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Product Prototyping Services

Bring your digital product idea to life and test its viability with our expert-led product prototype services, which encompass everything from inspiration through implementation, thorough testing, and final product launch, as well as dedicated support.

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What is the Enterprise Product Prototype Services?

CIS offers cost-effective product prototype services to assist startups, innovators and large enterprises design, engineer and prototype software products. Our experienced team will create a product prototyping experience tailored specifically for you while solving business challenges effectively and creating attractive yet fully functional prototypes to represent your brand identity. Product prototypes provide businesses with an opportunity to evaluate and assess the product as it develops. Additionally, this gives them a way to detect any pain points within it and find ways to resolve them quickly and efficiently.

Prototype Features That Have Not Been Tested Before

Prototyping features that have yet to be tested can be extremely useful in many circumstances, providing a way for companies and designers to test the validity of new products or add features onto existing ones. A prototyping company like CIS, may come in handy here too as prototypes provide the means necessary for testing these features out first hand and testing validity is an efficient method to do that.

Clarity & Cohesion Are Brought by Product Prototyping

Product prototyping provides clarity and cohesion by helping everyone share an understanding of its core functionality, its use or intended user flow. Before diving headfirst into development, be sure to complete these essential stages so you can move forward confidently without surprises.

Prototyping is One of The Fastest Paths to Your Future

At CIS, our product prototyping experts will assist in refining product functionality and design features while mitigating risks associated with failure, as well as validating it within your target market. We can quickly test and validate your prototypes for customer experience, user interface design, UX research, business case development and funding purposes to enable funding of product creation with confidence.

Innovative Digital Product Prototyping Services to Help Businesses Improve Innovation

Find complete digital product prototyping solutions under one roof and bring your innovative digital concept to life using innovative solutions.

  • sharepoint-development
    Product Prototype Consultation

    Unsure of the success of your digital product development idea? Share it with our IT specialists who can assess it to find you the ideal solution and guide it further.

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    Research and Analysis

    Our UX and business analysts will conduct extensive market, user, and competitive analyses in order to develop detailed documentation that guides product designers in creating wireframes showing user flow.

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    Low-Fidelity Prototypes

    You can create low-fidelity rapid prototypes (also referred to as wireframes) of the basic digital product in order to test its concept and improve it further.

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    High-fidelity prototypes

    Our experts can create high-fidelity prototypes featuring realistic depictions of user interface and interaction design to present to stakeholders/investors or conduct defensive user testing to uncover pain points early in the design stage and address them early on.

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    Proof-of Concept Prototype

    A proof-of-concept prototype allows designers to evaluate whether product ideas meet expectations and fully meet design intent, while providing engineers an opportunity to communicate more efficiently, identify issues early, and resolve design flaws before engineering prototypes are produced.

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    Display-Only Prototyping

    A display-only prototype aims at showcasing aesthetic and visual aspects of a finished product without fully testing functionality and engineering validation. Such a model could be displayed at Trade Shows or Product Photography sessions to gauge market acceptance.

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    Rapid Prototyping and 3D Models Printing

    3-D printing is one of the fastest prototyping techniques. Additionally, its cost effectiveness means you can test aesthetics and functionality of prototypes before investing in tooling costs. Rapid prototyping allows rapid production of physical models quickly - an effective means for communicating concept designs to management or clients quickly and cost-efficiently.

  • sharepoint-development
    Engineering Prototype

    Engineering prototypes serve to better comprehend critical elements and functions of design. Lab experiments may use engineering prototypes to simulate various environmental, functional or external load conditions or meet other standards. This testing data helps inform decisions before investing in full-scale manufacturing.

  • sharepoint-development
    Paper Prototypes

    Paper prototypes provide an inexpensive and straightforward method for testing an idea or service or viable product concept quickly and affordably. Created quickly using only basic drawing tools (printer/computer combo), physical prototypes allow businesses to test out new products by quickly prototyping with real users, collect feedback early from your target market & make necessary modifications before product release.

  • sharepoint-development
    Throwaway Prototyping

    In just days, our throwaway prototyping services can create the initial version of your new product based on initial requirements. We create interactive mockups, prototypes and evaluations in order to validate and assess our final prototype version.

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    Evolutionary Prototyping

    When applied properly, evolutionary software prototyping offers an incremental solution when requirements for software projects remain vague or unstable in their initial stage of development.

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    Incremental prototyping

    Incremental prototyping allows you to divide up your final product into various short prototypes for testing, development and implementation at once in order to shorten feedback cycles and speed development and implementation times.

Test Your Ideas With Innovative Prototyping Solutions

Entrepreneurs, designers, innovators and others should utilize prototyping solutions to test ideas for feasibility and usability before taking them further in development. Prototyping can help your physical product or service meet market standards more quickly before hitting shelves. Different forms exist depending on what your need may be. Low-fidelity prototyping might involve drawing out on paper only while high-fidelity models offer more precise simulation of what the model entails compared to simpler drawings on paper.

Creating multiple variants depending on where your development stage stands and which parts need testing most thoroughly. CIS offers prototyping services and tools that will assist your efforts to bring ideas to reality. We specialize in building realistic yet accurate prototypes to test its feasibility and usability before a real product is released.

Design thinking allows us as innovators to iterate on ideas through cycles of analysis and synthesis, often used for creative projects such as graphic design and architecture, product design, filmmaking, software, service/process design etc. Rapid prototyping services plays an integral part in design thinking. Prototypes range from rough sketches to fully functioning models, all created to test ideas and determine their viability, giving designers valuable feedback from users and stakeholders through rapid testing of concepts.

Benefits of Innovation Prototyping

Product prototyping offers entrepreneurs many advantages: testing ideas quickly and affordably without spending excessive funds or time creating products or services that may or may not work is invaluable. While feedback from potential clients can also provide essential input into honing a prototype's final form. Furthermore, prototyping allows entrepreneurs to validate business models as well as assess market potential with products or services designed via prototyping.

  • Software Development Services

    Test Your Idea

    Prototyping provides innovators a way to explore and test out their ideas without investing too much time or money in creating something which may or may not work. There are various reasons for prototyping, all with one commonality - they're inexpensive and quick to produce, making prototyping ideal for testing ideas without taking unnecessary risks.

  • Software Development Services

    Fast Feedback

    Fast feedback allows entrepreneurs to rapidly gather customer opinions by rapidly disseminating a prototype to customers for testing. Once feedback from customers comes back in, entrepreneurs will know if their final product will appeal to buyers before creating it.

  • Software Development Services

    Assess Market Opportunity

    Prototypes provide entrepreneurs a means of validating their business models and gauging market potential of products or services they develop. A prototype allows innovators to assess if there is real demand for their service/product while seeing how well it would function in practice. This data then allows innovators to calculate potential market sizes that they might address with future innovations.

  • Software Development Services

    Product Prototyping Saves Money

    By cutting back on both time and material costs associated with producing final products, product prototyping saves money. Some prototypes may consist of low resolution graphics or incomplete interfaces from their final versions allowing designers and developers to test out ideas before investing too much of either time or money in them.

  • Software Development Services

    Innovation Prototyping Can Increase Success

    Innovation prototyping offers businesses an organized method for developing and testing new ideas, increasing the chance of their success and sidestepping the pitfalls inherent to traditional innovation processes. Businesses can develop more efficient solutions when multiple people collaborate. Testing prototypes within simulation saves money while meeting customer requirements more reliably.

  • Software Development Services

    Focusing on the Best Idea

    Prototyping can be an incredibly useful tool in helping innovators identify and realize the most viable business ideas, quickly. By testing an initial idea and finding out its optimal execution method, product prototyping enables innovators to focus on finding and realizing only those they believe to be worthy. Innovation prototyping forms part of any innovative process and serves to bring your innovative concepts closer to fruition.

Product Development Process Streamlining

Product prototyping offers entrepreneurs many advantages: testing ideas quickly and affordably without spending excessive funds or time creating products or services that may or may not work is invaluable. While feedback from potential clients can also provide essential input into honing a prototype's final form. Furthermore, prototyping allows entrepreneurs to validate business models as well as assess market potential with products or services designed via prototyping.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Accelerate Your Confidence

    Utilizing our global manufacturing network, your product can go from conception to reality effortlessly and confidently, giving your business the advantage to scale easily with confidence. We're ready to support the next big idea you have with global manufacturing capabilities at hand.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Keep your Design Schedule

    Keep your design schedule by not allowing delays in sourcing to slow your design process down. With CIS, you can rely on our product prototyping services. Your design project should not languish for too long.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Make Product Development Simpler

    Our Product Prototyping Services will expedite product creation so that it reaches the market faster. Our knowledgeable experts will assist in reaching optimal outcomes with design and manufacturing of your product by understanding your individual requirements and fulfilling them effectively.

What Do We Need to Get Started?

Prototyping does not entail physically building something, rather, prototyping involves exploring design and technology options to bring your ideas and hypotheses into tangible results.

  • iot-solutions


    In order to design an effective prototype, we need basic details like your target audience and business goals.

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    Business Needs

    Every business and its users have goals in place that need to be taken into consideration when choosing technologies and developing prototypes in response to target needs.

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    Location & Environment

    Our designers will gain more insight into how your product is utilized by gathering more details regarding the environment of its end-user, including busy offices, public areas or remote homes.

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    User Stories

    Our designers want to understand your idea, which will enable them to focus on its most essential features and provide optimal solutions.

The Prototyping Process

  • sap-solution

    Understanding Your Idea

    We work to identify, articulate and develop your innovative concepts.

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    Customer Persona

    At CIS, we can assist in creating the ideal persona so that the products created will reach and impress target customers.

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    User Stories

    User stories offer you a way to address specific customer problems and use cases step-by-step.

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    Functional Document

    Our experts will outline the capabilities, aesthetics and functionalities of your product.

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    At CIS, we create mockups to illustrate information, structure and layout for every page or app.

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    App Design

    Our focus is creating intuitive and highly functional apps to provide users with an unforgettable user experience.

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    Explore Clickable Prototype

    We add functionality and navigation to the designed prototype.

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    Testing Prototypes and Iterations

    Our experts carefully test, inspect, and iterate on software prototypes before moving forward to iterate further on them.

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    Now that your product prototype has been successfully created, the time has come for its delivery to investors and potential customers. When ready, present it directly.

Why Develop a Digital Product Prototype?

Digital product prototyping offers many advantages to businesses, including:

  • sap-solution

    Provides Clarity and Confidence

    Prototyping gives you both clarity and confidence for effective communication.

  • sap-solution

    Exploration by Prototype

    Prototyping offers you an invaluable opportunity for early experimentation of different features and representations that could save both time and money down the line.

  • sap-solution

    Prototyping To Gather User Feedback

    At this stage, prototyping allows you to collect feedback from users. Their pain points and features they like, how best to improve the digital product they are experiencing.

  • sap-solution

    Reduce Risk of Product Failure

    By creating functional and presentation prototypes of your ideal digital product, you can identify any potential problems or risks during later development phases and mitigate those in advance of any delays or setbacks.

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    Rapid Development Prototypes Enable Rapid Development

    A rapid prototype provides detailed user instructions and interaction guidelines. Its main role is being an aid, saving design team members time so that they can focus solely on technicalities of development.

Why CIS for Product Prototyping?

At CIS, your product requires not just developing prototypes quickly and with high quality but also possessing the technical knowledge necessary to construct them as planned. At CIS, our product prototyping experts provide you with an invaluable way to explore ideas and realize their full potential, leading to improved decisions about both business and products. Due to our experience, we provide an array of services - initial product design, MVP creation and app development are just a few comprehensive processes as a full-service partner.

  • infrastructure-automaiton-and-cloud
    Fast Delivery

    We understand deadlines and respect them.

  • infrastructure-automaiton-and-cloud
    Experienced Team

    We have worked with more than 100 startups from different industries and sizes over time.

  • infrastructure-automaiton-and-cloud
    We Care

    Our customer success is of paramount importance and we go the extra mile to help them thrive.

  • infrastructure-automaiton-and-cloud
    Wide Spectrum Knowledge

    We serve 15 industries including healthcare, education and finance, manufacturing process, and gaming.

  • infrastructure-automaiton-and-cloud
    Round the Clock Availability

    At all hours of the day and night, our support teams are on call and available to provide answers and assistance - not only during regular business hours but even outside them.

  • infrastructure-automaiton-and-cloud
    Our Ecosystem

    CIS provides startups with a tailored ecosystem designed to assist and guide them with areas such as fundraising, marketing strategies and connecting to enterprises.

Testing the Functionalities of a Digital Prototype

Test the functionality of your digital prototype as part of the development process to identify any usability problems and refine design and functionality. Here are a few approaches you can take to accomplish this:

  • sap-solution

    Gain User Feedback

    Gather user feedback by conducting surveys, focus groups or individual user testing sessions. Use user feedback to identify usability issues or areas for improvement.

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    Conduct User Studies

    User studies involve in-depth evaluations that involve watching users interact with your product in different environments, be that labs or the field depending on your resources and goals.

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    Utilize Metrics and Analytics

    Your prototype's functional code enables you to track user behavior using analytics and metrics, helping identify areas which need improving and identify problems or areas which require change - especially helpful when testing performance and scalability of products and services.

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    Use A/B Testing

    A/B testing involves conducting two versions side-by-side to see which performs better, making this an invaluable way of comparing designs or functionality and finding the optimal solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wireframing, followed by user interface design and color selection for branding is typically followed by prototyping and testing digital prototypes of digital products.

The time frame depends on multiple factors including project complexity and requirements, product market type and other aspects. Share details about your project with us so we can give an estimate for its time frame.

We work closely with you and keep you apprised of daily progress updates, seeking feedback after every sprint to make sure we're meeting your needs and aligning the product prototyping progress with your vision.

CIS embraces a client-first philosophy. Recognizing the ever-evolving nature of IT sector development as well as potential changes to client requirements, CIS maintains high flexibility levels to accommodate changes or revisions at client requests and offer advice when necessary, providing numerous chances for client feedback on prototypes before iterating as required.

Our product engineering team, as a top firm of digital product prototyping development, utilizes agile project management (Kanban Boards) to monitor app development progress managed by agile project managers. This app also serves to keep tabs on your project. Furthermore, we ensure daily/weekly/monthly reports through mutually preferred communication mediums like Skype, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Basecamp etc.

Unfortunately, without knowing all of your project specifications it's impossible to provide an estimate for digital product prototyping costs. Cost estimates will depend upon factors like its type, complexity, features and functionalities as well as development time frame. So please reach out with your project specifications today so we can give an accurate quote of this project's expenses. For an approximate quote contact us with your requirements now.

CIS offers a comprehensive suite of digital product prototyping services, from design to development, game development & game design, motion graphics, UI/UX design, mobile app development, and web app development all with dedicated post-delivery support.

At all times, we protect the intellectual property of our clients, from signing an NDA to keeping code private in Git, to delivery of projects with all legal formalities including ownership/copyright issues completed correctly.

We Create out of the box solutions for our every client

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Food Takeaway And Delivery Services

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Online transport marketplace for different transport requirements

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Offering a wide range of designer clothing

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    Scotland, United Kingdom


    Super Work The application is better than I expected it to be. This was quite a fluid arrangement as I was not totally sure what I required, Abhi and the rest of his team were very patient and discussed all aspects of the project with me. Any changes I requested

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    North Carolina, United States


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    United Kingdom


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    New York, United States


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    Georgia, United States


    Amit and team did a superb job, and did much more than they were required. Communication is very professional. Recommend these guys every time. I will use it again.

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    Florida, United States


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    Illinois, United States


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    United Kingdom


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    I’ve outsourced my joomla CMS website development project to Cyber Infrastructure, CIS, I would just like to thank you for the good work you did. It was really efficient and understanding all the things we need, really great. We will come back for


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