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HR & Staffing Software Services

CIS offers Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) Software designed to simplify all HR activities such as payroll, recruitment and performance evaluation. With HR Management Software from CIS at your side, your company will embrace change more readily than ever.

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Major Benefits of Customized HRMS Software by CIS

CIS’s human resource management software can assist in improving data collection, tracking, employee information retrieval and retention practices so as to assist decision-making on hiring, training and retention strategies.

Our customized HR software can assist your company with better decision-making by eliminating paperwork requirements and optimizing company strategies such as employee management and workforce planning.

HR Management Software by CIS Can Resolve Traditional Problems

HR management systems from CIS allow you to measure performance in real-time and increase efficiency, all tailored specifically for your work culture. Furthermore, our robust yet scalable HRM Management Software streamlines all human resource functions through automation.

  • sharepoint-development
    Talent Out-Of-the-Box

    Our experienced developers will design HR Management Software that gives your managers an extra advantage in attracting top talent from outside your organization.

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    Talent Inside the Box

    Our automated Human Resource Software can assist in creating an exceptional work culture among your HR team and remote employees to meet enterprise goals more easily.

HRMS Software Development to Increase Efficiency

Our expert engineers develop human resource management software designed to retain talented workers while cutting overhead costs. We automate HR manual operations while offering consistent HR software development services aligned with global recruitment processes.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Access Anytime

    Transform your hiring procedure with a user-friendly, adaptable mobile interface that enables managers and consultants to interact and cooperate at any time, anywhere for smooth operations.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Real-Time Reporting

    Enjoy instant and secure access to quality hiring analytics within your organization, with real-time reporting providing invaluable insight. These reports allow HR strategies and corrective action strategies to be organized effectively while corrective actions may also be initiated promptly based on these real-time insights.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Process Automation

    By streamlining the recruitment process, it becomes much easier and accurate for organizational structure to automate human resource functions. Our cloud-based Solutions track time and attendance and offer many key features for tracking time attendance and attendance.

Comprehensive Human Resource Solutions From CIS

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    Human Resource Management Job Applications

    A single software or Human Capital Management Application will unify all your HR operations. As one of the premier software providers for HR management cloud-based solutions, we specialize in HR software to centralize HR activities while offering modules like:

    • Employee management
    • Management of leave and attendance
    • Reports and analytics
    • Payroll software
    • Management of expenses
  • software development services

    Human Resource Management System

    With our HRMS software, you have easy access to your data wherever it may be found, perfect for meeting business requirements. Some of the key features of our HRMS software are:

    • Talent management
    • Job Opening
    • Employee attendance
    • Accounting and payroll
    • Document management
  • software development services

    Recruitment Management System

    To improve team productivity and efficiency, automate custom workflow. We provide cloud-based solutions for job seekers, recruiters, and employers based on your needs. Core feature requirements include:

    • Intuitive user interface
    • Recruitment Modules
    • Reports in advance
    • Secure data access
    • Integration with Job Portals
  • software development services

    Legacy HRM Mobile Application Modernization

    Enhance your current systems to meet the ever-evolving needs of technology and time, and modernize recruiting, retention and performance management to deliver an enhanced employee experience. With modernization of your legacy HRM mobile application with CIS, you get special features like:

    • Embrace mobility
    • Sustainability technology
    • Enhanced employee experience
    • Change your recruiting strategy
    • Reduce operating costs

Best HR Management Software Development Services

CIS’s custom Human Resource Management Software can simplify HR processing and benefits administration, increase business productivity and enhance operations. We offer professional services pertaining to HR software development including custom software as well as maintenance and support packages.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Custom HR Software Development

    Get all your daily HR tasks accomplished efficiently - from employee onboarding, attendance tracking and payroll processing, thorough employee onboarding process. Leave the development of HRM software up to our team of specialists.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    HRM Software Development

    Take an innovative and alternative approach to recruitment by ditching traditional HR & Talent management processes. CIS offers cost-effective Human Capital Management system software development. Now is the time to hire HR & Talent management system developers from CIS, dedicated to driving business growth.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    HR Software Integration

    Integrate HR management software into other enterprise systems like CRM, ERP and accounting in order to streamline custom workflow and increase employee efficiency. CIS offers HR software integration services designed to seamlessly combine third-party cloud-based solutions into your software systems.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    HR Management Software Consulting

    Our highly skilled team has decades of experience developing HR software programs. Our skilled consultants can work alongside your staff in developing Human Resources Management Software that suits the unique needs of your organization.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    HR Software Maintenance and Support

    If your HR & Talent management system is failing to generate sales, its maintenance must be immediately engaged by professional developers who specialize in Human Resources management services. Connect with us now for accessing some of the finest Human Resources management software developed by our expert team.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Migration of HR Software

    Convert easily from an old human resources management system to the latest HR systems with ease by consulting CIS's HR software migration experts. Hire developers today for help creating the ideal system software.

CIS’s HR Systems Design and Implementation Services

At CIS, we create customized software to assist companies with effectively managing and optimizing their human resource custom workflows, automate HR departments and improve hiring efficiency.

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    Recruitment Software Development

    We give HR managers complete control over candidate sourcing, time-off tracking and communication through custom recruitment apps developed specifically to their needs. This enables HR managers to centralize information about potential hires for better decision making as well as enhance candidate experiences.

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    Payroll and Major Benefits

    CIS designs digital systems to accurately calculate employee salaries according to hours worked, sick leave taken, taxes paid and insurance paid as well as reimburse expenses and distribute bonuses and compensation accordingly.

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    Workforce Attendance Management

    Our experts can develop customized employee engagement tools to track employee attendance and manage working time efficiently and accurately.

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    Employee Performance Analysis

    We help companies measure and assess employee performance accurately through customized assessment systems.

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    Corporate Learning

    CIS offers an assortment of customized employee engagement tools designed to facilitate employee training and new hire orientation programs, such as core feature learning management cloud-based platforms, AR/VR cloud-based platforms, micro-learning solutions and knowledge bases.

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    Employee Engagement and Self-Service

    At CIS, we specialize in creating engaging intranets and social networking tools as well as employee recognition and feedback solutions that are user-friendly for employee use.

Intelligent Automation in HRMS Software By CIS

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    Robotic Process Automation

    At CIS, we create custom RPA bots to automate repetitive manual tasks like payroll processing and expense reporting as well as onboarding/offboarding processes in an effort to decrease errors while increasing efficiency.

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    Smart Assistance

    Our team provides intelligent HR assistants who assist remote employees and candidates by communicating, answering questions, providing information, screening CVs and employee scheduling interviews.

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    Personalizing the Experience

    We utilize machine learning powered models to customize interactions between candidates and career centers or communication channels in real-time, improving candidate experiences in your recruitment center or communication channel. In addition, we can implement similar engines into internal HR systems to optimize employee experiences.

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    Advanced Analytics of HR Data

    CIS can create advanced analytics models from vast amounts of HR data that yield useful insights for companies wishing to identify skills needs, attrition risks and make strategic hiring decisions. These predictive models help businesses pinpoint skills requirements, attrition risk assessment and make better hiring decisions.

Upgrade Your HR Systems With CIS’s Modernization Services

CIS offers professional services to companies seeking to extend or update their HR systems.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Mobile HRM Apps

    At CIS, we can develop mobile apps that mirror the functionality of web-based solutions in order to allow HR specialists and recruiters access employees and recruit new ones anywhere, any time. Furthermore, our tools can assist remote employees themselves by giving access to schedule management tools, expense claiming systems and professional services directly on mobile devices - giving your HR experts all they need at all times.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Modernizing Legacy HR Systems

    We can assist organizations with modernizing and upgrading their outdated HR software in order to create more contemporary, efficient environments of their choice. Our team has expertise to set up and deploy your chosen system. Additionally we can migrate any legacy data, and integrate it with enterprise apps for seamless results.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    New HR Modules

    At CIS, we can add new capabilities specifically tailored towards recruiters or remote employees to your HR system through either custom development of an HR tool, or successful implementation of pre-made modules from our portfolio. The newly implemented tool can then be integrated with all other HR functions as well as data sources relevant to those must-have core HR features or capabilities.

Industry-Specific All-in-One Solution Customized For Your Business

There is a high demand for software designed to manage human resources (HR). HR software companies are becoming more prevalent. Quality HR software can help accelerate growth in businesses while reaching new heights.

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    Learning Management System (LMS)

    An LMS (Learning Management System) is core feature-rich HRM software designed to assist organizations manage, deliver, and track training content and programs from one convenient place.

    • Course Creation
    • User Management
    • Progress Tracking
    • Integration and Monitoring
    • Course Management Capabilities
    • Reporting and Analytics
  • software development services

    HRIS & HRMS Software

    All-sized companies can efficiently oversee core HR functions with core feature-packed HRIS and HRMS Software Development solutions

    • Employee Data Management
    • Payroll processing
    • Attendance Tracking
    • Absence Management
    • Performance Management Capabilities
    • Compliance Management Capabilities
    • Reporting and Analytics
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    HR Service Management Software

    Our software solutions designed specifically to manage HR services can automate and streamline service provision for employees.

    • Service Request Management
    • Case Management
    • Job Postings Management
    • Employee Self-Service
    • Custom Workflow Automation
    • Software Integration
    • Reporting and Advanced Analytics
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    Employee Self-Service Software

    Employee self-service custom solutions from CIS give employees direct access to HR information and professional services.

    • Personal Information Management
    • Payroll Management
    • Employee Directory
    • Major Benefits Management Capabilities
    • Performance Management
    • Training and Development
    • Communication & Continuous Feedback
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    Recruitment Management System

    Tired of an overwhelming recruitment process? Let us automate and streamline it for you with our human capital management systems.

    • Job postings
    • Applicant Tracking
    • Screening and Assessment
    • Schedule Interviews
    • Offer Management
    • Reporting & Advanced Analytics
  • software development services

    Performance Management Software

    Human resource professionals now have an easier and faster way to monitor, assess and assess employee performance.

    • Organizational Goal Setting
    • Employee Database
    • Performance Evaluation
    • Progress Tracking
    • Succession planning
    • Skills Assessment
    • Reporting and Predictive Analytics

Streamlined HR Management Software Development Process

At CIS, our Human capital management systems software development process is efficient to produce tailor-made custom solutions. Our project team understands our customers' requirements while helping expand their market presence. This is how our approach to development works.

  • sharepoint-development
    Project Implementation Analysis

    Determine the scope and develop a plan for your project implementation.

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    UX/UI Designing

    Each app should offer its users a tailored user experience with user-friendly navigational tools and intuitive interactions that foster engagement.

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    Documenting Development Process

    It can serve as an excellent starting point to begin the actual development process with a paper document.

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    Conduct Comprehensive Tests

    Perform extensive tests prior to launch to detect any issues and eliminate potential mistakes.

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    Project Launch

    Launch your app onto any desired single platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android or iOS).

Trending Technologies in HR System Software Development

Technology changes constantly and evolves frequently. For successful human resource software development projects, using cutting edge tech stacks for development purposes is paramount to its success. Our experts in HRM Software Development use cutting-edge tech stacks as part of their processes for development projects.

  • Cloud Management Tools

    Employ blockchain technology to develop HR management software that improves business transparency, data protection and efficiency. Hire experienced blockchain developers from CIS for assistance. CIS's blockchain-powered software enhances human resources. We have been helping our clients around the globe achieve business excellence for decades.

  • Cloud Management Tools

    AI and Machine Learning technologies can revolutionize HR software development custom solutions while increasing decision making capabilities. Increase value to your business software with technology-incorporated HR management software services from CIS. Our expert team is always at hand to create cutting-edge HR applications.

  • Cloud Management Tools

    IoT (Internet of Things) technology can be integrated with HR management software to streamline and enhance HR operations for businesses of any kind, whether that means employee safety concerns, engagement or increased productivity. You're sure to find an IoT enabled HR software system suitable for your workplace needs.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Cloud Computing

    Cloud computing offers huge potential to the field of human resources software development. You can move all HR activities onto the cloud using core feature-rich, secure software with additional features eliminating security concerns completely.

CIS’s User-Friendly Software Panels for HRMS Software

Do you want HR Software that increases profits for your company? CIS, as the premier HR Management Software Development company can be of immense assistance in this endeavor. We specialize in user-friendly panels for human resource systems that benefit administration simply.

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    User Panel

    Employees and managers can utilize HR management software's user panel to gain access to HR-related key functions and additional features, making HR solutions easily manageable for employees and managers alike. Most digital solutions offer user panels with additional features commonly seen across digital solutions for HR management custom solutions:

    • Personal Profile Management
    • Payroll management
    • Performance Management
    • Employee Self-Service
  • sharepoint-development
    Seller Panel

    HR professionals and managers can utilize the must-have features and core HR functions found within an HR management software's seller panel to access HR-specific features. Here are some core HR functions found within such panels:

    • Employee Data Management
    • Payroll management
    • Benefits Management
    • Performance Management
  • sharepoint-development
    Admin Panel

    Administrator panels are an essential feature of HR management software that allow system administrators and HR managers to gain access to various administrative functions and features. Here are some of the more commonly-used admin panel functions:

    • User management
    • Data management
    • System configuration
    • Security management

Integration of AI into HRMS for Redefining HR Industry

Artificial intelligence in HR has seen remarkable momentum within today's highly-competitive market. Our custom solutions powered by AI make managing applicants easier while helping detect attrition rates faster, as well as streamlining recruitment, onboarding employees more smoothly, employee engagement strategies and compliance management processes more efficiently than before, simplify payroll processing as well as training requirements.

Keeping ahead of competitors by connecting and recruiting top talent through various job portals while custom AI-powered custom solutions reduce recruiter workload while offering responsive candidate experiences are just two ways AI can change how we work within HR today.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Seamless Recruitment

    Seamless Recruitment in HR allows your organization to quickly identify qualified candidates, decreasing time needed to fill vacant roles.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Easy Onboarding

    Our ultimate software for HR management automates and processes employee data for more individualized onboarding experiences for new hires.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Predictive Analysis

    AI-powered HRM Software offers predictive analysis features to assist organizations with recognizing employee retention issues or potential training requirements.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Better Engagement

    AI-powered HRM software can enhance employee engagement through quick, tailored assistance.

Features of Our AI-Based HRM Software

Find out what features can make your HRM system more user-friendly.

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    Attendance Tracking

    CIS’s AI-powered HRM systems make attendance tracking simpler for your employees - automating payroll management and measuring productivity with one simple click.

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    Payroll Management

    Our software developed specifically for Human Resource management allows you to effectively and efficiently administer payroll operations such as taxes calculations, reimbursements and standard deductions.

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    Virtual Assistants

    CIS’s AI-powered HRM Software enables you to provide virtual assistance for employees 24/7/365 by clicking or speaking into it. In addition, this provides valuable business insight that is either click-activated or voice activated.

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    Employee Recruitment

    Implement AI in HRM to gather applications from many job portals and choose the best applicant who meets your criteria for the position.

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    Smart Recommendations

    CIS’s AI-based HR software offers automated tools that can assist in selecting suitable candidates for recruitment or training programs.

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    Performance Management

    CIS’s AI-based HR software can simplify all facets of performance management from organizational goal setting and manual task administration through project evaluations.

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    Custom Forms

    CIS’s AI-Based HRM Software gives you the power to easily design custom reports and forms for employees to utilize.

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    Compliance Management

    CIS’s AI-powered human resource management software can assist in mitigating penalties and keeping up-to-date with state government rules and regulations.

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    Reporting and Predictive Analytics

    Our AI-based HRM software can monitor key performance indicators with ease using custom reports, creating an easily navigable job board offering real-time updates about employees and projects alike.

Top Use Cases of AI in HR Management Software

Discover the various applications of AI technology within HR departments to discover top use cases of AI in HR Management software.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Recruitment and Hiring

    Integrating AI in HR can help automate resume screening, scheduling interviews and attendance tracking candidates so HR professionals can focus their energies on more strategic manual tasks that add greater value for businesses.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Talent Management

    CIS’s AI-based HRM software can be used to analyze employee performance data and uncover insights to assist in identifying and developing high-potential employees.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Employee Management

    Integrating AI in HRMS can analyze employee engagement data and assist HR professionals by answering HR-related inquiries quickly and accurately, decreasing workload for HR professionals while simultaneously increasing employee engagement.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Learning & Development

    Our AI-powered HRM systems offer employees customized learning plans as well as training and development opportunities through personalized HRM software digital solutions.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Compliance & Legal

    Need help meeting regulations and compliances? AI can automate manual tasks such as screening employee records for discrimination or monitoring labor law compliance.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    DEI Workplace

    Implementing AI in HRM software can help organizations foster a diverse, egalitarian, and inclusive workplace by analyzing data and spotting bias trends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Human Resource Management Software is a cloud-based platform that automates business processes and custom workflows within human resource management, from payroll administration, recruitment, candidate performance and tracking. A software company such as CIS offers you customized HRM software that stores all pertinent data centrally for easy access from anywhere, saving both time and effort by eliminating manual paperwork from the entire process.

A Human Resource Management System software development for a cloud-based typically takes between three and nine months. The project requirements have an absolute bearing on how long software takes to develop. Hire devoted developers from CIS, and let our experts handle the rest.

CIS can guarantee confidentiality when developing a cloud-based platform for HR management for you. Prior to commencing any project, our team signs non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). You no longer have to worry about protecting the privacy of your data by choosing our HR systems.

Costs associated with developing AI-based HR Software vary considerably based on numerous factors, including complexity of software features, experience of development team and scope of project. If advanced features like automated attendance tracking, employee management recommendations or accounting automation are desired then more will likely be spent than on AI based software with basic features. We highly suggest speaking to one of our specialists for a free consultation in order to discuss and receive an estimated quote on this matter.

Hiring developers at CIS is straightforward. Start by consulting our experts about your business requirements before selecting from our flexible employment models - turnkey, time and material, dedicated - the one best suited to your project.

We can assist with post-launch maintenance and support to keep you competitive in an ever-evolving market, including updating features, testing software, upgrading user experiences (UI/UX elements), migrating new technologies or supporting re-engineering and migration efforts. Our maintenance support can even serve as leverage when performing software reengineering and migration activities.

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    Florida, United States


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