Staff Augmentation vs Consulting: Which Offers Greater ROI?

When hiring additional support, businesses frequently have to decide between consulting and staff augmentation. When your business requires outside assistance to complete a task, both choices are viable. Each has its own.

An expert can be added to a project through IT staff augmentation. In consulting, the entire team is hired to oversee a project from start to finish. What if your requirements don't fit these typical uses? When deciding between staff augmentation and consultancy, there are a few subtleties to take into account. In a market that is becoming more competitive, companies are seeking methods to reduce expenses. Here is where the debate between staff augmentation and consultancy services arises. The feasibility and viability of each alternative resource employment choice are being assessed by businesses.

How do you choose between staffing and consulting options? What do they all mean for your business? Let's examine these choices and discover how they can help your company in a constantly shifting industry.

Staff Augmentation - What is it?

Staff Augmentation – What is it?

The terms "flexible personnel" and "temporary personnel" are also used to describe staff augmentation. It's a technique to bolster your workforce's skill set temporarily. Given its brief duration and lack of attention to process improvement or strategic thinking, this differs from consulting. For short-term assistance with projects like system integration or the creation of new goods, an organization may hire a vendor. The term for this is staff augmentation.

An excellent approach for businesses to quickly grow their workforce without having to hire full-time workers is through staff augmentation. Programs for staff augmentation are also highly economical. You might be able to save hundreds of thousands of dollars by outsourcing your projects rather than recruiting employees directly, depending on their nature.

The term "staff augmentation" describes the practice of adding new employees to an existing team to help with a specific project, achieve a goal, or fill a skill gap. The temporary employees are often let go or transferred back to their original positions/departments after that assignment is finished. Finding more employees can be done in a variety of ways. Initially, you can recruit new hires or promote current employees to fill open positions within your company.

One option is to use a staff augmentation company. This might assist you in locating the most qualified candidates. You can also use services that are promoted as immediate additions to your augmented team and act as natural extensions to your current team.

Describe Consulting

Describe Consulting

As opposed to being employed by the client, consultants are typically recruited to work on a specific project. While some consultants can be fully independent contractors, others may work as employees for other businesses before taking on assignments for communication with customer service (for example, lawyers who are full-time employees at one firm but freelance for another). The "practice of giving clients expert advice in exchange for cash" is the general definition of consulting.

Working with outside specialists to accomplish desired goals and objectives is known as consulting. Consultants collaborate with current workers to offer guidance; they are not employees and do not behave as such. Both temporary and permanent hiring options are available for consultants. Consultants can provide firms with vital knowledge and insight since they are authorities in their profession. There are many different types of consultants, including marketing tools firms and financial counselors. It's important to choose the correct consultant to work with you to accomplish any assignment or assist you in reaching your goals.

Major Distinctions Between Consultancy and Staff Augmentation

Major Distinctions Between Consultancy and Staff Augmentation

Consulting and hiring additional personnel are two strategies to acquire the same item. An important distinction exists. Whereas a consulting firm uses contractors to engage with clients on an as-needed basis, a staff augmentation firm employs workers on a long-term contract. You ought to take into account a wide range of other differences. Staff augmentation is the process of bringing in experts to work on a project that is only temporary and of short duration. If you want to hire experts for a more long-term, permanent position, you should consult. While staff augmentation can be done locally or remotely, consultancy is typically limited to employees in the local area.

The cost of staff augmentation is typically lower than that of consulting since it can be carried out by independent contractors who bill at a lower rate per hour than consultants. Consulting can be less expensive than staff augmentation since it increases the likelihood that you, your organization, and the consultant will develop enduring partnerships.

Before new personnel are given full-time positions, staff augmentation might be utilized to assess them. Expert advice can be obtained through consulting without the professionals needing to travel. To complete a project, staff augmentation often needs one or two individuals. The same project is worked on concurrently by numerous people when consulting.


For certain objectives and circumstances, both are good solutions. A way for businesses to cut costs is through staff augmentation. It delivers an expert without recurring fees like medical bills. They can also begin working right away after being employed, without having to undergo training (except for internal company operations).

By enabling them to offer their services without the need for a huge staff, consulting can help businesses save money. While being more expensive than staff augmentation, they offer more services in a single bundle. Companies frequently place a high priority on staff augmentation as a strategy to cut costs. If a business employs specialized personnel for a temporary project, it incurs no additional costs. In addition, the business spends less on training and growing the resource to supply the knowledge and abilities needed for the project.


Since the new employee will be able to rely on the company's internal procedures and practices, staff augmentation is an excellent strategy to provide the business additional control. On the other hand, consulting teams frequently have a system in place for internally organizing their work. These dedicated teams might employ concepts or techniques that a corporation is not familiar with, or they might have a hard time adapting. Just a certain group will be allowed to communicate, and only at a certain time.

The project managers have more authority and capacity to manage important project components. By assembling a knowledgeable team, they can also guarantee that the project is finished on schedule.

Counteracting Attrition

Staff augmentation deters employees from leaving the organization as well. According to a poll, nearly half of IT professionals are open to changing employers for ones that provide higher benefits and better career prospects. A significant human resource shortage could arise for businesses. To cover that gap promptly and without wasting critical time, staff augmentation can be a terrific option.


Flexible methods for adding staff are available. As needed and at particular hours, you can recruit staff. Teams of consultants are frequently less adaptable because they must engage specialists with certain skill sets to accomplish the project. That can make the service more expensive as a result.

In the very competitive business world of today, businesses must be able to adapt and expand. By adding staff augmentation, companies can broaden the scope of their services. Adding skills to the current house development team is all that is being done here. For them to continue to remain competitive in the market, this enables them to be adaptable.

Lower Risk

It's possible that outsourcing is not the greatest option for tasks involving sensitive data, such as software development companies. When you outsource a project to a consulting firm, you also give up control over the project's status and monitoring. You can hire a knowledgeable employee to assist you in preventing identity theft and data breaches. Still, it would help if you continued to manage every area of your project until it is completed.


Because you don't have to reveal private information about your project to anyone outside the organization, staff augmentation is more secure. Access to private information will be needed by consulting teams. This raises the possibility of malicious assaults or data leaks.

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Top Advantages of Staff Augmentation

Top Advantages of Staff Augmentation

Although staff augmentation may not seem to have any obvious benefits, it can provide your projects with a variety of fascinating viewpoints and chances. Without recruiting full-time employees, staff augmentation is a fantastic way for you to receive the assistance you need. Adding more staff has numerous advantages:


Depending on business processes needs, you can scale up or down with the help of flexible staff augmentation services. You are under no obligation to hire someone full-time if the position is temporary. To supplement your workforce temporarily, you can "rent" a person from a business leader or staffing agency. It's a flexible arrangement. You can ask for more workers if your team is not up to the task. If permanent personnel are needed, you are not required to pay for them.


IT Staff augmentation services could be less expensive than hiring a full-time employee. Only when they are required are the additional workers compensated. Even after the project is finished, there is little chance of their getting locked into lengthy contracts. You don't need to be concerned about drawn-out hiring procedures or selecting overqualified candidates.

In many cases, staff augmentation is less expensive than project-based consultancy. This is so because businesses normally charge by the hour, whereas consultants typically have a fixed price. If you are adding personnel through a corporation, you won't need to worry about offering benefits or locating office space for your employees. All of it would be handled by the business owners that employ them full-time.

You may Do So as a Test Run

Before entering into a long-term partnership, you can interview potential employees. If someone doesn't match your corporate culture, has conflict management problems, or doesn't have the talents you need, you can ask for a replacement.


Staff augmentation firms may have experts in several fields who can help your business goals.

Disadvantages to Staff Augmentation

Disadvantages to Staff Augmentation


Although your team could be technical expertise proficient, you will still need to spend time and money educating them on corporate culture and internal processes. The project might not be able to move forward at full pace as a result of this.

Management Capability

A new hire adds another resource that needs to be managed. Although they are professionals, they won't necessarily need a lot of management time. To handle the increased number of workers, you must, however, make sure you have the extra resources on hand.

Include the Team

The challenge of integrating new employees into the existing team is not simple. When a staff member is expanded by an outside source, there are usually hiccups. Your current staff will need time to adjust to the new setting, which could delay project completion.

Read More: Understanding Staff Augmentation: Pros and Cons

Top Advantages of Consulting

Top Advantages of Consulting

The decision to work with a consulting firm has numerous advantages. The advantages that consulting services can provide to both people and companies are numerous and include:

Increased Efficiency

Increasing productivity and concentrating on your company's most crucial components are both possible with consulting services. Processes can be made more productive by using consulting services.

Get Consulting Expertise

Professionals with years of expertise who have previously worked with companies like yours are called consultants. Consultants help your business flourish by bringing fresh ideas and useful information. This holds even if you take staff augmentation into account. The potential and capability of the internal teams can be increased by the skills and knowledge that augmented teams can bring to the project. Individuals frequently work with consultants. A "staff," which is typically a team that assists your company in completing the project on schedule, is involved in augmentation.

Success Rates Increase

By assisting you in making wiser decisions and determining how to accomplish your objectives, consulting services can help you succeed.

The Objectivity Of Service Delivery

Consultants tend to be fair and objective when giving recommendations because they do not have the same stake in the success of your business as workers do. Based on what they believe to be the best business practices for your firm, consultants can offer unbiased recommendations. Moreover, staff augmentation makes this benefit possible. By getting a second or two of fresh eyes to review your project, your rules, or your tech stack, you can immediately improve it.

Leveraging their Network

Consultants frequently have extensive networks that they may access to help your firm in a variety of ways. They could be able to put you in touch with possible investors or clients. These networks can offer priceless resources that you wouldn't have access to on your own. You may utilize your networks to deliver better services by working with companies with experience in staff augmentation.

Proactive Approach

In the commercial world of today, being reactive is not an option. A "firefighting" environment for project management can result from this. An experienced consulting firm takes a proactive approach to project management that enables companies to stay on top of any difficulties they encounter throughout the project. They can make more sensible and productive decisions concerning project management as a result. Using an early warning system is one way that consulting services ensure that the project is completed on time and accurately.


Several companies use consulting services to outsource other business operations like marketing or financial management. To do the jobs, they don't need to assemble an internal team or hire full-time employees. These services can address specific difficulties at extremely competitive rates and are frequently more cost-effective than hiring an internal staff.


Perhaps the main goal of consulting services is to save time. Many businesses lack the finances or the essential abilities to finish tasks by the deadline. In these circumstances, a specialized consulting firm can be a terrific choice. They will offer professional services that are prepared to finish the project on schedule and budget.

Manageable Infrastructure

To deliver expert services, specialized consulting services are required. For instance, a digital marketing agency would have a marketing team with the expertise and industry understanding required to support you in your marketing initiatives.

Increase Your Understanding Of Your Company

A greater understanding of your company can be attained through consulting services, which can also assist you in identifying problem areas.

Project Assurance

The success and long-term viability of the business depend on each project. There are, nevertheless, some endeavors that cannot be abandoned. For these initiatives, complacency is not an option. To execute the job without any issues, you need staff who are equipped with the appropriate equipment and technologies. This is where organizations can benefit greatly from the top talent and technological know-how of specialized consulting firms. They guarantee that projects are completed successfully and give them peace of mind.

Short-Term Support Options

Due to busy schedules and projects in the pipeline, businesses frequently struggle with a lack of qualified human resources. This can make it more difficult for them to take on new tasks. By offering knowledgeable solutions that instantly enhance an organization's range of services, project-based consulting firms can aid in closing the skill gap.

Disadvantages of Consulting

Disadvantages of Consulting


The cost of consulting services can be higher than that of employee augmentation. It can be worthwhile to reevaluate your decision to hire a consulting firm if you have a limited budget. Higher costs are a result of its wide breadth of skills. To assist you in solving the problem, consulting services provide a larger range of resources and knowledge. You will incur higher relative costs as a result.


Consulting firms might not always be able to satisfy all of your needs because they operate with several clients at once. You might occasionally need to get in touch with the organization right away. Still, they might be unable to accommodate your request for a meeting.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Rarely is there a single approach that works for all business undertakings? Several projects may be handled concurrently by consulting firms, which may also have pre-made plans. They might also try to use their strategies to derail your endeavor. The outcomes might not be what you anticipate. Verify the experience, reputation, and project management approach of any consultant agencies you are considering hiring to handle your project.

What is Better: Staff Augmentation Or Consulting?

What is Better: Staff Augmentation Or Consulting?

Staffing and consulting services can be hard to come by. Although there are many similarities between the two services, there are also some crucial differences that you should take into account before choosing one. We'll talk about which is ideal for your company.

Staff augmentation is the practice of using a third-party service provider to perform an employee's duties. Although you have full control over the hiring process and only pay for hours worked (or billed), you do not influence how the work is carried out. Hiring a company from the outside to complete a task or project is known as consulting.

Although consultants are more expensive than staffing firms, they are also more likely to manage intricate projects with several moving elements and variable deadlines. So that you can make wise choices about how to manage the workloads of your staff, it is crucial to know which option best fits your business objectives and financial constraints.

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It's crucial to be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of each choice when looking for outside expertise. Although consulting and augmentation services have many similarities, they can differ significantly in key ways that may have a big influence on your company. The best method for figuring out which service is ideal for you is to evaluate your needs, goals, and budget. It will be a little bit simpler to manage a remote team.

An additional developer or tech specialist might be added to your firm through staff augmentation. With this adaptable approach, you can bring on temporary staff to assist your development team of experts in staying on schedule. They will acquire the knowledge and abilities necessary to see a project through to completion.

Project-based consulting might be a preferable option if your project covers uncharted ground. The ideal procedures, techniques, and technologies for your project can be determined with the aid of consulting. Also, you can get a head start on the software development project and post-launch assistance. The decision between hiring more personnel or using consultancy services will depend on your choices and circumstances. While some businesses prefer consulting services, others favor using consulting organizations to complete projects.