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Sports Management Software Solutions

CIS has extensive experience in developing customized sports management solutions for fitness centers, athletic programs and sports medicine practices. We have skilled developers to assist you with your sports management technology concerns.

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Sports Management Custom Software Development

At CIS, our sports management software utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to develop tailored solutions that revolutionize sport administration. It integrates machine learning, data analytics and intuitive interfaces for maximum sports administration efficiency. Our custom software delivers automatic player performance analysis, real-time match monitoring and an efficient schedule while streamlining operations through resource allocation, streamlined communication tools facilitation and streamlining operations.

AI-powered software from CIS allows coaches, key players, and administrators to make more informed decisions. Our predictive analytics, injury prevention models, fan engagement tools and predictive analysis models all contribute towards creating an unforgettable sports experience for fans and participants alike. At CIS we embrace innovation, each piece of software we design stands as testament to precision, scalability and user-centric design.

Our Sports Management Software Solutions Offer Assistance for an Daily Tasks

CIS’s sports event management software makes your daily activities simpler to organize. Our technology assists sports organizations streamline their operations while our solutions aim to boost productivity and success within the sports industry, such as real-time match tracking and resource allocation optimization, injury prevention, advanced reporting modules, and fan engagement capabilities.

CIS provides an all-in-one sports event management software solution, dedicated to revolutionizing sports. Our experts specialize in cutting-edge technologies including AI-driven analysis, real time match tracking, resource optimization solutions and injury prevention methods.

CIS understands the complex needs of sports organizations. Our holistic approach includes sports management platforms for fan engagement, calendar integration and detailed reporting modules providing sports organizations with tools they need to overcome complex challenges while increasing efficiency and making better decisions. Moreover, our tailored solutions come equipped with unsurpassed levels of technical expertise.

Custom Software Development Services with Unrivaled Functions and Key Features for Sports

With CIS’s wide variety of sports event management software development services, our aim is to deliver unique key features and functions. As experts in the sports field, our expert developers create tailored-made solutions for sports management that revolutionize it all the while harnessing advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence for data analysis to empower entire organizations.

Our sports event management software delivers automated performance metrics, real-time match analysis, efficient resource allocation and communication and decision making with users. These solutions set a new standard in sports administration. From interactive fan engagement modules to predictive modeling that reduces injury rates, all our CIS softwares are built with precision and scalability in mind to drive success and efficiency for sports organizations.

  • sharepoint-development
    Performance Analysis

    It offers an in-depth examination of key players' performances with our advanced data analytics tools analyzing key metrics to reveal strengths and improvement areas so you can make smarter decisions and elevate the overall performance of your team across all areas.

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    Real-Time Match Tracking

    Our real-time tracker keeps you at the front of the pack in every game. Our cutting edge technology analyzes and collects data in real-time allowing instant insights, giving your team an advantage.

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    Resource Allocation Optimization

    Resource allocation optimization increases operational efficiency with its advanced algorithms that streamline resource allocation whether that means managing personnel, equipment or facilities, optimizing use while decreasing wastage to increase overall productivity and maximize output.

  • sharepoint-development
    Schedule and Calendar Integration

    Scheduling has never been simpler. Coordinate availability for events, matches and practices while keeping all stakeholders up to date with our custom sports event management software. This simple approach reduces scheduling conflicts while improving collaboration.

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    Injury Prevention Software

    Software solutions designed for injury prevention will assist your team in prioritizing athlete safety. Utilizing AI-driven analysis and predictive modeling techniques, our solutions help identify injury risk proactively so you can take preventative measures in order to optimize athlete performance and longevity.

  • sharepoint-development
    Fan Engagement Platforms

    Plunge your fans into an experience they won't soon forget with live updates, real time detailed statistics tracking and interactive tools designed to foster fan loyalty for your team's supporters. These single platforms strengthen fan connections between you and them resulting in enhanced fan experiences for all.

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    Integration of Wearable Devices

    Our wearable integration service connects sensors, sports gear, activity trackers and any other wearable devices into team management systems for maximum user engagement and data gathering purposes. Alternatively we can integrate them directly with IoT software platforms allowing them to send marketing email notifications, push notifications, and mobile notifications remotely as well as increase overall user engagement by collecting data remotely.

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    Integration of Third-Party Payment Processing Solutions

    When providing your audience a narrowly tailored service for a specific sport or type of business, these key features could include an integrated subscription payment management system, advanced analytics screen or 3D interactive map of the playground with AR elements.

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    Set Up Analytics Tools for Measuring Data

    Analytics tools that make data measurement simpler include simple yet detailed graphics and complex tools designed to display detailed statistics tracking display quickly and clearly for team managers to ensure accurate portrayals for sports indicators, health metrics and other key characteristics. This built-in feature helps team leaders decrease incorrect or misleadingly displayed data that might negatively impact team performances.

Sports Analytics & Athlete Performance Solutions

Our sports software developers create comprehensive sports analytics tools designed to deliver top-of-the-line performance intelligence for athlete management. This includes modules to capture training data, injury tracking information and tactical analyses of games.

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    Tracking Athlete Performance

    We design custom software to monitor athlete performance using cutting-edge RFID, GIS and GPS technology that seamlessly integrates wearable devices and tracking locations data for real time insights and projections as well as seamless device compatibility.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Analyze Sports Performance

    Our Sports Performance Analysis Software combines video recording, wearable technology, biometrics and sensor applications into one comprehensive analysis solution.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Sports Data Management

    Our engineers create software to collect, store and analyze sports data from various sources efficiently, using Extract/Transform/Load (ETL) features as well as big data analytics so even complex sets of information can be stored efficiently and arranged efficiently for retrieval later.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Integrating Sports Performance

    Our expert developers specialize in developing sports tracking or analysis apps for use on single platforms that facilitate video recording, streaming live video feed, data extraction, import/export operations as well as real time feedback loops.

Web Platform for Fitness Club and Gym Management

At CIS, we can develop custom software at low costs for gym and fitness club management, or integrate, modify, and add features to existing solutions.

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    Membership Management Software

    Our customized membership management software automates registration and check-in, allows digital signature capture and photo ID capture, integrates web portals and mobile apps seamlessly and simplifies payment management.

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    Fitness Equipment Software

    Our fitness equipment software technology solutions feature preventative maintenance software as well as cloud connectivity, user-friendly interfaces and tracking and analysis software which synchronizes up seamlessly with mobile apps or web portals for an exceptional fitness equipment experience.

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    Fitness Club Management Software

    We specialize in comprehensive solutions for sports and fitness facilities. Our fitness club management software platform can improve operational efficiencies while streamlining workflow processes.

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    Gym Mobile App Development

    Our on-demand single team of app developers create custom branded apps designed to increase client engagement. Examples of such mobile applications may include fitness trackers, nutrition/diet planners, booking modules and social media platform integration.

Golf Course Management Software Development

Our cloud-based systems for golf management are easily configurable, adaptable and user friendly, offering advanced features like online tee times bookings, leaderboard programming in real time, POS integration and tournament administration.

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    Golf POS Software Solutions

    We create custom POS systems and online payment gateway integrations for pro shops, restaurants, concession stands, and other businesses, as well as custom apps for e-commerce, automated electronic billing, online payment management, and collection systems.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Golf Club Event Scheduling Tools

    Our sports event management software for Golf has been tailored specifically for private, league, association and tournament play. We provide custom modules such as player access portals that facilitate perfect pairing of participants as well as handicapping systems and live scores/leaderboards for easy scoring/leader boarding purposes.

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    Golf Software Tech Programming

    Our 3D animation and real time tee sheet features are essential elements in virtual reality golf simulations, including virtual caddy applications that enable users to keep score, calculate handicaps and monitor detailed statistics tracking.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Golf Management Applications

    Our golf management apps for iOS and Android provide users with alerts to players for course maintenance issues, manage tournament schedules, seamless integration with front desk platforms, and integrate alerts to players about course maintenance to staff and club member portals.

Comprehensive Range of Sports Training Software Solutions

Our comprehensive and wide range of sports training and management software solutions offer advanced features-packed programs designed to capture, organize and translate data for coaches, athletes and app for youth sports teams into valuable knowledge.

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    Sports Training App Development

    Our sports training app developers specialize in developing customized apps that track fitness progress, manage workouts and recoveries, plan meals and manage nutrition needs and create exercise regimens with real-time streaming features.

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    Sports Training Fitness Assessment

    Our developers combine fitness assessment apps with wearable technology such as GPS trackers and sensors. Furthermore, accelerometers, gyroscopes and other solutions are utilized in order to collect and record essential fitness data.

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    Sports Training Analytics Solutions

    At CIS, we develop advanced data processing systems such as video monitoring, motion-tracking and physiology analyses in order to measure training load parameters and calculate intensity levels accurately.

Our Wide Variety of Sports Kinesiology & Motion Analysis Software

At CIS, our advanced range of sports kinesiology and motion analysis software for tracking motion and muscle movement supports sports institutions, trainers, curriculums and health-related programs alike.

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    Sports Kinesiology Software

    At CIS, we develop custom software solutions tailored for health training, fitness, performance training and physical therapy or rehabilitation institutions that include bio-feedback, ergonomics, biomechanics anatomy training and advanced features for optimal user performance and training programs.

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    3D Modeling Software Services

    Our 3D modeling and mobile application development services specialize in providing solutions to analyze musculoskeletal movement patterns, motion and visual analyses as well as integration into data collection systems. This may involve custom graphics, animation and other complex tools or 3D physiology simulations as well as providing integration services between them all.

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    Motion Tracking Systems

    We develop motion tracking software for analyzing and tracking skeletal, muscular and anatomical characteristics in joints, hands, eyes, posture, gait/stride/balance as well as 3D range of movement measurements, 3D anatomical analyses, six degrees of freedom analysis as well as other physical characteristics.

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    Kinesiology Motion Capture Applications

    Our real-time apps for motion capture offer interactive controls, advanced audio features and custom analytics, not to mention motion capture sensors and camera/audio software. Furthermore, we provide AR/VR apps as well as embedded and wearable device apps.

Custom Sports Medicine Management Software Solutions

In order to accurately track injury progress and evaluate their severity, we develop sports injury tracker software as part of an integrated sports medicine software solution.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Sports Health Solutions

    At CIS, we develop sports health software designed specifically to enable athletes and medical professionals to securely store and track injuries, analyze medical records (EHR/EMR), as well as communicate instantly between each other.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Injury Tracking Apps

    Our injury tracking apps feature end-to-end documentation of injuries for the head, shoulders, backs, necks, ankles, feet, hands, knee, hips, elbows and other key areas as well as image analysis, diagnostic treatment, decision support modules and imaging analysis capabilities.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Nutrition Management Software

    Our expert engineers create tailor-made nutrition management software with features to monitor food intake, calories and hydration intake. Interactive video-conferencing portals give users access to nutritionists and dieticians for assistance and consultations.

Custom Range of Fantasy Sports Applications

Fantasy sports is an industry worth $10 billion annually, draws audiences worldwide and CIS can connect you with this global industry by developing a custom Fantasy Sports application for your business.

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    Fantasy Sports App Development

    CIS designs native and cross-platform fantasy sports apps for iOS and Android, creating apps specifically targeted towards fans of all the sports like hockey, basketball, soccer, baseball, football, cricket and tennis.

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    Fantasy Sports Software Design

    Our sports applications are carefully constructed using cutting-edge UX/UI techniques so they look fantastic across any device - including computers, smartphones and tablets.

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    Cloud-Based Sports League Management Solutions

    Our single teams specialize in cloud-based Sports league management solutions and software design. Our solutions range from Head2Head (total points), All Play Salary Cap (APAC), Auction, and Dynasty (2 quarterbacks).

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    Custom Fantasy Scoring System

    Custom scoring systems can be created for H2H matches, salary caps, league styles and predictors, as well as statistical software designed to offer in-app analytics for real-time tracking of progress, detailed statistics tracking as well as gathering accurate historical information. We specialize in this kind of customized statistical software so your key players can follow real-time progression while collecting accurate historical information in one convenient place.

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    Augmented Reality Solutions

    Our developers have created fantasy sports VR and AR games to offer your key players an engaging fantasy sports experience, and these have proven effective at encouraging users of hosted websites to form communities of their own and join together.

Customized Sports Software Solutions

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    Software Solutions for Sports Clubs and Organizations

    At CIS, our single team develop complex tools for tracking player registrations and transfers, implementing features such as team schedules, game calendars, automated marketing email notifications, push notifications, mobile notifications and detailed reports of matches.

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    App for Real-time Score Tracking and Scoring Board

    Real-time sports applications created by us provide users with an exceptional user experience, from leaderboards that constantly update results to upcoming events management panels and data input complex tools.

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    Apps for Personal Training

    Personal Training apps come equipped with features such as training modules, interactive videos, progress tracking capabilities and challenges within the app, voice control options for detailed reporting purposes as well as social media integration capabilities.

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    Fitness Tracker Mobile Software

    Wellness apps that integrate GPS tracking technology and HealthKit or Google Fit allow them to closely follow user progress. Our fitness tracker apps support both Android and iOS operating systems.

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    Betting Applications

    Our betting software may include analytical systems, tables that automatically update with the most up-to-date stats, browser extensions, and much more.

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    Web Platforms for Sports

    Our all-in-one platform from CIS can assist with developing Sport Club Management Systems that include modules like Training Optimization and Administrative duties management as well as Live chat functionality.

CIS’s Sports Software Development Tailored to Business Requirements

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Innovative Sports Technology to Gain an Advantage on the Field

    CIS provides players, coaches and sports leagues with valuable insights about their performance during matches and practice sessions. A substantial home-field advantage empowers both key players and sports teams to perform at high levels with confidence when performing at other locations.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Sports Technology for Individual Players and Team Training

    CIS offers athletes and coaches various technologies such as AI, cognitive computing, and data analytics that enable them to design personalized training and team schedules and sports programs. Video analysis, motion tracking performance analytics as well as AR/VR apps allow coaches to determine the length and intensity of training necessary for every player as well as assess their health status. Track player injuries and recoveries as well as identify changes needed in strategies.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Digital Solutions for Improved Player Response

    Sports clubs utilizing our customized software solutions to collect biomarker information can use it to detect injuries early and predict athletic abilities of each player, respond in real-time to stressors or alter game tactics based on accurate player profiles.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Transforming Data Into Stories for Sports Fans

    CIS provides sports companies with tools for using AI and analytics to capture and share highlights of every game, match, or upcoming events they organize or host. Fans can engage with players by comparing past-to-current performance using interactive motion graphics as well as VR/AR content.

Expert MVP Development for Sports Management Solutions & Services

Sports industry clients benefit from cutting-edge custom sports management solutions and services. The MVP Development phase for sports management solutions and services requires various planning and development processes.

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    Product Strategy

    CIS has extensive experience creating and executing successful sports management strategies and can assist your company with extracting maximum benefit from any sports software solution. Let our team put its knowledge of sports management strategy creation to work for you.

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    Custom Sports Management Software Development

    Custom sports management software provides sports organizations with access to an assortment of features and functionalities. It's like having access to audible calls whenever needed. CIS's custom sports management software automates processes while decreasing overhead costs.

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    Mobile App Development

    Sports industry success relies heavily on organizing events effectively and drawing in participants. Our mobile apps support all devices, with specific designs to increase conversions and engagement levels among your participants.

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    Modernization of the Application

    Cyber attacks and data breaches pose a considerable threat for sports agencies like the NFL and MLB. Even small organizations using outdated software are vulnerable to attacks. Thus application modernization services offer solutions that lower security risks by updating legacy applications with modernized solutions.

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    UI/UX Development & Design

    Sports is one of the most engaging forms of entertainment, which requires software and applications used within this sector to also be engaging. Our UX/UI design & development team can craft custom sports applications and software to maximize user interaction and conversions for maximum ROI.

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    Maintenance and Support

    Youth Sports organizations rely on us for 24/7 maintenance and support services to stay ahead of competition such as proactive monitoring of systems, cybersecurity audits, and performance optimization analyses.

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    Project Management Software

    CIS's sports project management app for youth sports enables organizations to organize availability for events easily, reduce overhead expenses and streamline internal processes with greater ease.

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    DevOps and DevSecOps

    CIS's DevOps team offers app for youth sports organizations that provides assistance with DevOps and DevSecOps processes such as software planning and mobile app creation for sports games, software testing services, and quality assurance processes.

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    Software Testing & Quality Assurance

    Software testing and quality assurance services enable our custom software developers to identify bugs, resolve security vulnerabilities and optimize software and application performance.

Why Choose CIS for Custom Sports Management Software Development?

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Phase of Research & Development

    Preparation work should begin 1-2 weeks prior to commencing your project.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Turnkey Scalability

    Our sports apps are specifically tailored to grow as their popularity and market expand, engaging as many users as desired.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Full-Cycle development

    At CIS, we can supply other specialists such as BAs, QA Engineers, and PMs.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Streamlined Communication

    At CIS, you will experience streamlined communication (daily or weekly), using voice and video meetings or emails.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    High Security

    GIT repositories provide customers with root access to GIT code repositories storing neutrally written designs, code and specifications owned exclusively by them such as code for graphics. However, all rights related to those things remain with customers alone, for instance, access or rights pertaining to designs etc. are owned solely by them and should remain so in all instances.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    High-Level Expertise

    At CIS, we take great pride in the sports software and apps developed by our talented developers. They create high-quality apps with cutting-edge features to exceed customer expectations.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Effective UI/UX

    Our UI/UX interface stands as an outstanding example of top-grade design. At CIS, we recognize how critical user experience design can be to the success of an app. Our UI team boasts over 12+ years experience creating interfaces on various platforms.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Instant Support

    At CIS, our talented team of app and web designers is always available to provide assistance with any design or technical concerns with your app.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Customization and Innovation

    Each project is uniquely crafted to address your exact specifications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sports Team management software provides sports managers, coaches, and team administrators with assistance for various operational tasks related to planning, organizing, and overseeing sports events, games, leagues, and facilities.

CIS is a Sports web software company specialized in developing comprehensive range of Sports Team Management Software integrated with advanced data analytics for monitoring player metrics. Our software gives entire teams access to in-depth player profiles for enhanced analysis. Ultimately this allows entire teams to improve player performance while developing stronger strategies.

Absolutely. Our real-time monitoring software specializes in handling dynamic situations. Coaches, analysts, and other stakeholders can utilize real-time information from multiple youth sports teams for real-time decisions that provide instantaneous benefits to every stakeholder involved in sports activities.

Our solutions stand out because of their innovative approaches to injury prevention. By analyzing player data, AI-powered predictive modeling software proactively detects injury risks to protect athletes while guaranteeing long-term performance.

Our platforms are tailored to provide engaging experiences for our fans. By offering live updates, real-time statistics, and interactive features, fans are provided a dynamic and immersive environment, creating closer ties between sports team fans and its fan base and increasing satisfaction and engagement levels.

CIS's advanced reporting modules demonstrate our dedication to customization. Each of our advanced reporting modules can be tailored specifically for you to get detailed reports. Their extraction and organization of data conforms to strategic planning requirements as well as analytical needs allowing for informed decision-making processes.

We Create out of the box solutions for our every client

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Client Success

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    Scotland, United Kingdom


    Super Work The application is better than I expected it to be. This was quite a fluid arrangement as I was not totally sure what I required, Abhi and the rest of his team were very patient and discussed all aspects of the project with me. Any changes I requested

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    North Carolina, United States


    Did a great job, and in time asked for it. The Parental control application I was looking at was a single module in the final product. Very innovative with ideas and implementations. Thanks!

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    United Kingdom


    Very diligent and hard-working. When given sufficient information, we were able to produce a good-quality product in a quick time. Would use them again.

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    New York, United States


    Outstanding work even with some of the last minute changes they coded the program changes without any problems.

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    Georgia, United States


    Amit and team did a superb job, and did much more than they were required. Communication is very professional. Recommend these guys every time. I will use it again.

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    Florida, United States


    Superb Communication will go the extra mile to please and best of all the quality of code is excellent! Thanks CIS!

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    A+ coding yet again. CIS is quick to respond to bugs and even quicker to fix them. I really enjoy the professionalism and dedication of this team!

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    Illinois, United States


    CIS did an excellent job on my project. I gave them a week to get it done and they got it done within 1 day! They are very knowledgeable and easy to get in touch with. I definitely plan to use them in the future.

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    United Kingdom


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    Thanks! This is only the start. We are bound to do great things together.

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