Xamarin vs React Native: Cross-Platform Mobile Development Comparison
  1. Performance
  2. Popularity
  3. Ecosystem for Communities & Developers
  4. Development Environment
  5. Available
  6. Compilation
  7. Prices

Continue reading to learn more about Xamarin vs. React Native and how these two frameworks express their intentions differently. First, Know what cross-platform development is.

What Is Cross-Platform Development?

What Is Cross-Platform Development?

Developing mobile apps for different platforms (such as Android and iOS) while utilizing a single technological stack is known as cross-platform mobile application development. This enables you to develop one code and then deploy it across all platforms rather than creating several versions of your program in various native languages for each platform.

Cross-Platform Development Has Many Advantages

Each strategy has benefits and drawbacks. In this section, we'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cross-platform mobile development frameworks like Xamarin or React Native. First, you may make it once and use it wherever. The biggest benefit of cross-platform programming is that a single codebase can be exported to numerous operating systems.

Next, uniformity across all apps. A single codebase allows for uniformity across platforms. All fixes and updates are automatically reflected across all platforms. Third, you can save resources. One team can work on a shared codebase in place of several teams with various skill sets developing native versions of your app. This enables you to develop more quickly and save money using smaller teams.

The final factor has a larger audience. Your app's market reach and the likelihood of getting more downloads can be increased by publishing it on various platforms.

Cross-Platform Development Has Its Disadvantages

Here are some cons to cross-platform development. Performance issues are number one. Cross-platform frameworks are designed to provide native apps with seamless integration. However, the non-native components communicate inconsistently between native and native components. This can lead to slower app performance and lower speed.

The next issue is inconsistencies between platforms. Some functionalities of cross-platform programming tools might not be available on every platform. You may need to come up with workarounds. These frameworks could take some time to keep up with platform upgrades and new features.

Cross-platform development is often limited in features. Cross-platform development often lacks native-only integrations and features unavailable on cross-platform apps. This limits your ability to provide a great user experience.

Xamarin Vs. React Native: Side-By-Side Comparison

Xamarin Vs. React Native: Side-By-Side Comparison

A side-by-side comparison of Xamarin and React Native is presented here. The most effective method for choosing between two solutions is frequently a direct comparison.


When making your last choice, take this category into account. Frameworks that are cross-platform and hybrid may trade off ease for performance. React Native and Xamarin offer close-native performance. On iOS and Android, Xamarin is the fastest. Additionally, Xamarin offers a user interface (UI) that enables the usage of native tools.

TLDR: React Native vs. Xamarin Higher brownie points goes to Xamarin for native-like performance. Xamarin triumphs.


While software's value is not always determined by its popularity, it can greatly impact how users interact with the product. The popularity of the software is frequently a crucial element in determining qualities like a big skill pool and many tools. Because React Native is open-source rather than proprietary and only maintained by Microsoft, it is significantly more well-known than Xamarin. This is clear from Google Trends to Stack Overflow insights.

TLDR: When Xamarin and React Native are compared in terms of popularity, React Native prevails.

Community & Developer Ecosystem

Compared to Xamarin, React Native is anticipated to have a larger and more welcoming community. When React Native originally debuted, there wasn't a large community. Finding other React Native app development services is getting simpler as the framework develops and JavaScript frameworks gain more popularity.

TLDR: React Native is more popular than Xamarin. React Native offers a better community and a stronger developer ecosystem.

Development Environment

Pre-built components that improve performance and streamline development experience are available in React Native and Xamarin. React NativeNative lacks the life reload feature of Xamarin, Xamarin. Forms, Xamarin.iOS. Android lets developers create native UI elements that are unique to the platform. Compared to React Native developers, Xamarin developers may now reach performance similar to Native.

TLDR: Xamarin has many more pre-built components than React Native.


Many open-source frameworks can be downloaded for free. Sadly, Xamarin is unable to claim this designation. A free version with fewer functionality is available from Xamarin. Because free typically equates to greater access, React Native has the advantage in this division.

TLDR: React Native is more accessible than Xamarin when compared to Xamarin.

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React Native and JavaScript use JIT (just-in-time) compilation. JIT compilation might offer the best of both, even though compiled languages are often faster than interpreted ones since they are translated into machine code before execution is complete.

JIT compilation is used by Java, JavaScript, and C#. Only Android and not iOS are supported by JIT compilation in React Native. This may cause iOS apps to operate poorly. JIT and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation are both supported in C#. Most of the time, AOT-compiled code runs quicker.

TLDR: When comparing Xamarin with React Native, it becomes clear that while both frameworks have comparable compilation methods, Xamarin offers one that is ideally suited to both iOS and Android. Xamarin won.


React Native and Xamarin are both free. Xamarin is not available for small businesses or individuals. The cost of Visual Studio Enterprise on an annual basis can approach around $3,000. This makes React Native, which is completely free, even more attractive.

TLDR: React Native costs less than Xamarin.

What Is Xamarin?

What Is Xamarin?

The Microsoft program Xamarin enables you to create cross-platform Windows, iOS, and Android apps. This program is a part of the.NET framework, which offers tools and libraries for creating applications. Although Xamarin is a part of.NET, it was created expressly to create mobile apps. The ecosystem for Microsoft C# includes all of these platforms.

Microsoft created the programming language C#. The language is based on C and C++. It enables object-oriented programming and offers superior class libraries. It is statically typed with a full lexical scope and supports a variety of programming paradigms. The.NET framework is built on the foundations of C#, F#, and Visual Basic. Xamarin employs C#. You can cross-platform codebase sharing up to 90% with Xamarin.

Mobile app developers are very concerned about cross-platform development, which involves sharing codebases between Apple and Android operating systems (OSs). Performance problems may result as a result. Frameworks like Xamarin try to alleviate this worry.

Instead of using host languages for mobile operating systems like Java for Android or Swift for iOS, Xamarin enables developers to use C#. They can save time and gain performance that is comparable to native. It's time to start considering recruiting developers if Xamarin looks attractive for your upcoming project.

What's Xamarin Used To do?

What's Xamarin Used To do?

Code and business logic can be transferred between platforms using Xamarin. You may also use Visual Studio to create cross-platform C# applications. 90% of your app's code can, according to the official documentation, be shared between platforms when using Xamarin. This implies that you can develop native performance and look across all platforms without writing in different languages.

On a Mac or PC, you can design Xamarin apps and compile them into native package files, which are .apk and .ipa files for Android and iOS, respectively. Apps for various industries, including media, energy, transit, and healthcare, can be developed using Xamarin.

Why Should You Use Xamarin?

Why Should You Use Xamarin?

Here are a few advantages of creating cross-platform mobile apps with Xamarin. Performance is the first thing to consider. Xamarin apps have a reputation for being almost as native-like in performance.

Second, the development ecosystem at Xamarin is complete. To create mobile apps using Xamarin, all you need is C#,.Net and Microsoft Visual Studio. This puts it among the top frameworks for cross-platform mobile apps.

The next step is the seamless user experience. Xamarin. Forms give you access to common interface components and offer a collection of templates so you may reuse your code on different platforms. Use Xamarin if manual interface customization is required. Xamarin or iOS. Android. Small teams can use Xamarin as well.

What Are The Advantages Of Xamarin?

What Are The Advantages Of Xamarin?

The contest between Xamarin and React Native would not be fair without a fair comparison. You may compare the two frameworks with the assistance of these Xamarin features.


Because it uses C#, a component of .NET, Xamarin makes the process of creating mobile apps considerably simpler. You still receive native-like performance even if your code can run on other platforms. Xamarin and Android are software development kits (SDKs) for iOS and Android that are pertinent and are provided to developers. There is also Essential, a set of interlocking native programming interfaces (APIs).


Xamarin's efficiency is also a result of this. Cross-platform development is possible because codebases can easily be shared between mobile operating systems. This allows for time and cost savings. You can build both the UIs and the core logic of your application in C# thanks to Xamarin, which enables you to use a single technological stack.


By upgrading the source code, you can maintain apps with Xamarin.Forms. The answers will all be instantly updated. Bugs can be identified before they appear in a stable version thanks to Xamarin Test Cloud's ability to perform automated tests.


Because Xamarin is supported by.NET, it provides a wide range of sophisticated tools to support a rich development experience. In addition to the Xamarin libraries, Xamarin permits the usage of CSS and other libraries. Real-time collaboration, code cleanup, and intelligent suggestions are all possible with Visual Studio Live Share.

When Is Xamarin Recommended?

When Is Xamarin Recommended?

Xamarin is a great tool for developing mobile apps. You may design mobile apps using this platform without using OS-specific languages like Java or Swift. Because codebases can be easily shared between platforms, development is more effective and comprehensive.

Read More: Xamarin Mobile Development: Pros and Cons You Should be Aware Of

What Apps Use Xamarin

What Apps Use Xamarin

Hopefully, this is not a popularity contest between Xamarin and React Native. However, being aware of the precise applications of Xamarin can be helpful.


It is easy to describe the United Parcel Service (UPS). It is a company that delivers a large number of packages around the world. The UPS mobile app makes creating shipments simple and accessible from anywhere. Xamarin allowed React Native development company to improve their productivity and create the app.


FreshDirect is an online grocery delivery service focusing on fresh seafood, locally sourced produce, and specialty meat cuts. The related mobile app was renamed to C# to replace Objective-C and Swift and shorten the time to market.


Even though Olo may not be your most well-known name, the app has given you more indirect benefits than you realize. For several eateries, including Wingstop and Applebee's, Olo can develop unique ordering apps. Since its inception, the DevOps team has relied on Xamarin to guarantee speedy time-to-market and flawless user experiences.

What Is React Native?

What Is React Native?

Facebook developed React Native, a mobile app framework. This framework is based on the JavaScript package React, which lets you create user interfaces. "The biggest error we made as an organization was banking too heavily on HTML as opposed to native," said by co-founder of Facebook. This indicates that he understood HTML5 wasn't the ideal platform for creating Facebook's mobile application.

He developed a new framework specifically for mobile application development. React Native and React share many of the same basic similarities. Both frameworks explicitly address state management. Additional libraries are required to provide additional functionality.

The states of an app at a particular moment determine its behavior. State management controls UI elements like text fields and OK buttons. Everything is written in JavaScript, allowing for cross-platform code exchange. The ability to speak languages specific to iOS or Android is not required of developers.

Hybrid app development is the name given to this process. You can achieve near-native performance without actually using native languages, thanks to it. High demand to Hire react native developer is also an issue. We can help you find one if you are looking for one. Take a look at it.

React Native: Why?

React Native: Why?

The use of React Native for cross-platform mobile applications has the following advantages. React Native implements native UI components, making it possible for apps to seem to be native apps and provide a superior user experience.

React NativeNative provides a sizable collection of UI components that makes development easier. Additionally, you can use native features like cameras and accelerometers. You can employ native code to optimize your native apps using React Native, which uses platform-specific code.

Hot reload also supported by React Native. As a result, modifications can be made immediately without recompiling the apps. React NativeNative was developed and is sponsored by Facebook, and it is trustworthy and free. It is still free to use.

React Native Development Tools

React Native Development Tools

The libraries and tools that can enhance the React Native developer experience are listed here in part.

  • React Native development language
  • JavaScript
  • React Native IDEs:
    • Atom
    • Visual Studio Code
  • React Native tools:
    • Expo
    • Redux
    • Ignite
    • ESLint
    • React Navigation
  • React Native UI components:
    • NativeBase
    • UI Kitten
    • React Native Paper
  • Test tools for React Native:
    • React Native Testing Library
    • Detox

What Are The Advantages Of React Native?

What Are The Advantages Of React Native?

Learn more about React Native's benefits and how it functions by looking at them.


React NativeNative is similar to React, but it's modular. Using distinct code blocks, this modularity makes it simple to distinguish between various functionalities. This makes it easy to develop.


Facebook originally developed React Native as a project. However, it was turned into an open-source project after being made public. The sizable React Native community is welcoming and helpful, which gives the development of mobile apps the sense of a team effort.


Like Xamarin, React Native also guarantees high rates of code reuse. Time and money are saved by the product usage. The popularity of React Native is also a result of its capacity to distribute processing power. The central processing units (CPU) of other frameworks are heavily utilized by the React Native framework. React NativeNative is faster than hybrid technologies.


React Native has some unique features that stand out above others. Developers of React Native applications can use "hot load" (or "live reload") as an illustration of how much they enjoy being able to observe improvements to your codebase right away.

When Is React Native Recommended?

When Is React Native Recommended?

Xamarin is not React Native. It has a particular application. The framework should be used by software developers to create cross-platform mobile device applications. By employing JavaScript rather than more conventional native languages, you can complete your mobile app development project more quickly and for less money.

What Apps Use React Native?

What Apps Use React Native?

Without examining how each platform stands on its own two feet, Xamarin and React Native cannot be directly compared. React Native is used by many major apps.


React Native was developed by Facebook, which is no surprise. Facebook is a social network as well as a mobile application. Ironically, a hackathon project gave birth to React NativeNative. This project valued benefits like having a single development team and speedy iterations.


Walmart is a major retail company with large chains of grocery stores and departmental stores. The company chose React Native to enhance customer support. They found nearly all of their code could be used on several platforms.


You can easily create and host websites online with Wix. Wix's web development has become more swift and agile thanks to React Native. The business also developed its navigational software, known as wix-react-native-navigation.

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A thorough comparison of Xamarin vs. React Native is warranted. These frameworks have a lot in common. They enable the creation of natively optimized cross-platform mobile apps. React Native outperforms Xamarin by a wide margin when put side by side. Xamarin might be preferred by businesses that place performance and time over all other factors. Whatever the nature of your project, we have the programmers and equipment you need to complete it. We Mobile application Development Company can help you. To assist you in selecting the best program for you, we will discuss it with you.