Maximize ROI: Avoid Neglecting Your Development Process

Software Types

Software Types

Programming Software

Programming software consists of various tools designed to assist programmers in writing code. Compilers, text editors and linkers are part of this specialized suite of tools programmers use.

System Software

System software provides the foundation of application software. System software includes device drivers, an operating system, utilities, text editors and compilers which help increase computer efficiency. Furthermore, system software manages hardware components while performing basic functions unrelated to any particular task or job.

Application Software

Applications (or apps) are created to perform specific functions. Examples include business software like CRM and HRM, as well as SaaS apps, game apps, cleanup software systems and database systems. Single-application software programs (or standalone applications) are the type of "software" most often encountered by consumers.

Commercial Software, Freeware And Open-Source Software

  • Open-source software can be utilized without incurring any hidden charges or fees.
  • Freeware refers to any software which is usually proprietary and available free of charge for download without being available as open-source or free software. The source code may or may not be accessible.
  • Commercial software is created and designed to license or sell to end users for commercial gain.

Software Development Types

Software Development Types

Software Application Development

Software application development (or simply "development") refers to the process of creating programs for desktop operating systems like Windows, Mac or Linux.

Front-End Web Development (Client Side)

The "client-side" refers to what users (clients) see. It includes all content (text, images and user interface features) displayed to users and any application actions within user interfaces. Client browsers interpret markup languages such as HTML and CSS; client processes are typically written using JavaScript.

Server-Side (Backend) Web Development

The server is what users don't see - its job is to drive business logic behind the scenes, including rendering dynamic web pages, interacting with databases, and verifying certifications and identity authentications. Many businesses must hire custom web development services to build platforms that meet their needs.

Mobile development (or app development, as it's more commonly known) refers to creating applications for smartphones running the iOS or Android operating systems; Windows 10 was recently added as well.

APL Development

Application Programming Interface development is when software developers develop programs that link software components for desktops, mobile devices and the Web. API development follows a standard set of processes, types, tools and GUI interaction methods. It allows programmers to utilize this component when developing other apps.

Software Development

When discussing software development, embedded software should always be included. With the Internet of Things driving growth in this field, embedded software has seen rapid expansion as part of its ecosystems. Coding needed for operating embedded systems like Raspberry Pis, Arduinos and Beaglebones is tailored specifically toward embedded systems software, whereas embedded refers to software running directly on equipment or machines.

Database Development

Databases are integral parts of most software applications. A database management system (DBMS) serves as an intermediary between end users, applications and the database to collect and analyze data for analysis. Software development teams utilize DBMSs for setting up and tuning new and legacy apps.

Cloud services enable data to be securely stored on remote networks of servers rather than personal computers or local servers, freeing users to store information without incurring additional storage costs or server downtime. Software developers have created applications such as Amazon Web Services, OneDrive storage and GitHub that support this storage storage custom software solution.

Security Software Development Is Now Underway

Cyber security service provider and penetration testers (commonly referred to as ethical hackers or "white-hat" hackers) collaborate in protecting software development company data and systems from theft or any malicious attacks that might compromise them. A cybersecurity team develops software designed to safeguard crucial assets against theft or any viruses which might threaten them from other attacks that might seek to breach them.

Penetration testers utilize various hacking methods in order to assess systems for vulnerabilities or weaknesses and locate weaknesses or flaws in them. Data Science development Without skilled data scientists on hand to help mine and interpret large sets of data effectively, their value may quickly evaporate. Data scientists must use analytical methods to mine, manipulate, and interpret loads of information to gain actionable and valuable insights that lead to actionable insights.

Consider cluster computing to handle large data sets, then build scientific applications based on them. Data science ensures Artificial Intelligence applications can utilize data in an appropriate format. Machines require large volumes of information to learn or make decisions in any particular situation.

Software Tool Development

Software tool development aimed at helping other developers test their code is another software project that uses tools for code testing and maintainability. Not only is testing used as part of this type of development process, but it's also used to ensure other developers' code meets industry standards while staying maintainable. Creating programs to test other software is no easy feat, so tech giants such as Microsoft and Google enlist developers to build mobile testing applications to test projects as they progress.

No-Code And Low-Code Development

One of the emerging trends in software is using low-code or no-code solutions and approaches that simplify developers' work. Low Code Development Platform provides an environment for creating application software using a graphical user interface and configuration rather than traditional hand-coded programming. Low-code platforms enable developers to build applications faster by decreasing manual coding efforts.

No code platforms are user-friendly and don't require development expertise to operate effectively. Anyone in an organization can utilize a no-code builder to build apps easily - Elementor Apps, Airtable Apps, Jotform Apps and Retool are examples of platforms that don't require coding.

Utilizing cutting-edge technologies like Xano and no-code, you can build complex yet scalable backends along with intuitive user experiences. Experienced Xano Developers can assist with scaling backends and developing partner apps, internal tools, customer service portals or any other applications without writing code - an invaluable service rarely offered elsewhere!

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What is SDLC (Structured Data Linkage Control)?

What is SDLC (Structured Data Linkage Control)?

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle process and describes an organized method for developing high-quality software applications using standard business practices. SDLC involves several steps in software creation that are often broken down into smaller steps such as requirements gathering, design/development/testing/deployment and maintenance; SDLC can thoroughly analyze each step to produce high-quality results.

SDLC follows this same model. It begins with an idea, develops into a document, then is presented to users in various forms. SDLC is a process that involves applying all applicable practices, methods and stages throughout its development cycle.

SDLC aims to enhance software quality while simultaneously shortening development times and costs. Implementation is straightforward as SDLC follows an effective plan designed to eliminate major challenges encountered during software creation, starting by assessing current systems to identify their deficiencies as part of this assessment process.

SDLC defines system requirements in the next step to creating software after stages such as analysis, planning and system design. Once developed, testing and deployment phases have concluded successfully, SDLC can also predict mistakes such as not seeking end-user or client feedback to reduce the need to redo work or make corrections post factum - this cycle is shown below.

Testing software is a critical stage of SDLC, as any failure to do so could halt the market expansion of your product. Since SDLC involves repeating various types of custom software development lifecycles, code must be reviewed as part of this method after every cycle. SDLC involves updating all members of the dedicated teams at each step and in a timely fashion; business analysts, project managers, designers & software engineers and QA teams must work in concert for its completion.

The Different Stages in Software Development Process

The Different Stages in Software Development Process

To understand the software development process, it's necessary to go through each step in the sequence. Without these steps, development cannot proceed successfully - click here for more information about them:

Project Planning & Requirement Analysis

This stage will give an overall project overview and determine its viability and profitability. The main goals are assessing project requirements, identifying market risks, and adapting the product foundation. Business analysts will play an instrumental role here by creating an SRS document with all business requirements, vision and goals for this endeavor. In addition to this process, this stage also involves identifying strengths, weaknesses and improvements of current systems, hardware specifications, software requirements, and networking security requirements, as well as answering key questions posed during this step.

  • What are your business expectations for this project?
  • Do You Want to Develop or Modify an Existing Product?
  • Are You Submitting an Application in Time? There may be a Deadline to Submit Your Application
  • Can we employ all developers and experts internally, or should we outsource?

Answering these questions will enable the software company to resolve numerous issues effectively. Your document should include information regarding resource allocation, project planning and capacity planning, as well as all necessary deadlines and project goals and scope.

Senior business analysts must conduct a feasibility study on any project before considering it viable, taking into account budget restrictions, legal implications, operational requirements and any deadlines set by higher authorities. They should then approve an expanded SRS.

Software Design And Development

Once all software development project requirements have been fully understood and the SRS approved, hired designers and architects can begin to work on designing. When it comes to software creation, designing is an integral stage. Audiences look first at product design before considering its specifications. The development of software architecture or applications follows standard patterns; for consistency and reuse purposes, architects use TOGAF frameworks when building apps from existing elements.

Standard software design should include the following major elements:

  • Software Architecture (coding language, interfaces and databases, operating systems APIs, pre-built template, etc.)
  • Infrastructure components
  • Number of Features
  • UI Design
  • Security requirements (SSL encryptions, database migrations, password protections, etc.).

This process is then documented in a DDS, reviewed by stakeholders, and approved based on certain factors.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Design Modularity
  • Time Limitations
  • Product Strength

Some software companies develop prototypes during the custom software development service to avoid making extensive modifications after completion. Prototypes require more time but can help save costs in terms of modification costs after release.

Software Development Phase

As one of the key steps of software development, familiarizing ourselves with DDS documents is key to understanding its process. To get acquainted with it efficiently and quickly, Agile project management methodologies and different types of programming software help speed up this stage and deliver functional software that meets all requirements in SRS/DDS documents.

The entire process becomes much simpler once you have a plan in mind for software products. Developers should select either Agile methodology(timeboxed "sprints") or Waterfall (a single block of work) methods during the development phase; Coders then strive to produce as much software as possible while stakeholders follow the process regularly - ultimately leading to fully functional and testable products.

Test the Software

Testing is an integral component of software development, verifying that it works as expected before launching on the market. Testing focuses on establishing stability, usability and functionality, so hiring an experienced company with knowledgeable QA specialists who specialize in all forms of testing will be key in testing your product successfully.

Testing manually and with automated tools is critical to software quality assurance and functionality. Testing can be carried out using tools such as Codeship or continuous integration tools; testers typically focus on four areas of testing: performance testing, unit tests, security tests and usability tests; code quality tests are also done to guarantee software quality and functionality.

All bugs or glitches must be quickly and effectively fixed to ensure software runs seamlessly and flawlessly. That is why software developers use development methodologies that allow for testing during development; this saves them time while providing convenient testing and modifications of their product as it progresses. Many corporations focus extra on quality testing so their end product meets industry standards while being bug-free, stable and ready for deployment after passing the quality check process.

Deployment of Software

Launching software is the final development step, requiring team effort from every member. In some projects, instructional videos or user manuals must be developed before release to the public. Preferably, the deployment phase should fall under continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). However, manual approval might still be necessary depending on industry regulations which can significantly slow the software development timeframe.

Application Release Automation (ARA) tools can also help automate software releases. These tools help automate the deployment of apps, usually working in tandem with integration tools. Enterprises often release an Alpha version of their product for testing among a select group of users first before adapting their project based on feedback received. Eventually, Beta versions are then made available to all customers.

Maintenance and Support

But are you aware of the significance of maintenance and support for software creation and deployment? SDLC doesn't end at this stage - rather, it represents "the end of the beginning." After the software has been released, it must continue to be monitored to see if any issues or bugs arise due to consistent usage; your support team will address any errors found while using the software.

Development teams incorporate advanced features into software apps in accordance with recent software trends and test them after every change. Update it regularly so it meets quality standards and works seamlessly, increasing your software app's popularity and overall popularity.

Read also: What is Software Development? A Detailed Guide

What are Software Development Methodologies?

What are Software Development Methodologies?

Over the last seventy years, various software development models (methodologies) have been utilized and tested.

Agile Model

Answering "What is Software Development, and How Can We Do It Correctly?" with Agile is likely to produce results. agile software development models have quickly become the go-to method for continuous interaction between SDLC and development processes; projects are broken into smaller increment builds delivered in iterations (one to three weeks) delivered as Scrum or Kanban are two popular Agile methods.

Waterfall Model

This model is also widely utilized. This method divides software development into distinct stages known as SDLC. Each output from one stage serves as input into the next. The SDLC model features a high document intensity. Early stages record tasks to be accomplished in later phases.

Model Incremental

The incremental model isn't an independent entity; rather, it is composed of several waterfall cycles. At the start of any project, requirements are divided up into groups to facilitate software development for each group using the SDLC model; then, each version of the SDLC model is added on until all requirements have been fulfilled; these cycles then act as the maintenance phase of the previous version of software developed; additionally, this incremental model allows overlapping development cycles so the next cycle may start before its predecessor has finished its work.

V Model In SDLC

This phase is scheduled in parallel with this SDLC method. There is an SDLC and a separate verification stage, and V models may be added during the coding phase.

Spiral Model

This SDLC model is risk-driven. Your team can choose among various process models like Waterfall, incremental or Waterfall to optimize this strategy. Spiral modeling combines the best aspects of both waterfall and prototype models. A spiral is an approach that integrates rapid prototyping with concurrent design and development processes.

Other models and methods in software development are less widely adopted than the ones listed here.

  • Aspect-oriented software development
  • Cleanroom Software Engineering
  • Incremental funding method
  • Rapid application development
  • IBM Rational Unified Process
  • Extreme programming
  • Bing Bang model
  • Test-driven development (TDD)

Top Software Development Tools

Top Software Development Tools

Software development tools can enhance the functionality of programming languages. Below we have listed some of the most wide range of used tools within their respective categories.


Linx is a low-code development platform that makes creating custom automated services, web services and backend applications quick and simple. It hosts APIs, automations and integrations without infrastructure or frameworks required by other custom solutions; plus, it has an easy drag-and-drop interface and more than 100 plugins to handle high workloads efficiently. Automate business processes using message queues or directory events if required.


EmBold, an AI-driven source code analysis tool, analyzes source code to detect issues that threaten code security, stability and maintainability. This AI tool assists developers in identifying risks within code before prioritizing and eliminating them. Integrates seamlessly with many tools, including Azure, GitHub, BitBucket, Git IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse plugins, and supports over ten languages.

Studio 3T

Studio 3T [4T] allows you to use MongoDB document management features efficiently by viewing and editing document data, creating comprehensive queries, instant code generation, import/export to multiple formats and more. It is an intuitive tool designed for use by MongoDB document management features.


FinanceLayer API is a Real-Time Finance News API designed to deliver online or recorded finance news feeds into any application, supporting client- and server-side programming languages. Anyone can utilize its services.


Collaborator is an application that facilitates peer code and document reviews between developers. It helps developers quickly identify code weaknesses that slow development while speeding up the coding process, producing detailed reviews that help organizations meet compliance requirements.

Apache NetBeans

Apache NetBeans is an open-source, free IDE for developing mobile, desktop and web applications. Compatible with all Java-based operating systems - Linux, Windows and macOS - NetBeans allows C, C++ Java, JavaScript PHP developers as well as C and C/C++ Java developers to develop bug-free code using smart code edits while developing user interfaces using its powerful GUI builder tool. Debugging profiling community support is some of its highlights as well.

Cloud 9

Cloud 9 is a web-based IDE that allows developers to share their working environments and manage code with team members. Support for various programming languages like Python, C, C++, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Ruby etc., are supported. Previously it was open-source until Amazon Web Services purchased it in 2026 and began charging users.


Atom is used in a wide range of open-source text and source code editors for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. Known for its intelligent auto-completion feature and ability to divide its screen into multiple panes for easier editing/comparing across files; new features can even be added without altering configuration files; supporting HTML5, CSS3, Node.js and JavaScript, it has proven itself essential software development tool. Zend Studio CodeLobster and CodeCharge are popular IDEs. We have listed some of the top software development frameworks which provide an environment and foundation for developing software with forced architectural models.


Laravel is an open-source framework designed for building modern PHP applications that is both free and free to use, featuring many tools and resources for development purposes. As one of the more articulate frameworks, Laravel employs best practices in PHP development while helping developers simplify the development process.


Bootstrap, an open-source and free framework, enables the creation of responsive websites and mobile-first web projects easily and quickly. Supporting HTML JS and CSS, Bootstrap allows for quick website design that meets project-specific requirements while remaining easily customizable to individual project needs and requirements. Plus, it has numerous components that ensure consistency regardless of who works on it.


HTML5 Builder is a powerful tool for developing Web and mobile apps using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3. Cloud services enable rapid cross-platform app development; designers and developers can collaborate easily, while geolocation components allow you to create location-based mobile and web apps quickly.


Azure is an open-source cloud computing platform developers use to design, deploy and maintain web applications. Azure gives access to Microsoft cloud services and resources such as virtual computing, analytics, storage and networking - initially free but thereafter subject to consumption-based payments; you may continue with the free edition, only accessing free products.


Kwatee Agility Deployment is another useful tool for software development that automates microservices or applications to servers. Compatible with Windows, Mac OS X Linux Solaris, it has everything needed for rapid deployments.


GitHub offers cloud-hosted Git repositories as part of its software development platform, making it one of the largest. With many integrations and code protection/access control features, it supports macOS/Windows/cloud platforms with free and paid options for enterprise versions.


Bitbucket, another version control software owned by Atlassian, allows teams to collaborate easily in code coding and reviews while storing source code securely. JIR (JIRA Project and Incident Registry), another popular project management tool, is integrated with this version control solution for added project management capability, and both free and paid versions are available for use.

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Custom software development services are still a relatively young field that's rapidly developing, with many areas (like careers) lacking standards or regulations; on the other hand, there are established best practices in terms of methodologies and processes that have been thoroughly tested and proven. Software development services, frameworks, tools and instruments are constantly changing; however, the foundation for producing quality software has already been laid.