How To Create An Educational App?

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In today's digital age, educational apps have become essential tools for mobile learning and teaching. The global educational application market is currently estimated to be growing at a CAGR of 6.5% till 2026, reaching $375 billion. Up to 2027, it was predicted that Indonesia's education app revenue will rise steadily.

This guide will take you through the various processes that are key to app design, development, and implementation, including how to create an educational app so as to fully support the teaching and learning needs of learners and teachers. By understanding the process of how to make an educational app, you can tailor the app to meet specific educational goals.

Understanding The Need For Educational Apps

They provide engaging ways for students to grasp complex concepts, practice skills, and collaborate with peers. In the meantime, in-app purchases and premium apps generated about 4.87 million and 0.67 million in income, respectively, for the company. Most of these consumers are looking for affordable, open-source, and easily available modes of learning, especially after the COVID-19 disruptive period.

Revenue of The Education Apps Market In Indonesia From 2017 To 2027, By Source

Today, more than 50% of students use applications in education, which leads to the expansion of the industry’s offer in the form of innovative tools, making it essential to understand how to create an educational app. As this demand rises, knowing how much it costs to make an educational app becomes increasingly important for developers and educators alike.

Rising Demand for Educational Resources

The students of the contemporary world demand appealing and readable learning material. Today’s tools, such as apps, are highly vital in online education since 74% of teachers employ them in their classes, and these tools teach students in accordance with their learning abilities. How to create an educational app that effectively meets these needs is essential for modern educators. Additionally, knowing how much does it cost to make an educational app can help in planning and budgeting for such projects.

Benefits of Educational Apps

  • Engagement: Interactive quizzes and games enhance learning enjoyment.
  • Flexibility: Students can learn at their own pace and revisit difficult subjects.
  • Accessibility: Information is available globally, reducing the education gap.
  • Progress Tracking: Apps help app users monitor their learning progress.
  • Collaboration: Features like discussion boards encourage peer interaction.

Setting Clear Objectives

Before educational app development, establish clear objectives to guide the design process.

Identifying the Target Audience

Understanding your users—whether K-12, college students, or adult learners—is crucial. Surveys and focus groups can provide insights into their learning preferences.

Defining the App's Goals

What do you want to achieve? Goals may include:

  • Improving Knowledge: Offer content that enhances subject understanding.
  • Skills Development: Provide exercises to cultivate critical skills.

Having well-defined goals will shape your app’s content and must-have features, ensuring they effectively meet user needs.

Steps To Create An Educational App

Steps To Create An Educational App

Step 1: Conduct Market Research

Before developing an app, it’s crucial to make sure that there is demand in the market for that particular type of app. According to the latest statistics, the educational app is relatively trending as of the year 2023, with 50%++ users involved in using educational apps. To create an educational app and make your app successful, follow these key areas of focus on how to build an educational app and how to make an educational app.

Read More: How to Make an App Like Duolingo?

Analyzing Competitors

They said that the initial step is to look for educational applications that already exist on the market. Recognize market leaders and look at their functionalities. Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Features: What makes them different from the other similar products on the market? Features such as game aspects, presentations based on e-learning apps preferences, and quiz systems can be considered as the main signs of its presence.
  • User Engagement: The following are some of the ways that these apps use to ensure that they sustain the interest of their users: Check their retention policies concerning basic features such as updates, community or reward aspects.

Studying your competitors will also enable you to pay attention to the niches that your app could possibly occupy.

Gathering User Feedback

The opinions of the end-users are something that cannot be taught or bought in any other way. It is recommended to use questionnaires and/or interviews when obtaining this information. Here are steps to effectively collect feedback on how to create an educational app. This approach ensures you understand their perspective on how to develop an educational app.

  • Surveys: Develop web questionnaires concerning the topics of interest, additional features, and interface convenience. It is possible to create efficiency in this course by using Google Forms.
  • Interviews: To gain a clearer view, perform one–on–one interviews with the users. This qualitative feedback can provide more particular needs and wants, such as students, lecturers, technical needs, and other specific needs.

Considering users’ responses to the app will help in the development stages and ensure the app meets the users’ needs. Thus, the use of both competitive analysis and user data forms the solid basis for your educational app based on real-life needs and is capable of driving away competitors.

How to create an educational app are crucial elements to consider. Furthermore, understanding how to build an educational app will enhance your approach. Lastly, knowing how to develop an educational app ensures the app's success in meeting user expectations.

Step 2: Define the App’s Features

In order to create an educational app, one should decipher the application and the features it will have. New studies show that apps containing valuable elements experience 30% higher user retention rates. Here are essential aspects to consider: how much does it cost to make an educational app

Understanding these elements will guide you through the process of how to develop an educational app and ensure that the app meets the needs of its users.

Essential Features for Educational Apps

  1. Core Functionalities:
    • Quizzes: embed quizzes that allow learners to revise some concepts with ease in case they have forgotten some concepts. These should include more than one type, namely multiple choice, true or false and fill in the blanks.
    • Videos: Prepare videos in order to explain the concepts that are difficult to explain in words and include animated elements and real actors as people grasp information in different ways.
    • Gamification: Include reward systems, which include badges, leaderboards, and challenges. This makes the user continue using the application by making learning a fun activity.
  2. User Interface Design:
    • A clean and simple design should be adopted, especially where the elements of the graphical user interface are easy to comprehend. It is important that users do not get frustrated while searching for the content they need.
    • Ensure that the design is responsive to allow its use across the different classes of devices, including tablets, enhancing its accessibility.

Adding Unique Selling Points (USPs)

To differentiate your app, consider what makes it unique:

  • Innovative Features: Search for unique elements that have not yet been incorporated into the application. For instance, the UDL based on user performance improvement can greatly improve the learning experience.
  • Technology Utilization: Find out how Machine Learning (ML) and, more specifically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can deliver personalized results for a user or how Augmented Reality (AR) can bring a concept to life through virtual simulations like a lab or a historical tour.

When determining these features, we should specify them to create an educational app that will be entertaining and useful to the users. They also make sure that your app gets greater exposure when there are search requests for similar applications, thus increasing your chances of getting new users.

Discuss Innovative App Features With Us

Step 3: Create a Wireframe and Prototype

If we concentrate on the process of designing the user experience or the UX. Indeed, studies indicate that the efficiency of the application increases by 50% when the interface is designed properly. To build an effective UX, follow these essential steps: To build an effective UX, follow these essential steps: how to make an educational app. When you understand how to build an educational app, you can focus on the key aspects of design.

Structuring the Layout and Flow of the App

First of all, it’s necessary to understand the structure of the application, and the primary tool for it is a wireframe. Below is a mere technical description of the framework:

  • Logical Navigation: Interface – make sure that the users can easily get around the application. Label it clearly and logically with a hierarchy starting with, for example, Kitchen on top and Home-cooking recipes below it.
  • User Journey Mapping: With this approach, one needs to think from the user’s perspective. This will help the development team give features a ‘free test drive’ and map out how they will use each feature down to the specific details. This makes it easier to identify some possible areas of discomfort later on.

Ensuring an Intuitive and Engaging Interface

The interface should be visually appealing and functional. Key aspects include:

  • Consistent Design Elements: Common color schemes, writing styles and button shapes should be maintained. This makes it easy for the users to understand the flow, making it comfortable and easy to use, just like they are used to it.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Include feedback elements such as animations or sounds once a user has accomplished a certain task or a certain feature is made available. This brings a more personal touch to it.

Building a Prototype

After the wireframe is done, it is most important to transition to carrying out a prototype. A prototype serves the purpose of making your app come alive or giving Users an experience of how it will work.

The key is to understand how to make an educational app that aligns with your goals. Effective strategies on how to build an educational app include iterative design and testing. Knowing how to develop an educational app ensures a robust final product.

  • Interactive Elements: Provide links that look like the final version of the product in order to increase participation. This enables testers to perform the interaction within efficiencies as would be used in the real app.
  • Iterative Development: Apply it to your app to increase its effectiveness and to improve the prototype. To get the first impressions without the need to spend money on the complete development of the concept. This insight is very crucial in making any adjustment that may be required.

Importance of Prototyping in the App Development Process

  • User Testing: Test the prototype with real users to gather their opinions on usability and design. This input helps you understand what works and what doesn’t.
  • Cost Efficiency: Making changes in the prototype stage is far less expensive than after full development. By identifying flaws early, you can save time and resources.

Get Expert Advice on App Prototyping

Step 4: Development Phase

When you are about to proceed to the development phase of the educational application, there are several important points that must be recognized for the further functioning interface and interaction of the app. It is at this stage that the proper planning can put your app on the way to success. Additionally, knowing how to make an educational app will help streamline the process. Make sure to focus on how to develop an educational app to avoid any pitfalls and achieve a successful outcome.

Choosing the Right Technology Stack

Designing a good educational application requires a good set of technologies that will support the entire development process. The technology stack may include the programming languages, the framework, and tools that will be used during the entire development process. Popular stacks include how to create an educational app.

  • Front-end Technologies: CMSs or backend systems like WordPress along with UI technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript libraries such as React or Angular.
  • Back-end Technologies: Node. such languages as JS, Python, or Ruby on Rails for server-side scripting.
  • Database Management: Use relational databases like SQL or Non-relational databases like NoSQL such as MySQL, or MongoDB to store your data.

Selecting Platforms: iOS, Android, or Both

IOS and Android are the two most popular mobile operating systems in the world today, and both possess their own special features. When you think about how to create an educational app, it's important to consider both these platforms. Finally, exploring how to develop an educational app will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed for a successful launch.

  • iOS: The users who use iOS are known to be more protective of their interfaces, and hence, they have more money to spend on apps.
  • Android: Holds leading customer shares at a global level, and hence, it becomes important to reach out to customers.

If budget permits, consider developing both platforms to maximize your reach.

Deciding Between Native vs. Hybrid Development

After selecting platforms, you must choose between react native and hybrid education application development:

  • Native Development: Also referred to as platform development, it entails developing applications to suit a certain platform in order to allow for the smooth running of the app and access to the platform’s capabilities. But this might take even more time and effort than formal planning.
  • Hybrid Development: This comes with the integration of web technology and native features, which helps develop applications that support both web platforms using the same code. However, the use of this approach can accelerate development whilst incurring certain levels of performance degradation.

Coding the App

Quality coding is vital for the longevity and performance of your app. Employ industry best practices to maintain clean and effective code:

  1. Use Version Control: Git is also used to overview changes and work with other developers.
  2. Follow Coding Standards: Always make sure that the standards set in a specific project are followed to the letter in terms of coding.

Importance of Quality Coding Practices

Implementing quality coding practices is essential for improving app performance, reducing bugs, and making the app easy to maintain. Regular code reviews and integration of automated testing will catch errors early and enhance the quality of the application. If you are looking to create an educational app, incorporating these practices can help you understand how much does it cost to make an educational app.

Considering Scalability and Performance Optimization

Finally, think about how your app will handle growth in users and features. Design your app with scalability in mind so it can expand without significant rewrites. Implement performance optimization techniques, such as:

  • Efficient Database Queries: Reducing load times will enhance user experience.
  • Minimize Resource Usage: This can extend battery life for mobile devices.

By carefully considering these aspects during the development phase, you'll set a solid foundation for your educational app to thrive in the competitive market. By addressing these factors, you will better grasp how to build an educational app and ensure that you are prepared for the challenges of how to develop an educational app.

Request Professional Advice On App Building

Step 5: Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and quality assurance are critical steps in the e-learning app development process, with nearly 80% of users abandoning apps due to performance issues. This emphasizes the need for thorough testing to ensure a smooth user experience when you create an educational app. Knowing how much it costs to make an educational app can also help in allocating resources effectively. Let’s break down the essential components of this phase to understand how to make an educational app and ensure its success.

Conducting Various Tests

Implement a range of testing methods to identify any issues before your app goes live:

  • Functional Testing: This ensures that every feature is operational and responds to the users’ inputs appropriately. It compares the app’s functionality against requirements and guarantees that all buttons, links and tools work as they should.
  • Performance Testing: This determines how the app performs and how well it can support numerous users at the same time, especially during very busy periods.
  • Security Testing: When it comes to current trends, the security testing of systems has become crucial due to the rise in threats. Make sure that the user’s data is safe and that the app also complies with the education industry security standards.

Importance of Usability Testing

Usability testing is crucial to understand how real users interact with your app. This type of testing identifies any user experience (UX) issues that may arise during real-world usage. It helps you gauge how to create an educational app effectively. This approach ensures you address issues related to how to make an educational app. By focusing on usability, you can better understand how to develop an educational app and improve overall user satisfaction.

  • Ease of Navigation: It should not be confusing to the users to locate what they want, and if at all they do, then navigating to it should not be an issue.
  • Visual Appeal: The design should capture the interest of the users in order to ensure that they spend adequate time on it.
  • Accessibility: It is not only the right thing to do but may also bring more consumers by making your app accessible to people with disabilities.

Debugging and Ensuring Functionality

Go through different debug processes and correct all the bugs that are present in the code. Stored procedures can either produce very minute issues like bugs or can represent major hindrances to functionality.

What makes debugging effective is that it makes it easier for you to go to the area where the problems are, and it creates an environment that allows the application to run seamlessly on every device that it supports. To create an educational app, it is crucial to address these issues effectively. When learning how to build an educational app, debugging plays a significant role in ensuring the app runs smoothly across all supported devices.

Gathering Beta Tester Feedback

Before the app is out on the market, it is better to select a few users to test it before the official release. This process can offer invaluable insights:

  • Select Your Beta Testers: The aim should be to select as many subjects as possible, but it is even better if they are selected based on demographic characteristics that are typical for your target audience. It will be important for them to give their opinion regarding the app’s design and detailing and whether it meets the users’ expectations or not.
  • Collect Feedback: Use surveys, interviews, or direct observation to gather input on various aspects of the app. Focus on what users like, what confuses them, and any functionality that could be improved.

Incorporating Feedback to Improve the App

Once feedback is collected, prioritize the suggestions based on common themes and the greatest impact on user experience. Remember, the goal is to launch an educational app that users find valuable and enjoyable. This involves understanding how to create an educational app and integrating those insights into your development process. By focusing on how to build an educational app effectively, you can ensure the final product meets user needs and expectations.

Step 6: Launching the App

Launching an educational app is a critical phase that can significantly influence its success. The number of apps downloaded worldwide reached 257 billion in 2023, a 1% annual increase, but otherwise remained stagnant. Therefore, knowing how to create an educational app and understanding how to make an educational app can be the difference between an app that thrives and one that fades into obscurity.

Number of Mobile App Downloads Worldwide From 2016 To 2023

Preparing for Launch

Before hitting the "publish" button, it’s essential to strategize your launch effectively. This preparation includes:

  • Creating a Marketing Strategy: Outline a robust marketing plan that encompasses multiple channels, such as social media, blogs, and press releases. Social media platforms can help you build awareness and engage with potential users directly, while blogs can provide informative content that highlights your app's premium features and benefits.
  • Setting a Release Date: Choose a launch date that coincides with relevant educational events, holidays, or back-to-school seasons to maximize visibility. A well-timed release can generate more buzz and attract attention in a crowded market.

Launching on App Stores

Submitting your app to platforms like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store comes with its own set of requirements. It's vital to adhere to each platform's guidelines to avoid delays or rejection. To create an educational app, ensure that the app meets all necessary technical specifications and policies concerning user data and privacy. When you build an educational app, it's important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure compliance.

Importance of a Compelling App Description and Visuals

An engaging app description is crucial for attracting potential users. It should be clear and concise and emphasize key features, benefits, and educational outcomes. High-quality visuals like screenshots and videos are also important, as they give users a preview of the app's interface and functionality.

Good visuals can boost download rates by building excitement and trust. By strategically preparing for your launch and following app store guidelines, you can enhance your educational app's impact in the market.

Step 7: Post-Launch Strategies

After launching your educational app, the work doesn’t end; it becomes crucial to implement effective post-launch monetization strategies. This highlights the importance of monitoring user feedback and analytics to ensure your app meets the needs of your audience. When you create an educational app, it's essential to consider how to make an educational app that provides ongoing value.

Also Read: Education App Development: The Key to Unlocking a $350 Billion Industry in this year?

Monitoring User Feedback and Analytics

There are tools like Google Analytics or Firebase that allow for tracking the relevant user engagement, namely daily active users, time spent in the application, and retention. This data is important in strategic telling for updates and features that should be made to the website. The frequent check of such indicators makes it possible to determine their tendencies and possible problems.

Also, it is important to reply to the user comments because they determine the rating of your application and give an insight into users’ experiences. Negative feedback can be dealt with as a positive interaction if the company responds in the right manner and at the correct time so as to increase user loyalty. When you create an educational app or build an educational app, responding promptly to user feedback can enhance the overall user experience.

Regular Updates and Improvements

As with any app, updating is critical to make the app timely and useful for users. Users also need to be engaged in order to offer feedback, which can be in the form of surveys or feedback forms on the usability of the features, which may include fixing bugs, adding onto or improving the already existing features or adding new educational content in general. The boredom can also be addressed by introducing new features and options that are initiated and preferred by users, for instance, through gamification or adapted learning paths. To create an educational app, consider integrating user feedback and making updates as necessary.

New content makes the visitors stay on the application longer and can attract new people to the application, hence its high visibility. Thus, by interacting with the users and focusing on constant development, you create the basis for long-term success in the education market, where users’ satisfaction is crucial.

How Much Does It Cost To Make An Educational App?

How Much Does It Cost To Make An Educational App?

Creating an educational app can be a rewarding venture, providing valuable learning resources to users. However, understanding the development costs involved is essential for planning and budgeting.

The average cost of developing an educational app ranges from $10,000 to $150,000, depending on various factors such as complexity, platform, and additional features. This section will explore the various factors that influence the overall expense of developing an educational app, ensuring you are well-informed before beginning.

  • Basic Apps: $10,000 - $30,000
  • Moderate Apps: $30,000 - $100,000
  • Advanced Apps: $100,000 - $300,000
  • Basic Design: $5,000 - $15,000
  • Custom Design: $15,000 - $50,000
  • iOS or Android Development: $10,000 - $50,000
  • Cross-Platform Development: $30,000 - $150,000
  • Core Features: $20,000 - $50,000
  • Advanced Features: $50,000 - $150,000
  • Freelancers: $15,000 - $50,000
  • Professional Agencies: $50,000 - $200,000
  • Maintenance (Annual): $5,000 - $20,000

Total Estimated Cost: $120,000 (for a moderate app with custom design and cross-platform development).

Looking to Create Your Own Educational App


Developing an educational application is a creative and innovative learning process that implies using IT and having a love for knowledge. In the US, Duolingo was the most downloaded educational app with 16.5 million downloads. How to create an educational app involves understanding these aspects deeply. To achieve this, you need to know how to build an educational app that resonates with users.

Leading Learning and Education Apps in the United States

Do not forget about the costs of development and the need for constant updates in order to ensure the users’ interest.

If you are looking to develop an educational app based on your idea, you should contact the best education app development company. CISIN is a renowned app development company with over 20+ years of experience developing mobile and web solutions for various clients.

At CISIN, we focus more on making educational concepts into practical and creative app solutions for learning. This ensures that users will be hooked, as we provide expertise in how to make an educational app and how to build an educational app.

Feel free to contact us and create a unique educational application with us! Call us today to get started on how we can best help you develop effective learning solutions.

Video - How to Build an Educational App?