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SAP S/4HANA Services

Our SAP S/4HANA consulting services specialize in modernizing mission-critical systems with SAP S/4HANA. CIS’s SAP S/4HANA services will enable immediate operational efficiencies while increasing return on investment (ROI).

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What Are SAP S/4HANA Services?

SAP S/4HANA Services provide businesses with digital tools for creating long-lasting relationships within communities, business channels, Universal Object Interaction (UOI), big data analytics and other cutting edge technology. SAP S/4HANA serves as an ERP suite which empowers enterprises by moving away from transactional systems towards interactive real time implementation with active decision making from users during real time implementation of projects.

SAP S/4HANA's features include user-friendly tool design, agility and ease of use, simplified complex calculations, large volume data handling capacity and deployment either on premises, in the cloud or hybrid configurations. No batch processing needed so data retrieval and processing time is faster. Real-Time analytics capability that processes Big Data or Internet of Things data in real-time for analysis is another added perk of SAP S/4HANA.

Sap S/4HANA Modern ERP: Transform Your Business

Your ERP system serves as the backbone for modernizing and differentiating your company in the marketplace, so if you want to modernize it you must begin by upgrading its system. In SAP customers' case that means upgrading to S/4HANA as their next-gen ERP and we are available with S/4HANA services to assist.

CIS is a SAP Gold Partner, and our SAP experts will assist you on developing a conversion strategy, provide SAP managed services, ongoing support, and comprehensive SAP and Cloud Migration strategies expertise. Incorporating new technologies like IoT or AI into S/4HANA digital core will assist in becoming and remaining an intelligent enterprise.

Intelligent Enterprise Transformation

SAP S/4HANA transforms all critical enterprise functions, from finances and supply chains, marketing, customer service, to real-time analysis and prediction in today's chaotic and unpredictable global environment. It enables businesses to effectively deal with changes as they arise while anticipating potential difficulties ahead of time.

CIS is SAP's primary business partner. They were the first company to work closely with SAP from beginning to end product development. SAP S/4HANA implementation/delivery and new industry solutions are among the many areas they cover together. Together CIS and SAP enable Intelligent Enterprises (IEs) to drive new growth and value creation within their organizations.

At CIS, we have over 300 SAP S/4HANA experts on staff who specialize in developing SAP ERP teams and implementing best practices, to maximize business and IT benefits while decreasing risks and speeding time to value.

Expertise in SAP S/4HANA Migration

At CIS, our end-to-end services assist customers in an easy transition away from SAP S/4HANA while mitigating risks and ensuring minimal disruption. CIS uses its unique "DataSafe" service provider model, designed to secure customer data. In addition, CIS boasts operational excellence, business outcomes and DevSecOps-based processes and frameworks ensuring optimal transition services and outcomes.

  • sharepoint-development
    SAP Gold Partner

    Many have placed their faith in us as an expert SAP implementation partner.

  • sharepoint-development
    Strong Alliance with SAP

    Strong strategic alliance committed to Rise With SAP-business transformation services.

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    SAP S/4HANA On Premise and Cloud

    Proven expertise with SAP S/4HANA

  • sharepoint-development
    SAP Migration

    Migration of SAP S/4HANA using cloud-first strategy and iterative agile is recommended for an uncomplicated transition process and risk-free move.

  • sharepoint-development
    SAP Activate Methodology

    Our experienced SAP Activate consultants specialize in fast implementation for an expeditious experience.

  • sharepoint-development

    SAP Fiori and SAP S/4HANA expertise is widely sought.

SAP S/4HANA Offers Cost-Effective Realtime ERP Suite Solutions in Intelligent Enterprises

SAP S/4HANA is an economical real-time ERP suite which enables intelligent enterprises to run real businesses. Consider SAP S/4HANA the digital heart of your organization with deep insights allowing business to respond more flexibly in response to current circumstances.

Attaining this goal can be accomplished using Big Data and its related elements such as IoT (Internet of Things), mobile technology, business networks, real-time analysis and third-party systems like SAP S/4HANA. Not only will SAP S/4HANA automate your business but it'll allow seamless collaboration among departments and offices around the globe - not to mention save you money too.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Cloud

    SAP S/4HANA Cloud offers businesses an easier path to innovation. As a SaaS-based ERP solution that leverages modern processes and configurations, S/4HANA Cloud features best practices such as reimagined processes with flexible subscription pricing plans. Similarly, configuration, advisory support & ongoing support of this ERP product remain top of mind at SAP.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud

    SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud allows your organization to embrace innovation at your own pace with complete control. A modern SaaS ERP, it features all SAP S/4HANA functionality as well as enhancement and expansion capability. With lower TCO through cloud economies and flexible subscription-based pricing, while providing advisory, configuration upgrades & enhancement services to ensure seamless operations.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Cloud Hosting

    An intelligent ERP that you control on any hyperscale you choose - AWS Azure, Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure). A cloud solution offering total control over infrastructure, applications and security levels, providing complete control for applications as well as infrastructure management needs. We specialize in SAP S/4HANA implementation services along with on-going support services for our cloud solution customers.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA On-Premise Software

    This enterprise ERP software can meet the needs of all businesses, with tailoring capabilities, modifications capabilities and perpetual license. Perfectly adaptable across industries or infrastructure settings - make this your go-to choice now.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Asset Management

    Machines and sensors enable you to effectively analyze business and other sources, helping you detect roadblocks, downtime issues and more to efficiently run your organization. With SAP S/4HANA Asset Management, machines and sensors make analysis faster so you can predict roadblocks more accurately before they arise and prevent issues before they arise.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Human Resources

    Effectively engage your workforce, from contingent workers to permanent employees - using an inclusive SAP S/4HANA Human Resources system.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing

    Recognizing material issues, their alternatives, and any related outcomes. Maximize visibility across production, demand, and stock to achieve operational efficiencies across your entire business.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Financial

    Allows you to organize all of your data into an easily accessible central source that allows for reliable predictions, simulations and adaptive plans that continually alter in pursuit of better results.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Marketing and Commerce

    Gather all customer data in one central place so as to measure advanced analytics and gain more deep insight with SAP S/4HANA Marketing and Commerce Systems.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & Procurement

    Gain visibility of indirect materials, direct goods, services and contingent labor all on one platform of SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & Procurement.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain

    Use what-if scenarios to help guide your monthly planning and sales cycles, while supply chain management must rely on short-term demand forecasting.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    SAP S/4HANA Sales

    Advanced analytics can make the most out of your sales insights, helping to manage accounts, opportunities and activities effectively and productively. CIS’s SAPS/4HANA can give your organization an advantage with its many features that give an edge against your competition.

Our Capabilities With SAP S/4HANA

Customers benefit from our deep understanding of business processes and technological know-how, along with our technology expertise. We can assist with implementation or migration to S/4HANA business process re-engineering/evolution road map definition, creating business cases to support business goals realization and attainment.

  • Software Development Services

    Value Roadmap

    At the core of any successful digital transformation is creating a Value Roadmap with an insightful business case. Understanding business context and strategic priorities are crucial in order to outline success criteria that align with organizational alignment priorities. At CIS, we take an insight-driven approach combining industry best practices and proprietary tools with user experience management as we help accelerate realizing value faster for them.

  • Software Development Services

    Design, Implement and Migrate S/4HANA

    SAP S/4HANA is at the core of an intelligent enterprise. In order to maximize its value and next-generation business processes, selecting an implementation approach suitable to either migrating from SAP ECC or Greenfield projects is vital in order to get maximum benefit out of this solution. Our global delivery team has successfully carried out almost 80+ such projects worldwide with rapid transitions (Brownfield), complete process redesign (Greenfield) or hybrid scenarios such as Selective Data Transition or Bluefield.

  • Software Development Services

    Business Process Optimization

    For organizations competing in today's challenging business environments, optimizing resource allocation and standardizing processes throughout is vitally important to maintaining efficiency and competitive edge. Our Business Process Optimization services identify inefficiencies within business processes as opportunities. This provides a means to maximizing SAP implementation's return.

  • Software Development Services

    Digitalization of Business Processes

    With radical transformations and fiercer competition looming large over the horizon, companies must re-evaluate and transform their business models to generate differentiated value for themselves and differentiate against competition. We help companies do just this through using cutting edge intelligent technologies as not just technical tools for technical purposes. Rather as part of an overall strategic approach aimed at making organizations operate across different industries and business lines more effectively. This involves showing companies concrete examples to illustrate 'feasible strategies' while devising comprehensive strategic approaches which leverage cutting edge intelligent technologies as part of creating differentiated value creation chains in an aging global environment.

Accelerate S/4HANA Transformation

Our rapid implementation schedule guarantees a successful transformation into S/4HANA for you and ensures smooth business operations from day one.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Enhance Business Capabilities

    Improve real-time data quality, automate processes and streamline operations to gain new functionality for business growth.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Compare Migration Scenarios

    Evaluate different migration methods that best match your business requirements. Options could include new system implementation, conversion from an existing system or selective data transfers.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Optimize Your Transformation Strategy

    With superior IT landscape transformation and production planning skills that incorporate cutting-edge data handling techniques, you can drive sustainable and impactful change within an organization.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Need A Road Map That Is Clear

    A transformation schedule keeps your organization up to date while you focus on core activities.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Experience SAP Dedication

    Join a team dedicated solely to SAP solutions and S/4HANA that understands its capabilities for driving business success.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Get Full-Scale Implementation

    Our one-stop implementation services will assist with every stage of S/4HANA implementation from initial consultation through post-deployment.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Access Hands-On Leader

    Implementation projects of SAP can only be successful when conducted under the leadership of experienced and knowledgeable IT specialists.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Reduce Cost with Cloud Solutions

    Make an impactful statement while cutting total expenses through cloud solutions which offer greater functionality than legacy enterprise software packages.

SAP S/4HANA: Challenges and Solutions

  • iot-solutions

    Migration of SAP S/4HANA Without Cause to Business Activities

    CIS provides a five-step approach for identifying areas of potential value realization within SAP S/4HANA, from business case creation and project setup, through business case definition and setup, project risk assessments and accurate project plans with up to 95% risk-proof results. Utilizing powerful proprietary tool sets like "S/4Assist" and "HANA Code Migration and Optimization (CMO), our experts estimate effort required to mitigate custom code impacts as well as determine which percentage can be automatically remediated, providing project plans which are accurate with up to 95% risk-proof project plans that ensure accurate project plans with 95% risk-proof plans that remain accurate over the entirety of each project plan's development lifecycle.

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    Costs of Incremental Deployment and Execution

    A comprehensive CIS adoption roadmap and strategy help enterprises select the appropriate SAP S/4HANA products (such as Enterprise Management for MTE or STE environments, public cloud versions for S/4HANA (MTE/STE versions), greenfield or brownfield deployment strategies and methods (greenfield/brownfield conversion of systems to Central Finance etc), deployment strategies/methodologies etc). Adopting SAP S/4HANA should be as seamless as possible to maximize business benefits.

  • iot-solutions

    Utilizing Use Case-based Proof of Concept (PoC)

    Rapid prototyping or Proof of Concept is possible by taking advantage of either our HANA lab, cloud infrastructure provided by hardware partners or our preconfigured CIS Catalyst SAP S/4HANA solutions, pre-configured for various industries and featuring SAP's best practices with industry specific solutions based on best practice templates. Combined together, this can reduce overall design times and costs up to 20%. Our use-case based PoC solution could help enterprises reduce overall design time/cost by at least this much!

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    Migration of HANA Suite on HANA

    Our Suite to SAP HANA Migration-in-a-Box service offers customer-specific recommendations based on the VRM framework (Value Realization Method). In addition, we implement HANA database systems to enable real-time decision-making systems. HANA CMO and Panaya CloudQuality Suite, along with Database Migration Option(DMO) runbooks are proprietary tools used for SoH migration and process automation reducing migration time up to 50-70% while effort by 50-70%.

  • iot-solutions

    Convert SAP ECC Systems to S/4HANA

    Our System Conversion Service from Enterprise Content Catalog to Enterprise Resource Planning uses our "Safe Passage" methodology and work packages are provided that allow for rapid prototyping, fast build and test cycles and migration processes accelerated migrations at reduced risks and costs of up to 20%.

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    Implementation of SAP S/4HANA System Conversion

    Many businesses want a hybrid approach for transitioning to SAP S/4HANA while adding functionality from its new functionalities into existing business processes. In response, CIS offers a hybrid solution utilizing Shell Copy technology which enables enterprises to move legacy systems over into SAP S/4HANA while at the same time changing business processes or adding features as they need.

SAP S/4HANA as Your Path to Success

Migrating to SAP's Business Suite SAP S/4HANA should not be seen as an optional endeavor. Rather, migration should be planned well in advance of ECC 6's end in 2027. Plan now so you are well positioned when it's time for sunsetting.

Success with migration hinges upon selecting an effective implementation strategy. That may involve local implementations with modified infrastructure designed to accommodate exponential growth while still supporting fast innovation cycles or opting for proven private or public clouds that offer two innovation cycles annually, or perhaps you intend on deploying your version at hyperscaler rather than maintaining self-managed infrastructure yourself. We are there for you as your ideal partner.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Conversion of SAP Systems (Brownfield)

    Convert from SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA. If your SAP system has been optimized with minimal modifications made over time, and has only seen minor alterations of landscape changes made through changes such as conversion/upgrades/migrations - conversion to S/4HANA may be appropriate. It would also be worthwhile evaluating the current state using one of our SAPS/4HANA assessments before making this decision.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Hybrid: Simplifying For Rapid Value Creation

    An optimal choice for large companies using both SAP ERP and non-SAP systems, consolidating into an SAP S/4HANA global system or selective data migration allows rapid enterprise-level benefits, soft closing at any time, inventory forecasting and budget simulation simulation are among them quickly to be realized. We partner closely with SNP Crystal Bridge as part of this approach for planning to start. With Assessment Package or the RISE for SAP version this planning can also take place easily.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Greenfield SAP: Entering the SAP World

    Does your SAP landscape still resemble that created in the 90s or earlier? Now is the time to take an important leap into the 21st century. Utilize central core digital, without modifications or workarounds, without restrictions or modifications required of you or anyone else involved in its implementation.

Why Partner With CIS?

CIS is an SAP Gold Partner and boasts teams dedicated to product innovation, SAP S/4HANA development and delivery as well as new industry solutions. Our experienced in-house specialists assist customers to analyze, predict and transact in real time in an ever more uncertain world. Our efficient methodology can accelerate your move to SAP S/4HANA, with proven expertise across different industries ensuring rapid return of investment for you and us alike.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Deep S/4HANA Experience

    At CIS, we boast an average experience in the SAP industry of 12+ years during which they have performed many successful migrations to SAP HANA as well as conversions from S/4HANA.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Increased ROI

    Our experts will assist in optimizing your SAP investment while taking full advantage of S/4HANA capabilities to transform into an intelligent enterprise.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Reduce Risk and Downtime

    Use best practices and proven techniques from real world experience for an easy migration into S/4HANA.

  • Cloud Management Tools
    Support From Start to Finish

    At every step along your S/4HANA journey, from planning through implementation and post conversion support through support post conversion and continuous development, we will be with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

SAP HANA is an in memory data solution which manages data in memory. As such, it enables real-time predictive analytics and transaction processing with real time transactions being processed real time through its capabilities of data services, advanced analytics, app development administration as well as openness.

SAP users must migrate from ERP, ECC to S/4HANA as it is a strategic necessity. Three technical methods exist for making the switch over successfully.

  • System Conversion: This technique involves performing an in-place technical conversion from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA.
  • Reimplementation or New Implementation (or both): This approach implements new business processes using pre-configured SAP Model Company solutions, while making necessary modifications based on new innovations or simplifying existing processes as necessary.
  • Selective Data Migration: This approach proposes value-driven migration of data onto the S4 HANA Platform by migrating only select pieces per organizational unit.

SAP ECC, commonly referred to as ERP, is its legacy enterprise application suite that covers an array of business and industry applications available as modules that can be installed onto virtually any database at will by users. SAP S/4HANA replaces ECC, S4 HANA (SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA) offers intelligent ERP capabilities built specifically around running on its in-memory database system (SAP HANA).

SAP announced their plans to retire ECC by 2027 and move all users over to S/4HANA. Their support of SAP ECC beyond that year will no longer exist.

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    Lemmer, Netherlands


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    Scotland, United Kingdom


    Super Work The application is better than I expected it to be. This was quite a fluid arrangement as I was not totally sure what I required, Abhi and the rest of his team were very patient and discussed all aspects of the project with me. Any changes I requested

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    North Carolina, United States


    Did a great job, and in time asked for it. The Parental control application I was looking at was a single module in the final product. Very innovative with ideas and implementations. Thanks!

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    United Kingdom


    Very diligent and hard-working. When given sufficient information, we were able to produce a good-quality product in a quick time. Would use them again.

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    New York, United States


    Outstanding work even with some of the last minute changes they coded the program changes without any problems.

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    Georgia, United States


    Amit and team did a superb job, and did much more than they were required. Communication is very professional. Recommend these guys every time. I will use it again.

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    Florida, United States


    Superb Communication will go the extra mile to please and best of all the quality of code is excellent! Thanks CIS!

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    A+ coding yet again. CIS is quick to respond to bugs and even quicker to fix them. I really enjoy the professionalism and dedication of this team!

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    Illinois, United States


    CIS did an excellent job on my project. I gave them a week to get it done and they got it done within 1 day! They are very knowledgeable and easy to get in touch with. I definitely plan to use them in the future.

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    United Kingdom


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    Thanks! This is only the start. We are bound to do great things together.

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    I’ve outsourced my joomla CMS website development project to Cyber Infrastructure, CIS, I would just like to thank you for the good work you did. It was really efficient and understanding all the things we need, really great. We will come back for


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