IoT: Whats Next? $1 Trillion Impact & Emerging Challenges

Internet of Things: Challenges

Internet of Things: Challenges

Since its creation in the early 1990s, IoT has revolutionized industries across every imaginable sector. Businesses use IoT to remotely monitor and analyze devices while consumers control them remotely - while it continues to broaden its applications worldwide with billions of connected devices globally.

IoT can be an incredible asset in many applications and industries; however, its growth presents unique challenges that face developers, manufacturers and the customers who rely on these products and services. Many of today's major IoT issues were present from its inception; some remain and become more evident over time as IoT popularity and accessibility increase.

Connectivity has never been simpler to add to any device; yet many manufacturers remain unclear how IoT technology can assist them. In this article we explore IoT's seven biggest obstacles as well as technologies available for solving those problems.

IoT Security

From their inception, IoT devices have proven themselves vulnerable to cyber attacks and have even been integrated into botnets, leading to cybercrimes being committed against users or organizations using these devices. Unfortunately, this problem cannot simply go away because some issues lie within these IoT devices themselves.

IoT devices often feature limited battery lives that must withstand years in the field on one charge, yet still transmit and receive information with minimum power consumption. Encryption, authentication and security protocol usage increases this consumption further - some IoT devices don't possess this feature at all.

Firmware updates must also keep pace with evolving technologies or techniques for exploiting vulnerabilities, since vulnerabilities will rapidly build up over time if left untouched. Unfortunately, IoT products are too widely distributed for manufacturers to have direct access for on-site firmware updates; remote firmware updates could consume lots of power if data transmission capacity is inadequate.

Consider IoT-based devices which rely on end user network infrastructures (WiFi for instance). Such a setup increases their susceptibility to hacker attacks while providing hackers with an entryway into other devices or applications in their network.

Low-power connectivity continues to integrate security technologies. IoT for cellular networks offers particular value; SIM cards authenticate networks while security measures like IMEI locking ensure only devices intended for use can connect. You can perform firmware updates remotely while saving energy; finally providers such as Emnify offer virtual private networks (VPN) that give greater control of device communications.


IoT devices require a network to transmit and receive data. If you lose your connection, the IoT device will stop working. There are many solutions for IoT connectivity. However, each is best suited to a different type of coverage. Your choice of solution can limit your deployment options. Coverage is a major IoT issue.

WiFi, for example, is the most common connectivity option in IoT. Your devices will only work within a limited range from a router. They can be deployed only in locations with WiFi. If the infrastructure doesn't exist, either pay for it to be built or equip your devices with an alternative solution.


IoT companies typically deploy hundreds to thousands of devices; some large IoT firms may even deploy millions. Businesses usually build out their IoT stack piecemeal as they expand, using various connectivity solutions for deployments that each have their own support systems, management platforms and technologies; imagine changing your product significantly to support one such connection solution - this would require creating multiple SKUs if selling products; logistics management becomes even more challenging as your operation expands.

Similar issues apply when connecting devices through IoT cellular connectivity; connectivity options vary across mobile network operators worldwide and you will require an agreement with that carrier before connecting.


IoT Solutions provides limitless ways of tailoring technology stacks to specific business requirements, yet also creates potential obstacles; not all IoT technology solutions and devices may be compatible, necessitating modifications to accommodate new technologies while keeping existing functionality.

Interoperability presents another difficulty for IoT makers. Your solutions might rely on open-source tech, which doesn't pose too many complications; but without standardization for such technologies across companies or countries, versions could vary considerably, making deployment in new territories or adding technologies from different vendors challenging. Although this issue does not impact every IoT application, certain industries must adopt universal standards to increase interoperability.

Most components in your IoT stack can easily be exchanged for another technology. Industry trends suggest creating IoT products with as much versatility as possible by streamlining integration processes as much as possible.

Bandwidth is Available

Radio Frequency bandwidth (RF) is a limited resource shared among billions of connected devices; yet we still have plenty of RF to distribute around. When too many devices accessing similar frequencies in close proximity to one another interfere, interference occurs and interferes with operations of each.

WiFi is a well-known example. Each resident builds their network using frequencies (usually 5GHz or 2.4GHz) with similar properties to interfere with each other (sometimes at opposite sides of a wall) when trying to use similar frequencies simultaneously.

IoT devices connect nearby in an IoT network that's becoming ever more congested over time, as manufacturers need to bear in mind signal interference and bandwidth availability issues for every one. There have been various solutions provided to industry.

MNOs across the world pay MNO license fees in order to secure exclusive use of certain spectrum segments - much like toll lanes on an interstate highway - so only their subscribers may use that bandwidth. MNOs operating within a region also each hold separate licensed bands to reduce any likelihood of interference among themselves.

LoRaWAN is one of several IoT technologies that utilize unlicensed public bands, potentially creating interference when in areas with high traffic volumes; however, its flexibility enables businesses to place devices farther from already oversaturated bands than would otherwise be the case.

IoT technology is also making innovative use of bandwidth efficiently, such as narrowband technology used by cellular networks to use narrower frequencies more effectively, such as guard bands (unused gaps between networks). While 5G may not yet be ready for IoT use, its deployment soon could allow businesses to gain access to an expanded RF spectrum that will make IoT deployment possible across a wider spectrum of frequencies.

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Battery Life is Limited

Most IoT gadgets feature small batteries; their devices themselves are generally compact; new generations of IoT technologies emphasize smaller components and devices; therefore using larger batteries may limit installation options; for instance putting one onto an equipment maintenance sensor could render it less protected against extreme temperatures, debris and impacts.

Battery life may last years for devices used primarily outside. Battery longevity depends upon device usage; for instance, sending or receiving large volumes of data over extended periods drains the power supply faster.

These features can extend battery life up to 10 years and help extend its lifespan, unlike older technologies which do not incorporate this option. Businesses must make decisions between reducing data rates or using too much energy, both of which could pose potential dangers.

Gateways and routers help manufacturers maximize battery efficiency. Acting as intermediaries between IoT devices and applications or network entities, gateways/routers also handle complex protocols like encryption/authentication to protect device security while decreasing power usage and consumption.

Remote Access

How you access IoT devices can change its connection. Support personnel need either physical presence or VPN access in order to use WiFi and Ethernet of customers; otherwise on-site visits by technicians for troubleshooting will incur extra costs that must be covered.

Remote access can significantly cut costs for you and your clients alike, while making routine firmware updates simpler to administer regardless of their size. Unfortunately, many IoT connectivity options lack enough transmission capacity to permit global remote access - an update on a network with low data transmission capacity can consume too many batteries for devices during an update cycle.

Cell Phone connectivity also offers remote access through VPNs. Cellular data transmission rates provide enough capacity for devices to receive updates quickly while providing technology necessary for secure remote access via VPN.

Network Attacks

At its core, vulnerability to cyber attacks refers to a system or device's susceptibility to compromise by hackers. This vulnerability could arise from any number of factors: from infrastructure faults or unpatched programs that go undetected until patched later or poor password management to lack of protection measures against network attacks that lead to data theft, privacy loss and service disruption as well as financial losses due to network attacks.

Using strong security tools like encryption and firewalls are vital in decreasing their exposure; users should also receive training on safe use when accessing online platforms while Internet-of-thing (IoTs) devices are particularly prone to denial-of-Service attacks as they depend on networks which become vulnerable against denial-of-Service attacks from cybercriminals as well as other forms of attacks from attacks by exploitable vulnerabilities in networks allowing attackers.

Read More: What Is The Internet Of Things For ?

Unsecured Data Transmission

Unsecure data transfer refers to data that travels over the Internet or a network without proper protection, leaving sensitive information open for theft, interception and alteration from malicious individuals.

Transmissions that lack encryption or are sent using untrustworthy protocols like DNS are examples of insecure transmission; SSL/TLS VPN and other secure protocols should always be employed when transmitting sensitive data as this helps maintain its confidentiality and integrity, even when intercepted or altered during transmission.

IoT devices transmitting sensitive information may become vulnerable if their security is inadequately implemented - leaving IoT data open for theft, tampering by malicious individuals tampered with or altered without adequate protection being applied.

Security Vulnerabilities

Software vulnerabilities allow attackers to exploit errors during software development processes or take malicious actions by exploiting unsupported or outdated software products. These weaknesses expose information or allow malicious actors to perform harmful acts against vulnerable targets. These vulnerabilities may allow attackers to gain control of a computer, install malware onto it, and steal sensitive data.

Software developers must employ safe coding practices, while users should maintain updated and configured systems in order to reduce vulnerability risks associated with software engineers vulnerabilities. Individuals and organizations should implement robust security measures against potential threats such as firewalls and antivirus software to guard themselves. IoT devices contain many software flaws which hackers could exploit in order to gain entry and gain control of devices and networks.

Insider Threats

Security threats often originate within an organization rather than coming from external sources like hackers and cybercriminals, and can manifest in various forms. Employees or contractors could damage a company deliberately or unwittingly; insiders might even be pressured into breaching security at some point in order to gain entry; all this can have dire repercussions for security within any organization. Insider threats pose the potential risk of data breaches, intellectual property theft and reputational harm for organizations.

To minimize this risk of insider threats and lower them to acceptable levels organizations should employ strict access control, monitor employee conduct closely and conduct regular security and privacy training courses to mitigate insider risk.

Companies should implement an internal incident response strategy designed to identify, investigate and respond quickly and decisively to security incidents involving insiders - employees or contractors with access to IoT can pose serious security threats, whether their actions were malicious or accidental.

Internet of Things Technology Trends for 2023

Internet of Things Technology Trends for 2023

2023 should mark an explosion of IoT devices. IoT technology trends for next year will focus on making smart devices ubiquitous and accessible within everyday life; likely making more devices integrated into household products or social interactions more easily accessible than before.

Sensors will play an integral part in IoT devices' functionality. Sensors create data based on real world observations they record and document; IoT devices work around-the-clock observing changes that might go undetected by humans unless given enough notice or time.

IoT and COVID: Impact on IoT

COVID-19 and laws to control its spread have had an immense effect on Internet of Things trends, and devices. IoT provides tools that aid efforts to minimize contact between individuals and create physical separation due to COVID-19 virus outbreak.

Due to COVID-19 and pandemic measures, touchless technology will become more widespread. At checkouts there will be multiple payment options and services without an agent's assistance will become more prevalent - for instance at airports you will be able to check-in without assistance and board without anyone intervening between yourself and boarding directly without agent intervention.

COVID-19 IoT devices could assist restaurants or venues in managing occupancy levels to enhance safety, as installed scanners at entrances and exits could keep track of people real-time and help avoid overloading venues.

Sensors placed outside restrooms will inform sanitation workers how often and often a toilet has been used during any given time period, so that cleaning services may focus their cleaning according to frequency of usage and not time alone. IoT devices monitor air quality levels while providing increased filtration as necessary.

As more workers move toward working from home, devices with access to corporate data will likely require greater protection against hackers, viruses and ransomware that target phones connected with company servers. Businesses will use IoT technologies as part of a cybersecurity solution in order to ensure employees' devices remain protected.

5G Connectivity

Next-generation mobile technology (5G) will be implemented. 5G networks will offer superior download speed and bandwidth when compared with their 4G predecessor, making IoT products such as disaster recovery solutions, self-driving vehicles and real-time robots the first users.

Wireless data transfer rates never before seen can now be accomplished using 5G's superpowered network connectivity; low latency devices with always-on connectivity that requires less power will also benefit greatly due to 5G. IoT products such as disaster recovery services, self-driving vehicles or real-time robots may even make use of 5G technology first.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

As information continues to accumulate at an unprecedented pace, humans cannot keep pace with it alone and must turn to machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies for managing and using our data effectively.

Machine learning algorithms become more accurate with every new data point that comes their way, which makes the Internet of Things the ideal fit for Big Data analysis methods that simply cannot handle its massive volume of information. As more data accumulates within Machine Learning systems, its predictive power increases. Intelligence IoT gives companies an edge by improving analytical abilities, managing risks more effectively, scaling faster, identifying time and money wasteful traps within business operations more rapidly and providing intelligence IoT with competitive edge benefits for competitive business development.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence IoT could include smart appliances or robots in warehouses; as well as autonomous driving cars able to accurately predict traffic flows.

Self-driving vehicles employing Internet of Things and Machine Learning solutions can now predict pedestrian movement as well as cars passing them, smart home devices including thermostats that adjust automatically based on climate or user preference, as well as robots scanning stock at stores or warehouses are becoming available.

IoT Edge AI Technologies and Collaboration

Integrating IoT with edge AI technologies could transform various industries and spur growth and innovation in the digital era. Doing so would enable real-time processing, decision making and analysis at the network's edges for increased efficiency and reduced latency within IoT applications.

Many industries have adopted edge AI and IoT devices that use edge AI for tasks like image recognition, voice processing and speech analysis. Our focus will be IoT-based devices incorporating these functions.

AI-enhanced cameras offer real-time analysis of video feed. Notably, these cameras have facial recognition capability as well as motion and object detection abilities.

Amazon Echo, Google Home and Alexa are IoT products which utilize edge AI. By eliminating cloud computing altogether from speech recognition applications such as natural language processing and recognition of handwritten words for recognition purposes. Monitoring devices including fitness trackers and smartwatches utilize edge AI as well; such wearable devices allow analyzing biometric information such as sleep quality, heart rate rate monitoring or activity level tracking while alerting a physician if required.

Digital Twin

Digital twins are another development in IoT that provide exactly what you would expect - virtual objects which closely resemble physical items and allow thorough testing before implementation in reality. Digital twins also enable software programs to simulate how their program will function by simulating real data performance in their simulation mode.

Digital twins enable accurate simulations without jeopardizing security or depleting resources, saving time and money through testing and saving money. Utilizing IoT technologies like digital twins can benefit healthcare, manufacturing and automation industries by providing real-time vitals comparison, checking production output levels accurately, anticipating patient health predictions as well as modeling traffic flows more precisely.

Edge Computing

Edge computing helps us reduce response times and bandwidth requirements while at the same time significantly cutting data transmission, traffic volume and distance traveled by moving users closer to where their servers or data reside.

Physical infrastructures have reached their capacity of processing the seemingly limitless stream of data being created today, yet more continues to come in each second. Edge computing will reduce network slowdowns when multiple users simultaneously utilize it; IoT technology will enhance deliveries and autonomous vehicles processes; while edge computing revolutionized data processing by moving analyses closer to devices at the edges rather than cloud servers.

Edge computing has many benefits for business operations in disconnected environments, increasing data privacy and security by locally processing sensitive information, providing flexibility and scalability in IoT deployments and speeding data transfer by moving computing power closer to its source.

Edge computing reduces latency by decentralizing computation power and storage, moving processing closer to where data is generated rather than depending solely on cloud infrastructure. Edge computing offers many benefits; we will highlight just some. Processing sensitive information at the edge, on devices or servers located therein reduces security risks that would otherwise exist for sensitive information stored elsewhere in a server-centric model.

Edge computing improves efficiency by offloading computation workloads to cloud core infrastructure. Local processing and analysis on edge devices creates greater resource efficiencies, faster reaction times and reduced network congestion. Furthermore, edge computing reduces utilization through filtering, collection and data compression before sending it upstream; thus decreasing bandwidth costs significantly.

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As Iot technology develops and adopts IoT systems more widely, we will witness its advancement and increased usage increase significantly this article cannot do justice to it all; around 34,000 people now utilize these technologies an increase of 27% since last year compared with prior figures; development for these IoT technologies seems endless as innovative ideas and devices emerge that make life simpler and efficient for us all.