanding how to create an app like Snapchat involves prioritizing user engagement and ensuring privacy. By focusing on these aspects, you can create a unique platform that offers value and keeps users coming back. As per Statista's 2024 report on Snapchat's gender group, 50.9% of Snapchat users were men and 49.1% of users identified as women.

Distribution of Snapchat Users Worldwide as of April 2024, By Gender

If you're ready to take the next step in developing your own messaging app or need assistance in bringing your vision to life, our team at CISIN is here to help. With our expertise in app development and user experience design, we can guide you through the entire process—from initial concept to launch. Contact us today to discuss how we can turn your ideas into reality!

Video - How to Build an App Like Snapchat