They are responsible for coming with a number of OS that is industry transforming. These upgradations of the operating system that is being done by Apple is to make an immersive app experience along with increasing security level and many others. But now with the release of iOS 14 Apple is creating a benchmark as it will be affecting how the advertisers are targeting the users.
However, in order to make a UI ready, there are some changes which a developer has to make like the implementation of the dark mode. Not only dark mode implementation but the developer will also have to apply scene delegate along with modal preparation. It is very important for the developers to know properly about the iOS 14 in order to make themselves ready for making an app ready especially in a certain way that would not affect the efforts of app marketing. There are many iPhone app development services available in the market today and all are having developers who are having a keen interest to learn about the new update of iOS 14 along with new features that can help them to do their job of development in a proper manner.
List of features of iOS 14
Before going through the iOS 14 app development process it is important to know about the features of the iOS 14. Developing an app is never easy and developing a perfect app that will be passed through the App store of Apple is also very hard. So first of all it is important to know about the latest features of iOS 14. The features are given below-
Home screen along with app library
Apple has always been transforming and is becoming more futuristic in nature. The new iOS 14 will be changing the home screen of Apple smartphones. The app will be staying in the App library of Apple which is nothing but a single swipe away from the final home screen. App library plays an immensely important role in grouping all the apps in a single big folder which will be showing the apps that have been used recently. Moreover, it also helps the user in enabling them to search for apps in the search box. This search box is normally placed at the top of the screen of a smartphone. The folders are organized in an automatic manner according to Social, Health, and Fitness, etc.
Experience of an overhauled widget
Widgets are very important as it reduces the job of a normal people using the phone. These widgets have been an integral part of the ecosystem of iOS for a very long time back but only at the backdrop. This backdrop is similar to that of the vertical list of a box with full-width. Now Apple is coming with the new iOS and this will be changing the experience of the user as it will play a major role in changing the widget experience. These widgets will be having new designs along with different sizes. Moreover, these widgets will be holding more information than before. The best of all is that people will be able to drag the widget to the home screen of their smartphone. Hybrid App development services will be hiring those developers who are keen on knowing more about the new features as the technology is advancing daily at a rapid rate and there is no room for a developer who is not technically advanced.
Picture-in-picture mode
PIP has been long awaited for the people who are using the smartphones of Apple and now the wait is over as Apple is bringing this PIP mode in the existing smartphone of Apple with the new iOS 14 version. This mode is very useful as people can easily carry out their job in the background while they in a video call or voice call. PIP stands for Picture-in-Picture and this mode normally will be allowing the user to swipe back to their home screen, although the video or call screen will be appearing on the screen the size will be smaller. Users are therefore able to move this small box of the video call or voice call from one side to the other wherever they like or can swipe it in a simple manner to make this tab a smaller one.
App clips
App clips are famous with Google and so taking this as a model of inspiration this feature has also been added with the new iOS 14 version of Apple. Tim Cook is already relying on the Google Search option and keeping this as inspiration, Apple has now launched the App clip in the new version of iOS. These are considered to be the micro parts of applications that will be enabling the users for using the parts of the apps without installing, downloading, or signing up to the app for performing various tasks.
iPhone app developers will be creating App Clips in such a way that the experience is not more than 10MB. They will also be encouraged by Apple so that they will use Apple Pay. Moreover, they will be signing in with the Apple facility in order to prevent the users from logging in or creating the app. With the ability to get triggered through maps, QR codes, messages, NFC tags, Web because of the App Clips, a businessman can easily acquire new customers.
Substantial privacy tweaks
Security is important for every person. Apple has been satisfying people with this aspect for a long time back. When comparisons are being made with regards to security features among Android and Apple, Apple is always a step ahead. Now with the release of iOS 14, the lists of privacy features that are present have been increased.
Users will now be able to give the app details of their location and this location will be an approximate one, not an exact one. Now when any application, is asking for photos, a person can easily select the option for sharing specific photos instead of sharing their whole library.
Privacy has always been the top concern for Apple and so keeping that in mind iOS 14 will now be showing a green dot if any applications are being responsible to access the camera of the smartphone and also an amber dot when the app will be using the microphone of the smartphone.
Updations of Apple Arcade
Apple Arcade is something new and it was launched recently. The main role of Apple Arcade was to transform the gaming industry. Now with the release of iOS 14, Apple will be showing their users games that the other gamers are playing in the gaming center. It will play a major role in accessing the recent games that have been played. Moreover, it will reduce the job of gamers as Apple has improved this technology with iOS 14 by sorting the arcade games. A good Hybrid app development company will always keep in mind these points when they are developing any gaming app for their client so that the client receives what they expect.
Expansive ARKit 4 tools
AR tools have always been of great use. Now Apple has paid more attention to this tool and is expanding it for each and every iPhone app development company with the new ARKit 4. This ARKit was launched with iOS 11 but now the developers are able to place the location anchors in order to make the AR objects occupy a certain place in this real world. Moreover, a device along with an A12 Bionic chip will be having the capability of performing facial tracking with the help of the front camera of the smartphone even if the module is not a TrueDepth one.
A depth API has also been introduced by Apple in this new iOS version for the developers. This will help the developers to create 3D mesh environments on iPad Pro. This will be having a scanner of LiDAR.
Privacy centric updates
With the update of iOS 14, the option to clock IDFA identifier is introduced at the app level. This will be strengthening the position of developers. Some of the privacy-related moves are given below-
Changes in IDFA
For each and every app that has been installed users will have to choose the option for IDFA. When apps are being developed by the developers, at that time the publishers will have to provide a theme of the summary practices depending on which the users will make decisions whether they will choose IDFA or not. The result of this update is oriented with an ad campaign that is not capable of optimizing, performing control recency, measuring the performance of ad performing behavior-based segmentation. It will be increasing the instances of users who are declining the view request of data. There will be basically two folds of impact on advertisers and they are -
- Retargeting to users will stop working in the app development process of iOS if the users are choosing to share their IDFA. Brands will experience a reduction in the targeted audience if they don't use deterministic variables like email id or phone number( that is being done by Facebook and Google).
- The access to IDFA is limited and so the brands won't be able their use the relevant ad. This will be impacting the user experience directly and efforts of ad monetization of iOS application development.
Changes in the attribution of app installation
iOS 14 will be coming with an updated interface of SKAdNetwork that will play a role in offering a method for Apple. This will help in notifying "ad campaign" when app install conversion is created. The main impact of this update is nothing but another type of conversion's negligence. This is the reason for which the ad campaign mobile would want to optimize other apps that have been installed.
Control over the access of Geo-location
There are location service settings present in iOS and with the help of that feature, it is possible for iOS users to have control over apps that are able to access their location. Now with the new update of iOS users will now be able to choose precise location sharing. Now because of this, the approximate location sharing of data is possible as mentioned in earlier paragraphs.
Privacy report highlighting tracking companies
ITP is one of the best features of iOS. ITP stands for Intelligent Tracking Prevention which helps in blocking cross-domain tracking. Now with the update of a new version of iOS that is iOS 14, people using Apple smartphones will be a privacy report passed to users along with ITP. This will help the users by telling them about which companies it is blockchain from going through their data. This impact has come because of the update and this will image-based than anything else. Multiple-use cases are there for brands that track users like recent control, behavioral-based targeting, frequency capping, spend attribution, and many more. But perception will be provided to the users with the help of the update that each and every company is having the same intent for tracking.
How the changes of iOS 14 will be affecting mobile marketing?
There are many things to consider because of the update of iOS 14 but before that, it is also essential to know about the effect that will be produced on marketing because iOS 14.the app developers of iOS 14 will be required to request user consent in order to track the data of the users with the help of pop-up message that is present within the app. A string of Os will be returned to the users from IDFA but this is for those who are choosing out of the track that is rendering it effectively useless. Now by default, it can be said that a user opts outright as soon as the app is launched. After the notification is served, a user can easily choose to opt-in or to opt-out on a per-app basis by sharing IDFA. In simpler words, it means that the user can choose to opt in for App 1 but can choose to opt out for App 2.
The ad targeting side will be affected because of this change. Exclusion targeting, lookalike audiences, retargeting, segmentation, and much more things rely currently on IDFA and so there will be big knock-on effects on user acquisition and ad monetization due to the changes. Measuring performance is very essential before going through retargeting or targeting capabilities. There are many things which are not known properly to the developers and so they must go through each and everything properly to gain proper knowledge over it.
Without thinking about the outcome, advertisers should pay attention to the changes so they will be confident enough and ready with their job to satisfy their clients with the service they wish for. iOS application development company can be big or small but adapting to changes is very important for each and every company.
Where to begin when getting ready for changes to iOS 14?
It is very important for the advertisers to do a proper review of the present IDFA. This can help them in getting a perfect understanding about the way of using it and also to know when to use it. For example, it is essential to look at which SDKs are calling on a per-app basis. It is very important to establish communication with the SDK providers to understand their solution. It is also important to think about whether you want to use SKAdNetwork as an attribution which will be an additional source so that you can familiarize yourself with its guidelines.
After doing a review the next thing will be user consent. Competition is present in each and every field and so this can be a major advantage to hive high rates of consent. Apps will be getting one chance at the opt-in with the help of a pop-up unless the user reinstalls the app to optimize towards consent. So a lot of pressure is there on the consent mechanic and message. A trial and error method will be there for getting healthy rates of opt-in.in order to stay ahead of the curve a developer can-
Start to run the test on the testing of user consent mechanics for both new as well as existing users present across the apps. It is also essential to run several designs of the same pop-up. This will help the developer to implement properly during the time of launch. The subheading is always editable and so the users can be shown about the usage of data and also promoting the target ad's value is possible. A PWA development company will be having developers who have already gained the knowledge before the release of iOS 14.
- A good developer can also do an experiment about the timing of triggering the pop-up as this doe not necessarily mean that it will be from the starting of the app. The more familiar way is to trigger it when a user has finished doing certain activity in the app. Researching of successful apps are also possible to consent forms and push notifications. Gating it behind the internal prompt can be another way instead of using the pop-up of Apple. internal prompt belongs to the developer entirely and so they can design it, customize it according to the best way of getting fit in the app as per the client's requirements. This will be working as the developer's own consent form.
Read the blog- Apple seeded the sixth beta of an upcoming iOS 12.4 update to developers
- Serving of internal prompt more often as a developer want is also possible. So when a user is going through the site and finished certain activity then triggering the internal prompt again can be of major help. After the user has selected yes then comes the pop-up role of Apple. after choosing in on this pop-up, the availability of IDFA is confirmed and because of this enrichment of BI by the brands is possible.
- If a user is saying yes to the internal prompt but is denying or saying no to the Apple pop-up then also it is possible to prompt the user and then deep linking the user to the settings menu is possible. This will help them in tracking the app.
Re-evaluating the BI stack
The changes of IDFA will have a huge impact on the working of BI stacks, whether consent s there or not. It is important to look carefully about the-
- Stitching of different datasets for the analytics. Then it is important to figure out the way of continuing the stitching of internal data after the release of iOS 14. It is important to focus on the UserID, ADID, and IDFV.
- The S2S event that has been sent to MMP must be verified. They are basically done as a joining key via IDFA. If it is being done that way then there is a requirement to do changes to the parameter.
- The apps which are working without IDFA will also be able to show contextual ads but the option for doing the personalized ones is not possible.
These are the three important steps but apart from this, it is very essential for you to consult the app marketing partner about the ways that are updated. You must ask them about how to do the user acquisition properly. Moreover, it is also important to revisit ways that one can adopt to increase the number of answers for how much money one can earn with the help of this app.
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Mobile application development services are growing at a rapid rate and so the developers must cope up with the advancement of technology. The above ways are the ways to know about the features of iOS 14 and the way to prepare for the changed iOS 14 app development process.