Maximize Savings: Switch to Cloud-Based Software Solutions!

E-commerce also experienced an almost 34% surge due to the pandemic in 2023 and is projected to experience further expansion. CBRE Research estimates that by 2023 the percentage of total retail sales attributable to e-commerce will have grown from 20,7% in 2026 to 23,4%. By then, digital-impacted retail will account for 58% or over $2.4 trillion.

  • Cloud computing is not for everyone. Businesses must know their purpose and the chosen model before choosing cloud computing.
  • The best decisions can be made by IT managers when they have input from all lines of business in the organization.
  • For IT managers to get the best out of cloud computing, they must be aware of their organization's business units and understand any security requirements, such as compliance, that CSPs cannot fulfill.

Implementing cloud-based computing solutions offers numerous advantages. Below is an outline of these benefits and facts to aid management teams in making informed decisions about cloud solutions.

Cloud Computing Is A New Concept

Cloud Computing Is A New Concept

Cloud computing refers to IT resources located offsite and accessed remotely through an Internet connection. Cloud service providers (CSPs) host the IT resources that users access daily; these resources no longer reside locally in data centers or server farms of businesses - servers, databases and applications can only be reached remotely over the web.

Cloud computing, an emerging technology, allows users to securely manage and store data online with an Internet server without using local computers for storage. Cloud computing enables software developers to gain access to applications, data sets, images and software at any time from anywhere - providing for faster innovation and increased flexibility.

Cloud computing models can be divided into two primary models, which are the service and deployment models.

Service model consists

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

While the deployment model consists

  • Public Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Private Cloud

Many Services Are Available To Organizations Through Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to IT resources located offsite and accessible over an Internet connection. Cloud service providers (CSPs) host these IT resources that users access daily; no longer are they located locally within data centers or server farms, but instead, servers, databases and applications can only be reached remotely on the web.

Cloud computing, an emerging technology, allows users to securely manage and store data online with an Internet service without the need for local storage systems. Software developers using the cloud can gain access anywhere from anywhere to applications, data sets, images and software - offering faster innovation and increased flexibility. Cloud computing models can be broken into two primary groups, service and deployment models.

Cloud Computing: What Are Its Benefits?

Cloud Computing: What Are Its Benefits?

Cloud computing solutions offer two major benefits for companies who adopt them: IT savings and data access from any location. Over 90% of organizations that adopt them also report improved cybersecurity posture and comply with all required laws or requirements.

Businesses benefit from enhanced cybersecurity posture and having their data distributed among multiple storage locations by cloud service providers (CSP). This also facilitates disaster recovery processes more readily. There are additional cost savings benefits and advantages when opting for such providers:

  • 24/7 Monitoring With It Experts: The cost of replicating 24-hour IT expert monitoring with a company's IT team is high, yet 24-hour monitoring is a requirement of the agreed-upon SLA.
  • Scalability: As the demand for a company's product or service increases, the cloud provider automatically matches that increase with more IT resources. The IT resources are then reduced when the demand decreases.
  • Mobility: Android tablets, iPads, and smartphones can all connect to the cloud in the same way as a laptop or desktop.
  • Data Loss Prevention: Cloud-based servers in different locations containing your data reduce the risk of data loss.
  • Automated Software Updates: Cloud service providers update the software immediately as soon as updates become available. This minimizes the risk of zero-day threats.
  • Accessibility Anywhere And At Any Time: Business information is accessible 24 hours a day from virtually any place in the world if a reliable Internet is present.
  • Reduced Downtime: With business data being stored at multiple sites, one location may be offline for maintenance, and the others remain online.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies that use cloud computing solutions gain an edge by cutting IT costs and labor.
  • Cloud Computing Makes Data Accessible From Anywhere: Businesses can access information using any internet-connected device. Cloud computing allows you to store data online instead of on your desktop computer or server at your workplace. The information is accessible from a web-based central hub, which allows anyone with the right credentials to access it from anywhere with an Internet connection.
  • Maintains Consistency Among Users: If multiple team members work on the same digital document, mistakes are easy. Cloud-hosted documents are stored in one central place to sync data across all devices automatically. Users always have the latest version of a file.
  • Scalability Is Easy: As your business expands, you can easily change the number of cloud users with access. The same applies if you want to reduce the user count. Pay for exactly what you actually need and stop worrying about going over your budget.
  • Remote Work Is Easier: Many businesses rely on software employees would not have at home. Users can access documents and applications just like in an office with cloud computing. Cloud computing benefits for remote work are particularly important, considering that one-third of remote workers would quit their jobs if required to return to the office after a pandemic.
  • Backing Up Data Is Easy: Data loss can be catastrophic and devastate a business at any moment due to power surges, natural disasters, or failures of hardware. Suppose an organization backs up or stores critical files, applications, and data in the cloud. In that case, this information is safe and available.
  • Cloud Computing Is Cost-Effective: Buying and maintaining networking and hardware equipment takes time and expertise and costs money. A cloud computing service provider will store your data without any negatives. A cloud-based business model requires less initial capital than a traditional in-house IT infrastructure. Cloud computing allows for greater budget flexibility, and you only pay for your needs. The monthly or yearly prices of cloud services for enterprises are predictable and reasonable.

Cloud computing solutions offer two major benefits for companies who adopt them: IT savings and data access from any location. Over 90% of organizations that adopt them also report improved cybersecurity posture and comply with all required laws or requirements.

Businesses benefit from enhanced cybersecurity posture and having their data distributed among multiple storage locations by cloud service providers (CSP). This also facilitates disaster recovery processes more readily. There are additional cost savings benefits and advantages when opting for such providers:

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Cost Savings

Businesses of any size can significantly cut expenses with cloud-based solutions, eliminating expensive on-premise infrastructure or hardware and associated support and maintenance expenses.

Cloud solutions also feature Pay-as-you-go features that enable businesses to only pay for services they use; according to one study, cloud technologies may lower IT expenses by as much as 25-75%.

Enhanced Security

Cloud application development brings various security advantages for businesses. Cloud providers take steps to provide enhanced protection, and according to recent RapidScale research, 94% of companies adopting cloud computing have found security has increased since switching.

Cloud service providers boasting their expertise and vast resources can offer more secure protection to businesses, helping reduce risks of security breaches while mitigating risks associated with breaching security incidents. Businesses should rely on solutions offered via cloud computing services as protection providers.


Cloud-based solutions provide businesses with greater agility. One key reason businesses opt to migrate operations to the cloud is its scalability - rapidly scaling up or down as necessary without incurring costly infrastructure investments. Furthermore, employees working remotely via an internet connection makes collaboration simpler while remaining productive within modern workplaces.


Cloud computing enables remote working and collaboration, improving employee productivity while speeding decision-making processes. Mobility also speeds up decision-making processes faster.

Automatic Software Upgrades

Unneeded updates can be frustratingly time-consuming to install manually across an organization, with cloud-based apps automatically refreshing and installing these updates for you. No IT department needs to be involved either! By hiring an outside IT consultant or Cloud Developer, you will save both time and money. Another alternative that could reduce expenses would be hiring one for yourself directly.

Collaboration Increased

Cloud-based software can significantly boost team collaboration through easy data sharing and real-time edits, helping teams collaborate more easily. Modern offices are becoming more mobile, meaning employees must always have access to data. Cloud software offers role-based controls so sensitive information doesn't fall under an employee's purview - something modern offices cannot easily achieve with traditional desktop systems alone.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is vital in modern business environments where data plays such an integral part, both to continue operations and prevent downtime of vital records. Cloud computing offers businesses an effective solution for disaster recovery; according to one Report, 20% of cloud users could claim disaster recovery within four hours, as opposed to only 9% who do not use the cloud.

Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions enable businesses to resume normal operations faster after any catastrophe strikes, decreasing downtime impact significantly and mitigating downtime with speedy solutions designed specifically to restore operations quicker after an event takes place.

Loss Prevention

Without investing in cloud computing, your organization's data may rely on work computers that store them. While this might not seem like a huge risk, should anything go wrong with these pieces of equipment, you could risk losing all important documents due to viruses, wear-and-tear or user error.

IT managers who select appropriate cloud computing models and deployment strategies for their cloud data center will realize cost savings and decrease worry over local data center availability. Cloud models vary considerably; their selection will determine costs and any IT resources that could become left behind.

Cloud Computing Models Are A Type Of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Models Are A Type Of Cloud Computing

Businesses using cloud computing have two options for migrating software and IT apps - either all or selected portions that require regular upkeep - to the cloud or keeping specific pieces that require maintenance in-house. These are among the main distinctions.

Infrastructure As A Service

An IaaS solution puts the company in charge of managing software, operating system and middleware while the CSP handles data storage.

Platform As A Service

CSPs manage all hardware and software associated with PaaS, such as operating systems and middleware. Applications and business data remain under CSP control - this solution has proven increasingly popular with organizations engaged in application development.

Software As A Service

CSPs manage all IT infrastructure, while SaaS apps can be accessed directly via an Internet browser. SaaS solutions remove the requirement for companies to invest in IT infrastructure or software. Instead, they can redirect all or some of their IT budget toward this service. Most SaaS cloud solutions host one specific application, such as human resource or customer relationship management applications - see graphic representations of each cloud computing model here.

IT managers must select an optimal deployment model once they've settled on a cloud computing platform. Three such models exist - public, hybrid and private/on-premises; each provides distinct advantages.

Cloud Computing Is Cost-Effective

Cloud Computing Is Cost-Effective

Cloud computing can be cost-efficient as all expenses associated with buying software and hardware are eliminated, including maintenance, upgrades and operational expenses. IT personnel that handles setup and maintenance for setup/maintenance tasks are no longer cloud service providers needed to perform them. Further cost savings come from using cloud-based resources, which offer increased data security/recovery services and improved recovery speeds.

Cloud Computing Models And Strategies: How To Choose

Cloud Computing Models And Strategies: How To Choose

IT managers who want to maximize cloud computing should become intimately acquainted with all business units within an organization and any security or regulatory requirements that cloud service providers (CSPs) cannot fulfill, then make their decision after fully comprehending these three factors.

Each organization is different, and IT managers must create a charter outlining its purpose and objectives clearly defined for any given project. Regardless of size, stakeholder feedback in each line of business is also imperative. We will look at the advantages cloud solutions can bring when running businesses, as well as recent statistics demonstrating their influence in the marketplace.

Cloud Computing: Why You Should Learn It

Cloud Computing: Why You Should Learn It

Cloud computing refers to delivering computing services over the Internet, including storage, networking and software services. Cloud technology has revolutionized business innovation and operations worldwide and created new career paths for those able to leverage it successfully. Here are four compelling arguments why you should study it.

Cloud Computing Can Help You To Future-Proof Your Career

Cloud computing isn't just another fad; it is the future. By 2023 the public cloud market will experience 23.1 percent annual compounded annual growth to reach $332 Billion, placing cloud professionals in high demand as more companies adopt cloud-based solutions. You can secure your future career path by learning about it now.

Increases Your Earning Potential:

IT industry employers offer highly lucrative compensation packages to professionals specializing in Cloud Computing. You can advance your qualifications by learning this important discipline, which will broaden your skill set.

Display Your Expertise On A Specific Skill:

Cloud computing encompasses a comprehensive set of technologies and domains: migration, security, development and administration. You can tailor cloud computing to fit your goals and interests; cloud migration could be one such specialized field.

What Are The Security Measures For Cloud Storage?

What Are The Security Measures For Cloud Storage?

Public, hybrid and private clouds are the primary cloud services for data storage and hosting. If a provider doesn't meet your company's needs and size requirements, selecting them could pose serious security threats.

Managers can select an optimal deployment model by understanding who their audience is and their desired goals for that deployment. When considering cloud computing models, IT managers should keep advanced cybersecurity needs beyond what CSPs can provide or retain part of their IT staff in mind when making this choice.

Public Cloud:

Public clouds are created using external platforms provided by service providers. Users are given their virtual private server in this shared infrastructure with everything from security features and resources provided. Public cloud services offer great cost-efficiency options.

Whenever a company opts for cloud deployment services, its IT infrastructure will become part of that provider. Depending on which cloud computing model a business chooses, operating systems, middleware and applications could fall within their responsibility. At the same time, data could remain with your CSP, who could then edit, create or delete as required.

Note that data generated by businesses will often be geographically distributed over multiple data centers in a region or state, with public cloud deployments available as a reliable and scalable service that can meet business requirements at any given moment.

Private Cloud:

Private cloud services refer to cloud platforms you build within your walls using both software and hardware you already own, with management handled internally by the IT department. These models may suit businesses seeking greater control, flexibility and exclusive access, but they can be more costly.

Alternatively, businesses that opt for private clouds must manage hardware and software associated with their private cloud solution unless they contract out infrastructure to another third-party service provider. Private clouds offer advantages to public ones regarding resource provisioning, self-service capabilities and enhanced cybersecurity measures.

Managed services offer businesses another cost-cutting alternative when hosting a private cloud in their IT or externally managed data center. At the same time, an external IT team handles every aspect of cloud management. However, this option should only be considered when reducing overhead expenses and not as an efficient cost-cutting strategy.

Hybrid Cloud:

Hybrid clouds combine elements from both public and private clouds. A hybrid cloud allows an organization to manage some aspects of its cloud internally while offsite for maximum flexibility - perfect for organizations that wish to retain sensitive customer files while managing it all internally simultaneously.

Public, hybrid and private clouds are the three primary cloud storage options. Hybrid clouds combine on-premise services and cloud computing. Businesses that must keep some IT components onsite while taking advantage of public cloud services often opt for hybrid deployment models; those required to meet compliance regulations while permitting public access for specific lines of business often utilize public-cloud deployment models instead.

IT managers tasked with aligning hybrid cloud architectures with LOBs must first understand what their organization requires in terms of hybrid solutions, with large organizations typically utilizing these hybrid offerings.

What Are A Few Drawbacks Of Cloud Computing?

What Are A Few Drawbacks Of Cloud Computing?

Moving business operations to the cloud comes with its share of downsides.

Cloud Computing Requires An Internet Connection

Cloud computing relies on Internet access. Without reliable access, your team could experience difficulty accessing cloud data and applications if their connection becomes unstable; any Cloud computing security downtime caused by poor connection can also have costly repercussions in downtime or errors that disrupt work processes and operations. Achieve success when working in the cloud by ensuring everyone involved in your team has fast, stable Internet service. This cloud computing disadvantage can easily be addressed.

There Could Be Security Issues

Though 52% of businesses report greater security with cloud computing versus on-premise IT, many business owners still worry about its apparent lack of protection. Finding a dependable cloud provider is the key to improving cybersecurity; you should understand their contingency plan in case of security breaches and take your own measures for improving protection.

Specifically, for cybersecurity purposes, make sure there is adequate data encryption. Implement additional authentication measures as well as Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Finally, establish clear communication among management, IT and cloud provider staff to decrease security incidents.

Cloud Computing Presents Compliance Challenges

Every business that utilizes cloud services and backups must address compliance issues, according to Statista's survey of cloud users, 44% of which listed compliance as their main challenge.

When you move data from internal storage into the cloud, you must comply with industry-specific laws and regulations. Healthcare organizations, for example, must abide by HIPAA requirements, while retail companies should observe SOX and PCI DSS laws as applicable; companies operating on European markets must additionally abide by GDPR rules.

Many established cloud providers adhere to accreditation programs; however, it remains your responsibility to ensure data processing and workloads comply. Conduct a quarterly compliance audit, including information from cloud service providers.

This Reduces Visibility And Control

Cloud computing saves many businesses time and cost by eliminating complex infrastructure needs like servers. But doing so means less control of software assets, computing assets and systems compared with having control of everything yourself.

With less control and oversight, it becomes harder to evaluate security systems efficiently, implement incident response procedures, gain an overview of user and data activity and detect abnormal patterns or potential breaches. Assess visibility levels among cloud providers to decide on protection steps taken for data. An API or monitoring program may offer greater insights into your information.

Training Is Required For Implementation

Training personnel is key for the successful deployment of any new technology. A troubleshooting plan must be created before and after launch; you may encounter resistance from staff unfamiliar with cloud-based solutions.

Once your organization has set forth an onboarding procedure for cloud services and identified those IT members responsible and their benefits, you're on a great course to success with the cloud. Train your employees on how to use the cloud and adopt best practices, which will protect your data from unauthorized users.

Cloud Computing Security: Additional Considerations

Cloud Computing Security: Additional Considerations

Although we've discussed security as one of the major drawbacks to cloud computing, it is also crucial that you are aware of any other possible pitfalls that could occur. Check Point's 2023 Report on Cloud Security provides an in-depth examination of cloud cybersecurity risks. When moving operations or using cloud services, consider these potential pitfalls as part of any transition planning strategy.

Cloud Computing Security Misconfiguration

Cloud computing offers many small business owners an appealing alternative while simultaneously creating security risks. Employees in many companies have different levels of cloud access - making it more likely that unauthorized individuals gain unintended entry.

Due to the nature of cloud infrastructures, companies must rely on security controls provided by third-party service providers; unfortunately, these controls may be complex or lack clarity, creating more opportunities for mistakes.

Track all access levels your team has to cloud services to mitigate security risks and simplify access management. Google Sheets can serve as basic tracking documents if kept up-to-date; regular cybersecurity audits with details on security protocols and cloud providers can further mitigate risk.

Secure APIs

APIs offer greater insight and control into cloud applications and systems. Still, external APIs could become vulnerable to cyber attacks compromising data or manipulating services. External APIs must be secured against attack as any external access point could open doors to criminal activity that compromises data or manipulates services.

Building APIs internally can reduce security risks substantially. However, not every company has the expertise or resources available to do so. Implement authentication and authorization controls; secure traffic with TLS/SSL; log API activities; use firewalls for API access control purposes and run regular penetration tests to detect outdated APIs - this can significantly lower this security risk.

Data Loss

2023 Cloud Security Report found that two-thirds of respondents to their poll considered data loss/leakage to be their top cloud computing concern, both due to malware and accidental deletion from providers, natural disasters like an earthquake/fire damaging servers or losing encryption keys as causes.

Back up all data securely in the cloud to decrease your risk of data loss and comply with at least the 3-2-1 Rule for secure backups.

  • All of your data has to be copied at least three times.
  • It is possible to store it on two different media.
  • Back up your data offsite.

Implement a DLP cloud solution to safeguard your data against unauthorized access and automatically block entry if suspicious activities are identified on the system.

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What Is The Cost Of Cloud Computing?

What Is The Cost Of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing costs depend upon which services are required of you and can vary significantly, giving a rough idea of their approximate costs:

  • Dropbox offers a free account with some advanced features. Paid plans start at $20 per person per month.
  • Carbonite, a cloud backup service that offers recovery and restores data from the cloud, can be as low as $50 per month.
  • Numerous cloud-based services are offered by Amazon Web Services. Some tiers are free (storage limits and limited time), while other tiers require payment.

Pricing for cloud-based software varies significantly by industry and other variables such as employee count, distribution method, priority support needs, and launch date.


Cloud development offers businesses looking to stay competitive in today's digital environment many advantages, including greater efficiency, flexibility, and cost savings. As one of the premier cloud providers, Vasudev Innovative Software understands the significance of providing tailored cloud solutions to each company in need. Our highly trained experts collaborate closely with each of their clients in identifying their requirements before creating customized cloud solutions to help achieve their desired goals.