Maximizing SaaS Value: The Cloud Delivery Model

SaaS quickly overtook disk-based Software due to superior user experience and more affordable prices, unlike desktop applications built by software companies that still build desktop apps, which often provide poor experiences on mobile devices. Once users can download great UX for free via the App Store in 2021, users will not only expect it but demand it as part of a great overall user experience. SaaS applications do not necessarily outshone desktop counterparts in every category; for instance, SaaS sales and marketing solutions often start small before becoming very complex as new features are added over time.

TextMagic as a SaaS was designed with simplicity; we combined marketing campaigns, help desk, and CRM functionality into one streamlined platform to reduce complexity. As is often the case in SaaS businesses, user experience is key to success. So we made ours easy to use through design. This business model is among the most profitable and sought-after by software entrepreneurs.

This article will outline what Software as a Service (SaaS) is, why its adoption has grown so quickly, and how this model provides superior user experiences compared to standalone desktop software applications. Finally, we will also go over some popular SaaS examples so you have a deeper understanding of all that this entails.

SaaS: Basic Information

SaaS: Basic Information

SaaS Providers and its Functions, With Cloud Application development Customers pay an ongoing subscription for as long as needed. SaaS providers take responsibility for application performance and technical support while simultaneously installing updates independently so customers can focus on business goals without worrying about technical complications.

What Is The Process?

What Is The Process?

Installing Software traditionally on desktops requires using hard drives for installation networks; in contrast, Software as a service often runs over the cloud providers and offers quicker deployment options. Please register on the software website with their email and create an individual password; they can use all its features and tools via the Internet.

SaaS Benefits And Use Cases

SaaS Benefits And Use Cases

Software as a Service (SaaS) offers many advantages to those developing Software and those who will utilize it. Software as a Service offers many advantages; these include:

  • An income model built around subscriptions provides relatively stable recurring revenues to your business.
  • Affordable to users; cost-effective (no maintenance costs)
  • Scalability (When their business expands and their needs increase, clients can easily upgrade or downgrade their subscription plan quickly).
  • Low initial investments and trial periods make gaining new clients simpler.
  • Allow users to gain access to updates and features without purchasing an entirely new version of the Software.
  • Provide an exceptional user experience (SaaS apps provide seamless experiences across devices without being cumbersome or complicated for their users.).

Let's look at several popular SaaS products and companies to better understand Software as a service (SaaS). No doubt you have encountered at least some of them.

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Are You New To SaaS Services?

Are You New To SaaS Services?

Chances are, you have heard about some popular SaaS services before and may or may not know exactly how the industry of software-as-a-service works - although that doesn't necessarily mean you haven't used some in everyday life - Regardless, experts understand this business model better by studying examples such as cloud infrastructure apps like Dropbox. Here are a few well-known cloud platforms apps so you can gain some perspective on this unique model for doing business.


This cloud storage provider makes storing documents and working together easy. Dropbox's immense popularity stems from its user-friendliness across multiple platforms; users experience no differences when switching between Windows, IOS and desktop versions of Dropbox.

Google Workspace

The tools of Google Workspace are designed to enhance and simplify your working processes, from customized email for business (Gmail), hybrid Cloud storage (Drive), word processing (Docs), spreadsheets (Sheets), survey builder forms and more.

SaaS allows several users to work on one software program simultaneously. Each can see and comment on changes. Google Drive makes organizing video conferences simpler, while Gmail stands out with its intuitive navigation and clean user interface and is widely utilized by modern businesses for sharing mail.

Office 365

Subscription-based models such as Office 365 have become widely adopted among large enterprises. Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications such as these provide enterprises with services they could never imagine having access to just ten years ago without paying license fees and installation fees.


Shopify is an e-commerce software platform designed to launch online businesses easily and profitably, featuring SEO and marketing tools and an easy user experience. Over time, it has grown increasingly popular due to its user-friendly features and intuitive experience.


Slack offers an affordable business communications platform in the public cloud. Users can create channels, engage directly in direct discussions with others, send files securely, and leave comments for them all simultaneously. Slack's design makes it so widely beloved; everything about its onboarding procedure and update display are user-friendly experiences valued by its customer base. Customers enjoy using Slack as they appreciate its user-friendliness.


Zoom has quickly become indispensable, particularly with the COVID-19 Pandemic beginning this year. Utilizing it allows people to hold online video conferences or meetings using only a web browser and an internet connection - perfect for remote servers teams working abroad. Zoom's rise to prominence has left many scratching their heads as users struggle with how it happened. Skype was once the standard in video conferencing software. Still, it cannot compete against Zoom due to its intuitive, user-friendly UX.

These companies have gained huge customer praise thanks to the quality and ease of their products and customer experiences, particularly SaaS offerings that deliver better experiences than on-premise solutions. What exactly makes SaaS offerings better customer experiences than other solutions?

SaaS (Software as a Service) Vs. Standalone Desktop Software

SaaS is a business model that prioritizes improving the user's experience, simplifying product interaction, and ultimately creating happier clients. Clients don't care if data resides locally or on the types of cloud computing; they only want a fantastic user journey. Why are SaaS apps better at providing excellent customer experiences than standalone desktop software?

Spend less

SaaS solutions differ by not being installed directly onto an enterprise's computers; instead, they are hosted by vendors, eliminating the need to manage or maintain the Software themselves. With SaaS providers on board, companies are freed from incurring expenses related to updates, implementation and support so that more resources can be dedicated to providing quality user services and experiences.

Size And Function

Old-style Software was often complex and costly, featuring numerous functions in one large package that were difficult to design clearly for customers' use. When Software had so many different functions, its customer experience suffered considerably. SaaS solutions tend to be simpler because their focus is more narrowly tailored to solving specific user problems (they tend to be niche-specific). This results in intuitive designs with user-friendly interfaces.

Ongoing Development

SaaS applications don't reach final release as often since companies regularly add features and revamp the user experience of apps that run via SaaS. Cloud-based Software allows customers to update their applications remotely instead of paying update costs to desktop programs.

Mobile Experience

Over 90 percent of Internet users regularly rely on their mobile devices for online browsing. In an ever-evolving mobile environment, it should be no surprise that apps deliver real-time data and platforms from multiple devices.

SaaS services allow users to connect from any internet-enabled device. SaaS technology creates a consistent user experience across desktops, tablets and smartphones, and various browsers, operating systems and platforms. SaaS firms can pay increased attention to designing customer-centered applications due to their cost effectiveness, constant development tools, and specific focus.

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Cloud Computing Benefits

Cloud Computing Benefits

Cloud computing offers three major benefits before diving deeper into each service delivery model. One major advantage is cost savings; cloud solution computing's initial expense more than pays for itself when considering your time and money savings on projects. There are even pay-as-you-go options that allow users to select space as necessary and pay as needed - an approach called pay-as-you-go offers convenience as it lets customers select exactly how much storage is necessary and then pay per GB used if applicable.

Cloud service provider storage won't waste your money by paying for storage you won't use. At the same time, its mobility allows users to access data and files from anywhere at any time - ideal for organizations with dispersed offices and employees. Furthermore, third-party quality control provides all users equal access to share identical information while eliminating human mistakes and recording changes and revisions over time.

Why Does Deploying SaaS Make Sense?

Why Does Deploying SaaS Make Sense?

SaaS deployment brings many advantages over previous distribution models.

SaaS Applications No longer Need Physical Distribution

SaaS distribution can now take place entirely online and does not involve using physical media like CDs to distribute software applications and updates, making accessing and obtaining it simpler while upgrading patches and new features being released more rapidly.

Software As A Service Applications Do Not Require Long Term Commitments

SaaS subscriptions enable individuals and companies to select Software tailored precisely to their needs without incurring long contracts that lock them into agreements that don't suit them. This allows multiple users to utilize the best Software. These can quickly be adopted when new developer tools emerge with superior functionality or design features. At the same time, their predecessor is dumped from use.

Many SaaS Applications Don't Require Special knowledge Or Training

SaaS applications don't usually require special knowledge or training to deploy successfully since their deployment doesn't entail physical storage at their deployment location. Many SaaS tools are user-friendly and don't necessitate software training courses for deployment.

SaaS Can Be More cost-effective

SaaS also appeals due to the low price point; many applications can be had for as little as ten dollars per user per month, making SaaS solutions extremely appealing.

SaaS Scales Effectively

SaaS is easy to deploy and takes up minimal storage space. If additional users require software access, additional licenses or seats may be purchased as required; otherwise, they can be reduced as demand drops.

What Businesses Need SaaS Management

What Businesses Need SaaS Management

SaaS has quickly become the standard delivery method for software deployment and management within businesses today, replacing traditional methods on premises with this popular cloud delivery model. But are there any downsides? Consider these reasons why SaaS Management could benefit your organization:

Shadow IT: Prevent And Reduce It Shadow

It occurs when technology systems or applications are procured without IT's knowledge or approval within an organization, leading to additional lines of business purchasing SaaS directly and increasing employee SaaS usage-- one in six employees is now spending on SaaS directly.

The purchase of IT shadow solutions can often be considered a business applications decision. Allowing lines of business to independently acquire top SaaS solutions allows them to move faster when innovating than when central IT handles all purchases directly. SaaS can effectively combat shadow IT by making SaaS apps visible and discoverable. This approach is being leveraged by nearly 70% of software management/acquisitions occurring outside IT, according to the SaaS Management Index.

SaaS License Management

With more teams or lines of business purchasing SaaS software comes a greater risk of mismanaging licensing arrangements for SaaS solutions. However, few business managers receive IT management training to learn best practices regarding licensing administration - underutilized or unused licenses being the top source of issues with SaaS licensing management.

Unused licenses can pose a security threat when not assigned to specific teams or individuals, leading to automatic renewal and unnecessary expenses for an organization. How can it make sure former workers do not gain access to company-sensitive data in SaaS apps? An organization should use license tracking solutions like License Tracker Pro. Hence, it knows who uses its products - saving time and money.

Ununused SaaS has decreased in value. Optimizing licensing arrangements for SaaS services can ensure the number of seats or licenses is precisely as needed by companies and thus help preserve its worth.

SaaS Renewal Management

While SaaS subscription tools may offer many advantages, one key disadvantage can be renewal management. An average company typically utilizes 291 applications within their stack; that equates to approximately one renewal every business day.

SaaS software often comes equipped with automatic renewal features with long notice periods - anywhere between 90 days to over two years - if customers do not notify the provider that they do not wish to renew for another term, locking users into another payment cycle and forcing a change. Problems compound themselves when no central management system documents all renewal dates in an organized fashion.

SaaS Spend visibility And analysis

Understanding and tracking SaaS costs and value are among the hardest challenges organizations must confront today. Cheap SaaS purchased with credit cards or reimbursed expenses could create unplanned expenditures on technology products and services that increase spending without proper oversight. SaaS management's primary motivation is gathering insights into where, when, and by whom money is being spent and its overall contribution to value creation within an enterprise.

SaaS Data Security And Risk Reduction

Data breach costs average out at $4.35m annually when including mitigation expenses, business losses and process improvements. In the U.S. alone, however, average data compromise costs total $ 9.44 million, with cyber breaches becoming an increasing risk as more individuals utilize SaaS applications.

SaaS applications used in business store data from when an employee logs onto an email server of that business to purchase or test cloud computing solutions software, often including sensitive customer records. SaaS Management that helps identify all SaaS apps used within a company and increases visibility can boost security through visibility.

SaaS Value And Usage

Businesses seeking SaaS Value and Usage Many organizations seek to understand user adoption and usage patterns over time. Measuring utilization gives a comprehensive picture of user usage from deployment through adoption to utilization - providing valuable data that aids future decision-making processes.

SaaS Governance & Distributed Access

Shadow IT occurs when SaaS decentralized services spread organically among user adoption, without IT management involvement or oversight. Not every organization seeks centralized control of applications from users or teams. IT managers and businesses find their companies more agile and effective when managing and acquiring SaaS apps directly. An effective SaaS Management Process enables organizations to find the ideal balance. An IT or sourcing team may monitor all SaaS apps as part of an inventory.

What Is a SaaS Management Strategy?

What Is a SaaS Management Strategy?

Enterprise SaaS strategies concentrate on searching, IT collaboration and the lifecycle.

Discover SaaS: Steps

To properly utilize SaaS services in an organization, the first step should be identifying how applications are currently used by employees in your company. Often, this task falls to IT or Procurement teams within your business who create an inventory via shared spreadsheets. Though theoretically simple, this approach presents challenges because each team or business unit must remember and log every SaaS app they have acquired or maintained.

This model requires SaaS users to provide all pertinent details of their applications in an Excel inventory spreadsheet, including renewal dates, seat or license count, user associations, purpose of application use and associated costs. Relying solely on memory can result in inaccurate or missing data being provided about applications under control by individuals.

This method often falls short due to its limited accuracy, as maintaining an active spreadsheet that accurately represents current inventory can be tedious and cumbersomely upkeep as soon as it goes stale without frequent and meticulous updates from its maintainers.

What Value A SaaS Management Platform Provides

SaaS management providers utilize various techniques for discovering SaaS applications, varying depending on vendor, solution provider and consultant expertise. SaaS Management Platform analyzes all financial transactions of clients to continuously identify SaaS application transactions.

Data collected through transaction records is then uploaded into an algorithm with patent protection; this algorithm compares it against an extensive library of SaaS profiles to facilitate analysis and categorization that includes:

  • Total Number of SaaS Applications Available Now: 64 Applications
  • Ownership of applications, including business centers, cost centers, user accounts, teams and teams within teams
  • How many seats or licenses exist?
  • Spending per Application
  • Property Information on each category and function
  • Subscriber Renewal Dates and Renew Dates are listed below.

Technology teams can utilize this data to identify opportunities for optimizing their SaaS stocks.

  • Shadow IT arises in instances when irregular expenditures have taken place.
  • Apps without visible owners or active users
  • Applications that utilize functional redundancies
  • Applications that duplicate or are multi-sourced.
  • Application without security screening or prohibited application.

One effective strategy to combat wasted spending, unplanned renewals and shadow IT is keeping an inventory of SaaS apps updated at all times.

SaaS Management Requires An SaaS System Of Record

One key outcome of SaaS management is creating and organizing a record system to keep all SaaS apps under control and tracked once the discovery phase has concluded. Once created and organized, it provides important visibility and visibility collaboration with teams/business units on these applications that need them for everyday business processes.

System updates must occur regularly.

  • Combat the lack of visibility by acting as one source for all SaaS apps
  • Improve team collaboration by creating a common source for application data and reporting needs.
  • Monitoring important subscription data such as licenses, spending habits and renewal dates.

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SaaS application Lifecycle SaaS

Discovery refers to gathering all relevant information regarding SaaS applications within an organization - known and unknown. SaaS record systems store this vital data. SaaS Lifecycle management provides an overall framework to capture, organize and coordinate activities related to its journey in an organization.

SaaS Management encompasses processes at each step, from pre-purchase through onboarding and monitoring through retirement or renewal - creating best practices at each point helps minimize unnecessary risk exposures to protect businesses against unnecessary liability exposures.

Preliminary Strategic Review For SaaS

Reviewing any SaaS Application before purchase can help protect value, avoid risk and streamline implementation of new software solutions. Review processes vary for every organization depending on their capabilities, capacities and resources. Some review methods include manager's reviews or using review boards consisting of stakeholders from IT, Legal, Procurement, Finance etc. Pre-purchase reviews serve three main functions. These reviews:

  • Assess risk.
  • Mitigate costs or liabilities associated with potential purchases.
  • Help establish reliability during implementation and post-purchase reviews.
  • Compare it against similar applications within your organization to ensure it still offers value.
  • Comply with protocols related to cybersecurity, data certification and legal or financial standards
  • Create a list of criteria to evaluate any purchase offer and either accept or decline it.

SaaS Application Onboarding

Once a SaaS app purchase has been approved, it is critical to implement an onboarding plan in place to facilitate its adoption and use effectively. An effective onboarding process helps:

  • Clarifying ownership information and cost centers will prevent instances where SaaS ownership remains uncertain.
  • Documenting adoption, onboarding, renewal notice periods, and renewal is vital in managing an application proactively.
  • Benchmarks should be established for the application's adoption, use, expenditure and value to guarantee accurate decision-making based on accurate information.

Continue SaaS Management

Longer management of SaaS can also be the most crucial. Without proactive maintenance measures, owners and users of SaaS applications could easily mismanage this stage, potentially mismanaging it entirely without much success. Regular examination is necessary.

  • Organizations should become familiar with all SaaS apps currently used, particularly any newcomers.
  • Display upcoming SaaS subscription renewal dates with associated notifications.
  • Costs associated with SaaS
  • Duplicating applications and functionalities
  • Applications that are underutilized or are no longer in use

Renewal Of SaaS

Renewal of a SaaS service (facilitated through its renewal schedule) can be an arduous task that all stakeholders must decide upon together, considering benchmarks and metrics regularly measured against. Renewal decisions should be finalized well in advance to avoid reactive decisions being forced upon you as the renewal dates approach. They should follow an organized, systematic procedure.

  • A renewal calendar provides stakeholders with advance notification of renewal periods.
  • SaaS apps are evaluated holistically to assess their renewal value, considering cost, user experience and business needs.
  • Renewal negotiations can be improved by being well-informed when engaging with SaaS providers in negotiations for renewal agreements.

SaaS Retirement

Offboarding plans help organizations safely remove SaaS apps that no longer fulfill renewal criteria from their businesses without fear of the loss of customer or corporate data or with any risk to customer or corporate confidentiality being exposed during this process. Offboarding is an integral component of the SaaS lifecycle.

  • Transition plans must ensure functionality, user and data continuity during this transition period.
  • Establish processes to delete company and client information from applications.
  • Guarantees offboarded SaaS apps don't reemerge as shadow IT.

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Conclusion Of Article

Software as a Service Market SaaS apps have proven popular among companies and individuals for providing consistent value through user-friendly platforms that deliver constant ROI with user-friendly user experiences. SaaS's popularity can also be attributed to its affordability and accessibility - it can be utilized by anyone with internet access who uses a browser and computer.

SaaS continues to flourish as one of the highest-profit business models that delivers an excellent user experience for customers. SaaS continues to adapt as technology changes; some experts predict its focus will include artificial intelligence software, while others suggest cloud software will prioritize mobile optimization.

As more businesses migrate to the cloud computing services, SaaS solutions have proliferated, increasing the need for cloud software specialists to assess market trends and offer practical solutions that satisfy business requirements. As businesses migrate towards SaaS-based solutions, the number of SaaS specialists is increasing accordingly.